
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Recognition of Student Organisations Policy

Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Governance – University Council
Accountable Executive – Policy Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and Employability)
Review Date 9 December 2025
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) This Policy provides for the recognition of student organisations by the University and establishes core principles for University recognition of student organisations.

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Section 3 - Scope

(2) This Policy applies to any student organisation that meets the criteria in this Policy.

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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions  Role
Not applicable  
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(3) The University acknowledges that there are a range of student organisations which make a significant contribution to the overall student experience at La Trobe University through:

  1. promoting the interests and welfare of students;
  2. representing students within and outside the University; and
  3. enhancing the experience of students while at University, including through the provision of services and amenities.

(4) The University may recognise a student organisation where it is satisfied that a duly incorporated organisation or association meets the following criteria. A recognised student organisation must:

  1. represent the student body of the University at any or all of the campuses of the University;
  2. be capable of carrying out the obligations of any Agreement with the University and adheres to the guidelines of their respective Funding Agreements; and
  3. have clear processes in place for the election of governing members of the organisation that are accessible and democratic.

(5) Nothing in this Policy limits the recognition by the University of student organisations now or in the future.

(6) The University acknowledges the need to work collaboratively with relevant student organisations to achieve optimal outcomes for the student experience at La Trobe University.

(7) The University may assist recognised student organisations through a range of mechanisms, including by:

  1. consulting with the student body, including through recognised student organisations as appropriate, to seek regular feedback from students on academic and administrative policies and other matters that affect student learning. This may occur via formal participation of students on University committees as appropriate;
  2. accepting the recognised student organisations’ right to make representation to the University through the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor's designated representative/s and appropriate University committees regarding matters affecting the student body;
  3. allowing a recognised student organisation to petition the Academic Board or University Council on any matter affecting students of the University. There will be a timely response to any petition received;
  4. making periodic payments of controlled funds to a recognised student organisation, with the terms and conditions of such payments to be set out in a funding agreement;
  5. recognising that the President of a recognised student organisation, who may take Leave of Absence during their tenure, is designated as a student under the La Trobe University Act 2009 (under Section 3  paragraph [b]) (see also Enrolment Procedure - Variations);
  6. granting the President entitlements associated with being designated as a student (see also Assessment Procedure - Adjustments (including Special Consideration));
  7. providing office accommodation and other appropriate resources and facilities for the recognised student organisations to conduct their business; and
  8. providing recognised student organisations with access to University resources in line with policies, procedures and any relevant Funding Agreements.
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Section 6 - Procedures

(8) Nil.

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Section 7 - Definitions

(9) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. The University: La Trobe University.
  2. Recognised Student Organisations: a student-led organisation recognised under this Policy. 
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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(10) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.