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Assessment Procedure - Adjustments (including Special Consideration)

This Procedure is applicable to all subjects that commence on or after Semester 1, 2025.

Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Academic – Academic Board
Accountable Executive – Policy Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
Review Date 22 April 2027
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure outlines the conditions under which adjustments may be made to assessment arrangements and outcomes, including:

  1. continuing modified arrangements (Reasonable Adjustments) that are documented in a Learning Access Plan for students with ongoing conditions that impact on their studies;
  2. Short Extensions and Other Adjustments that are:
    1. requested by a student when their performance in assessment tasks will be or has been impacted by short-term adverse circumstances, or 
    2. initiated by the University in defined circumstances when a student is identified as academically at risk, or where their academic progress is impacted by the outcomes of assessment.
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Section 3 - Scope

(2) Refer to the Assessment Policy.

(3) Provisions for adjustments to marks as an outcome of a student request for a review are outlined in the Assessment Procedure - Validation and Moderation. 

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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions Role
Granting of short extensions Automatic via StudentOnline
Application of late penalties  Relevant assessor
Eligibility for Special Consideration  Student Administration
Review of Special Consideration eligibility decision  Deputy Director, Student Administration
Outcome of eligible applications for Special Consideration Subject Coordinator
Review of Special Consideration Outcome Course Coordinator or ADLT
Granting of a Replacement Examination Date (RED) Student Administration
Review of RED decision Deputy Director, Student Administration
Eligibility for a Conceded Pass  Subject Coordinator
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(4) This Procedure forms part of the Assessment Policy suite which governs its application.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Overview

(5) While students normally initiate an application for an adjustment themselves, academic staff and student advisors may also recommend that individual students deemed to be academically at risk apply for adjustments to assessment at the same time as referring them to appropriate support services.

(6) All applications for Short Extensions or Other Adjustments are completed using the respective sections of the Adjustments Form on the La Trobe website. 

(7) Applications for Short Extensions for eligible assessment tasks are automatically granted if submitted within the deadline (see below). 

(8) Student Administration undertake initial assessment of all applications for Other Adjustments and undertakes one of the following actions:

  1. determines that a student is eligible for Special Consideration and refers the application to Subject Coordinators for an outcome;
  2. determines that a student is eligible for a Replacement Examination Date and puts appropriate arrangements in place;
  3. determines that a student is not eligible for an adjustment and advises them accordingly.

Part B - Submission of Assessments

(9) Assessment tasks must be submitted by 11.59 pm on the due date (or 12.00am where systems do not allow 11.59pm). Exceptions to this include performative and point-in-time assessments (such as presentations, practical classes, and examinations), where students are required to submit materials during or at the conclusion of an event.

Part C - Ongoing (Reasonable) Adjustments

(10) The University provides modified assessment arrangements, known as Reasonable Adjustments, to accommodate students with Neurodiversity, an ongoing medical or mental health condition, or a disability that may impact upon their studies, in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and the Disability Standards for Education (2005). This support extends to students who are primary carers with an ongoing condition or who are frail and aged.

(11) Ongoing Reasonable Adjustments to assessment conditions for students with appropriate circumstances are established as part of a Learning Access Plan (LAP) with advisors within the Student Experience and Employability Division.

(12) Where students with a LAP require any of the adjustments outlined in this Procedure, they should apply through the processes outlined in this Procedure but may be permitted more time in which to apply and more flexibility may be granted for the adjustment.

(13) Where specific adjustments are noted in a student’s LAP, the Plan must be used as the evidence for the requested adjustment. Where further evidence is required, this will be stated in the evidence requirements on the relevant web pages and forms.

Part D - Short Extensions of Time


(14) Short Extensions of three calendar days are available for students experiencing short-term difficult circumstances that impact the completion of eligible assessment tasks (see Definition section).

(15) Students with a LAP that includes further extensions as a Reasonable Adjustment are granted an extension of 10 calendar days from the due date of their assessment (see also Applications section below).

(16) Extensions of time to a new date are normally not allowable for performative or point-in-time assessments, such as timed tests, observed practice or live presentations. Students who require an alternative time or date for any tests or other point-in-time scheduled assessment event to be held during a teaching period should in the first instance discuss options available to them with their Subject Coordinator. If no alternative options are available, they should consider whether their circumstances warrant an application for Special Consideration.

(17) A Short Extension is available for each eligible assessment task and is granted only once for each task. Any additional extension requests for the same assessment task require an application for Special Consideration where the circumstances are appropriate.


(18) Applications for Short Extensions must be submitted no later than 11.55pm on the due date of the assessment. Students are not required to submit supporting evidence with the Short Extension application.

(19) Late applications for Short Extensions will not be accepted. Students who require an extension who have failed to apply before the due date, including students with LAPs, may apply for Special Consideration where they believe they face appropriate circumstances (see Special Consideration section below).

(20) Students are notified as soon as possible of the new due date for their assessment and the extension is recorded in the Learning Management System.

Students With a LAP

(21) Students with a LAP will be required to provide a copy of their plan as part of their application. Where students apply after the due date of their assessment, the extension of 10 calendar days will be applied from their due date. Where an application is made after the 10 calendar days students will be directed to apply for Special Consideration.

Overdue Submissions

(22) The standard penalty for the late submission of an assessment task without or beyond an approved Short Extension will be five per cent of the total possible mark per calendar day that the task is overdue. Where a student is subsequently granted Special Consideration the penalty is removed.

(23) Work will not be assessed if the submission is overdue by more than five calnedar days after:

  1. the original submission date without an approved extension;
  2. any approved extension for that student (including those granted under any Learning Access Plan or Special Consideration application).

Part E - Other Adjustments


(24) Students may experience circumstances that require an adjustment other than a Short Extension. When students experience unforeseen circumstances of a more serious and acute nature that have impacted or will impact the execution of an assessment task or have specific obligations that clash with a scheduled examination, they may need an Other Adjustment.

(25) Such circumstances must:

  1. be of short-term impact;
  2. be outside a student’s control;
  3. have or will have a significant impact on a student’s ability to complete an assessment task.

(26) The options for adjustment to assessment in such circumstances include:

  1. Special Consideration: a range of potential adjustments for acute, significant, and unexpected circumstances;
  2. Replacement Examination Date: for students who are prevented by exceptional circumstances from undertaking an examination or assessment on the scheduled date during the Final Assessment Period.

Eligible Circumstances

All Students

(27) The circumstances which may lead to a need to apply for an Other Adjustment include:

  1. medical, mental health, or compassionate grounds, such as:
    1. giving or having just given birth;
    2. psychological issues;
    3. surgery or hospitalisation;
    4. illness of the student or a close family member;
    5. death or funeral of a close family member;
  2. military service;
  3. the student being selected to participate in a state, national or international sporting, artistic, cultural, academic, religious or civil event;
  4. other cultural or religious commitments;
  5. emergency services duty or jury service;
  6. other unavoidable commitments on the day of an assessment event such as unavoidable and unexpected employment commitments.

(28) The determination of eligibility for an Other Adjustment, and the requirements for associated evidence, will take into account cultural context where appropriate, such as recognition of activities associated with Sorry Business for Indigenous students.

(29) The responsibilities and workload associated with holding the office of president of a Recognised Student Organisation are recognised as grounds for obtaining an Other Adjustment.

Students with a LAP

(30) Students with a LAP may apply for an Other Adjustment where they believe their circumstances warrant an adjustment not provided for in their LAP. This includes when they experience:

  1. an exacerbation of the condition for which their LAP was developed;
  2. unrelated circumstances of an acute nature;
  3. an obligation outside their control (as listed in the Eligible Circumstances section) that prevents them undertaking an examination on a scheduled date.

Ineligible Circumstances

(31) Other Adjustments will not be granted for:

  1. voluntary representation at student club or society activities;
  2. losing access to the Learning Management System because a compulsory module/s was not completed by the due date;
  3. misreading the assessment submission date, or the Final Assessment Period timetable for examinations;
  4. information technology or communication technology related issues that could have been prevented, or the effects minimised, with reasonable diligence by students (e.g. uploading correct files, allowing sufficient time to upload, ensuring the equipment is suitable, failing to save or back up documents or files);
  5. online examinations, where students experienced a technical issue (such as a brief interruption to power and/or internet service provision), and where the issue was resolved and the student received additional time to complete the examination; 
  6. supplementary assessments; or 
  7. rescheduled deferred assessments.

(32) Adjustments are not considered for circumstances such as:

  1. normal employment commitments;
  2. personal travel or social plans such as weddings.

Part F - Special Consideration

All Students


(33) Students may submit an application for Special Consideration in appropriate circumstances any time prior to the scheduled date of the assessment task, or no later than five business days after the scheduled date, unless exceptional circumstances apply or they have a LAP.

(34) Exceptional circumstances must have occurred during the period in which an application would normally be made, be accompanied by evidence for the delay, and are limited to:

  1. medical incapacitation or hospitalisation;
  2. an emergency event, such as an accident;
  3. death of a significant other or close family member.

(35) Students are not eligible for Special Consideration if at the time of application, they have already:

  1. submitted the assessment task for marking; 
  2. performed an assessment task, e.g. a presentation or a lab.

Supporting Evidence Requirements

(36) All applications for Special Consideration must be accompanied by supporting evidence (see webpage). All supporting evidence must clearly demonstrate the impact the circumstances had on the student’s ability to undertake the assessment task and be submitted:

  1. on official letterhead (where applicable), signed and dated;
  2. in English or translated by an accredited translation service. 

Stage One - Assessment of Eligibility

(37) Applications for Special Consideration will undergo preliminary screening by Student Administration to confirm students’ eligibility.

(38) An application can be declined for failure to meet eligibility criteria (see Part E) or for any of the following reasons:

  1. the dates on the supporting evidence do not correspond with the dates the student advises they were affected by the exceptional circumstances; 
  2. the supporting evidence does not demonstrate that the circumstances impacted the student’s ability to undertake the assessment task; 
  3. the evidence submitted (including medical certificates) is fraudulent (see section on Supporting Evidence above); 
  4. documentation is unclear or illegible; 
  5. the student fails to produce the original or certified documents on request;
  6. official documentation has been backdated. 

(39) If an application for Special Consideration for an incomplete examination is declined, the original exam paper will be assessed as usual.

Additional Special Consideration for the Same Task

(40) Additional Special Consideration may only be granted for the same assessment task one further time, and only where extraordinary circumstances have made it impossible for the student to complete their assessment task. In these circumstances a student needs to provide additional evidence of incapacitation or hospitalisation at the time a special assessment task was scheduled or verification that there has been no improvement in their condition or the severity of their original circumstances.

(41) Applications for additional Special Consideration for the same task are assessed by the Deputy Director, Student Administration or nominee, in consultation with advisors within the Student Experience and Employability Division as required.

Stage Two - Outcomes of Eligible Applications

(42) Student Administration will submit applications that have been assessed as eligible to the relevant Subject Coordinator normally within five business days of receipt.

(43) The Subject Coordinator will consider the following in determining an outcome for an eligible application:

  1. the level of impact of the circumstances on the student’s ability to complete or perform the assessment task;
  2. the degree of concurrence between the timing of the adverse circumstance and the timing of the assessment task;
  3. what the most appropriate outcome is for the individual student given the circumstances;
  4. what outcomes the University can feasibly and reasonably provide.

(44) Outcomes should normally be provided by the Subject Coordinator or relevant staff member within five business days of receiving the application from Student Administration. The possible outcomes of a successful application are as follows:

  1. extension of an assessment task due date;
  2. removal of a late penalty;
  3. the allocation of a replacement internal assessment task (organised by the Subject Coordinator);
  4. an invitation for the student to resubmit the original assessment task;
  5. a waiving of the affected assessment component and the re-weighting of other components of assessment in the subject;
  6. a one-off arrangement in the case of a workplace-based subject and/or a clinical or teaching practicum (i.e., a subject taught in conjunction with a third party);
  7. a special examination (SPE) scheduled within the next special examination period or at another appropriate time (organised by Student Administration).

(45) Where the outcome of an application for Special Consideration is for the student to sit a Supplementary examination in the next scheduled special examination period after an initial attempt of the examination was made, the results of the first examination will not be taken into consideration.

(46) When a Special Consideration outcome is granted, the Subject Coordinator is responsible for applying the appropriate Administrative Code on the student’s record in the Student Information System in accordance with the Assessment Schedule - Grades and Administrative Codes.

(47) No mark or final grade will be released until any required re-submission or substitute assessment has been completed.

(48) The results of any assessment task awarded under this section should normally be finalised no more than three weeks after completion of the assessment task.

(49) Honours and Masters coursework students who are granted an extension of time for submission of their thesis as an outcome of a Special Consideration application must be made aware of the potential delay to the examination of their thesis.

(50) If an application for Special Consideration is rejected, either on the grounds of eligibility or by the Subject Coordinator, the student will be notified of the reason for the decision and, where appropriate, any other options available in their circumstances.

Extensions Beyond the End of the Scheduled Final Assessment Period

(51) In extreme circumstances the relevant Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching may approve an extension beyond the end of the Final Assessment Period. An extension in these circumstances may not extend beyond 90 calendar days of the results release date of the applicable teaching period.

Requests for Review

(52) If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of their application for Special Consideration, and they have grounds to believe that this Procedure has not been correctly applied, they may seek a review within five business days of receiving the decision, as follows:

  1. if the decision is in relation to their eligibility for Special Consideration, they may apply for a review by the Deputy Director, Academic Services or nominee, via the Submit a Review Form;
  2. if the decision is in relation to the determination of an outcome by the relevant Subject Coordinator, they may seek a review from the Course Coordinator or Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching.

Part G - Replacement Examination Dates

(53) Students are expected to make arrangements to undertake scheduled examinations or assessments at the designated time regardless of their normal commitments, including but not limited to normal work and carer duties, and personal travel or social arrangements.

(54) This section describes processes for students to follow when they have an unavoidable commitment that prevents them from participating in an assessment or examination to be held during the Final Assessment Period held following each teaching period (see Short Extension section for assessments held during the teaching period).

(55) When a student cannot sit a scheduled examination or assessment in the Final Assessment Period because of special and foreseeable circumstances beyond their control (See Eligibility section), they may apply for a Replacement Examination Date using the Adjustment Form.

(56) Students who have an examination or assessment scheduled on a Saturday in the Final Assessment Period may also apply for a Replacement Examination Date where they do not have access to their normal child-care arrangements.

(57) An application for a Replacement Examination Date should normally be lodged as follows:

  1. students enrolled in term-based subjects should apply no later than five business days prior to the commencement of the Final Assessment Period.
  2. students enrolled in semester-based subjects should apply no later than a minimum of 10 business days prior to the commencement of the Final Assessment Period.

(58) When any student (including a student with a LAP) is unable to attend a scheduled examination or assessment due to an acute medical or unavoidable, unforeseen life event they should apply for Special Consideration through the Adjustment Form.

Students with a LAP

(59) Students with a LAP may already have Reasonable Adjustments in place for assessment or examinations held during the Final Assessment Period. These students should still apply for a Replacement Examination Date where any of the above clashes apply.

Requests for Review

(60) A student may seek a review of a decision in relation to an application for a RED where they believe they have grounds that this Procedure has not been correctly applied. The application for review must be submitted via written response to the decline email within three business days of receiving the decision.

(61) Requests for review will be assessed by the Deputy Director, Academic Services or a nominee who is independent of the original decision.

Part H - Adjustments for Academic Progress

(62) This Part outlines the adjustments to assessment arrangements and grades that may be made within specific parameters by the University when a student’s academic progress is at risk due to their performance in certain tasks or subjects.

(63) This part does not apply to thesis subjects.

Supplementary Assessment

Supplementary Assessment for Failed Hurdle Tasks

(64) A student who has received a pass for a subject (that is obtained a minimum grade of 50% or whatever grade is deemed a pass in a particular subject) but has failed a compulsory (hurdle) requirement for that subject may be granted a Supplementary Assessment.

(65) In these circumstances a temporary Administrative Code will be applied pending the outcome of the supplementary assessment.

(66) If it is impractical for the student to undertake an additional assessment task, such as when the failed hurdle is for a workplace-based assessment, the student is given an ungraded fail (F).

(67) Eligible students are given a minimum of five business days’ notice of the additional assessment opportunity.

(68) Additional assessment is normally undertaken no later than the end of the progression period or the teaching period in which the subject is undertaken unless the hurdle is a point-in-time task that cannot be held within this time frame. The majority of tasks are finalised (results recorded in the Student Information System) no more than five business days following the week in which central special examinations conclude.

(69) The final grade for the subject shall not increase as a result of a student passing a second attempt at a hurdle assessment.

Supplementary Assessment for Failed Final Subjects

(70) Assessments that are predominantly workplace-based and those unable to be replicated via supplementary activities are not eligible for Supplementary Assessment.

(71) In all other cases where a student has failed a subject that is the final subject to complete for the course, an additional assessment to allow the student a second opportunity to pass the subject will be offered, where they:

  1. have completed all the assessment tasks required for the failed subject;
  2. do not qualify for a Conceded Pass in the failed subject; and
  3. have not received a finding of academic misconduct within the current enrolment in this subject under the provisions of the Academic Integrity Statute 2015.

(72) A temporary Administrative Code will be applied to the subject pending the outcome of the supplementary assessment.

(73) If a student passes the additional assessment awarded under this section, the final grade for the subject will be 50D; if the student fails the further assessment, the original Fail result will stand.

(74) Arrangements for additional assessment will be managed by the student’s school of enrolment. The timing, terms and conditions of the assessment must be communicated clearly to the student at least five business days before the assessment task (if the assessment is an event, such as an examination or test). If the assessment requires an output such as an essay, reasonable time must be allowed for completion of the task.

Requests for Review

(75) A student may seek a review of a decision in relation to a supplementary assessment where they believe they have grounds that this Procedure has not been correctly applied. Students should apply in writing within five business days of the decision to the Subject Coordinator, or if they were the original decision maker, to the Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching.

Conceded Passes

(76) This section sets out the circumstances under which the University may adjust a student’s grade for a subject to a Conceded Pass, and the process for doing so.

(77) A Conceded Pass (NC) may be granted for a single coursework subject of 15 or fewer credit points when the following conditions are met:

  1. the student has 60 credit points or less remaining to complete in their course;
  2. the grade obtained in the subject is at least 47% but less than 50%;
  3. the student has submitted all assessment tasks for the subject;
  4. the subject is not required for professional accreditation;
  5. the student is not required to demonstrate professional or clinical competence as part of their assessment requirements;
  6. the subject is not a thesis subject;
  7. the student has not failed a hurdle requirement; and
  8. the student has not received a finding of academic misconduct within the current enrolment in the subject under the provisions of the Academic Integrity Statute 2015.

(78) Where a course consists of only 60 credit points in total students may be awarded a Conceded Pass for any eligible subject where all other conditions have been met.

(79) Subject Coordinators will be asked to confirm that all conditions for the award of a Conceded Pass have been met before the grade is applied by Student Administration.

(80) All conceded passes are terminal and may not be used to satisfy course prerequisites (for example for a subsequent honours year) or requirements for professional accreditation.

(81) Students who are granted a Conceded Pass for a subject may not request a review of any other assessment within the subject but may choose to decline the Conceded Pass and re-enrol in the subject.

(82) Where a student has been granted a Conceded Pass for any subject within the last 60 credit points of their course, they become ineligible for any further Conceded Passes.

Part I - Requests for Further Review

(83) Students who have pursued reviews of decisions made under this Procedure and still believe they have grounds that this Procedure has not been correctly followed may lodge a complaint under the provisions of the Student Complaints Management Policy.

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Section 7 - Definitions

(84) For the purposes of this Policy and Procedure:

  1. adjustments: modified arrangements for the completion and/or grading of a piece of assessment in specified circumstances. Types of adjustments include:
    1. Other Adjustments: an adjustment that any student may apply for when their circumstances warrant an adjustment other than a Short Extension. This is usually Special Consideration or a Replacement Examination Date.
    2. Reasonable Adjustments: modified assessment arrangements to accommodate students with Neurodiversity, an ongoing medical or mental health condition, or a disability that may impact upon their studies;
    3. Short Extension: an extension of three calendar days (or 10 calendar days for students with a LAP) that is granted to students on receipt of an application for eligible assessment tasks;
  2. business day: a day upon which the University is open for business between Monday and Friday;
  3. calendar day: every day on the calendar, including weekends and public holidays;
  4. Conceded Pass: a pass, represented by the grade NC, that may be awarded once where a student has 60 credit points or less remaining in their course, the grade for the subject falls between 47 and 50%, and other conditions outlined in this Procedure are met.
  5. civil event: any formally recognised activity where a student’s attendance is required by any tier of government;
  6. cultural commitment: any formally recognised activity relating to a student’s ethnicity, language and/or culture;
  7. eligible assessment task: an assessment task that has a due date for submission but is not conducted under examination conditions and does not include a point-in-time component (such as a moot, practicum or laboratory-based task). Automatic extensions can be granted for eligible assessment tasks.
  8. examination: a formal, invigilated, time-limited summative assessment task conducted during the Final Assessment Period. Examinations may be on-site or online and may be administered by Student Administration, a school, or a third-party teaching partner.
  9. Final Assessment Period: the designated period, normally following a teaching period and SWOTVAC, where final assessments and/or examinations are held. The schedules for FAPs are published in advance by Student Administration.
  10. hurdle requirement: a condition that must be met by a student to be eligible to receive a passing grade in a subject;
  11. point-in-time assessment task: an assessment task that is only held at a designated time, for example online tests held at a specific time, live presentations, performances etc;
  12. progression period: the period of study at the end of which a student’s academic progress is formally assessed. A progression period may include more than one teaching period. Each subject enrolment will be assigned to a specific progression period according to the last day of the teaching period in which the subject is offered.
  13. Recognised Student Organisation: the La Trobe University Student Union and the La Trobe Student Association;
  14. religious commitment: any formally recognised activity relating to a student’s religion or customary beliefs;
  15. teaching period: the period between the commencement and completion of teaching in a specific subject;
  16. University holiday: those days listed as University holidays under Clause 41 of the Enterprise Agreement 2023.
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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(85) This Procedure is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.

(86) Associated information includes:

  1. Elite Athlete Support Policy
  2. Guidelines and templates on the Assessment Policy intranet