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(1) This Policy establishes the framework, language, roles and responsibilities for managing risk at La Trobe University (University). (3) This Policy should be read in conjunction with the University’s Risk Management Framework. (4) Business decisions at the University need to be made in the face of substantial uncertainty and ambiguity in the dynamic and rapidly changing higher education environment. To prosper in this operating context the University needs to take actions which will expose it to risk. The focus of the University is to ensure a sound understanding of the risks that it faces, so that it can maximise benefits and minimise negative outcomes in the achievement of its objectives. Decisions need to be informed by a comprehensive understanding of acceptable risk taking and where risk must be controlled, transferred or avoided. (5) The University’s risk management approach is underpinned by the following guiding principles: (6) The common process for the management of risk across the University is based upon and modified from the International Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO31000:2018). This approach includes a consistent process for the identification, assessment, treatment and monitoring of risk. (7) The University's Risk Management Framework outlines the procedures for ensuring compliance with this Policy. (8) It is the responsibility of all staff, including management, to ensure that risk management is embedded across all decision making and day-to-day operations. (9) The University’s Risk Appetite Statement broadly articulates the level of risk that the University is willing to accept or retain in the pursuit of its objectives. It includes guiding principles that outline the University’s position on risk taking with respect to specific risk categories and subcategories. The University recognises that this document cannot specify the risk appetite for every possible scenario and therefore, it is designed to guide strategic and tactical decision making. In addition, it enables management to better identify opportunities for further risk taking or identify areas where unacceptable risk taking may be occurring. (10) The University manages a diverse range of risks, both strategic and operational. To ensure the right level of management attention is applied to each risk, they are divided and managed within discrete risk profiles. (11) The University’s Enterprise Risk Register (ERR) has been developed and is regularly updated to address relevant strategic and operational risks which, if they were to materialise, would result in significant consequences for the University. (12) The Risk, Audit and Insurance team is responsible for the planning and facilitation of the quarterly review and annual refresh of the ERR. (13) Operational Risk Registers (ORRs) are owned and managed by the respective business areas. These registers serve as an important risk management tool for identifying, assessing and managing risks that may impede the operations of a business area or jeopardise the achievement of its strategic objectives, as well as those of the University. (14) The Portfolio or Division Head, depending on the structure of the ORR, is responsible for the biannual review of their respective register. (15) All senior leaders within each area should participate in the biannual review of their ORR. (16) The Risk, Audit and Insurance team will participate in one of the two reviews with each business area to provide guidance and support as required. (17) A committee of Council, the Corporate Governance, Risk, Internal Audit and Safety Committee (CGRIASC), is tasked with general oversight of governance matters on behalf of Council and its accountabilities are defined in the CGRIASC Terms of Reference. (18) The Senior Executive Group (SEG) is responsible for overseeing the strategic and operational functions of the University, ensuring that risks are appropriately managed through the establishment of appropriate structures, processes and informed decision making in accordance with the requirements of this Policy. In addition, the responsibilities of SEG members include: (19) The Risk, Audit and Insurance team works closely with business areas to develop, implement and support effective risk management processes and to promote a culture of risk awareness throughout the University. Their responsibilities include: (20) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure: (21) Risk: means the effect of uncertainty on objectives. An effect is a deviation from the expected, either positive or negative. Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances or knowledge) and the associated likelihood of occurrence. (22) risk appetite: means the amount and type of risk that the University is willing to accept or retain to achieve its objectives. (23) risk management: means coordinated activities to direct and control the University with regard to risk. (24) risk profile: means a description of any set of risks. The set of risks can contain those that relate to the whole University (enterprise risk profile), part of the University (eg, portfolios, divisions, schools) or as otherwise defined (eg, specific project or event). (25) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Risk Management Policy
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Governance – University Council
Accountable Executive – Policy
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy
Senior Manager, Risk, Audit and Insurance
Review Date
19 December 2025
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
noted in procedures
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - A Common Process for Risk Management
Part B - Risk Appetite
Part C - Risk Profile Structure
Enterprise Risk Profile
Operational Risk Profile
Part D - Responsibilities
Corporate Governance, Risk, Internal Audit and Safety Committee
Senior Executive Group
Risk, Audit and Insurance Team
Top of Page
Section 7 - Definitions
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information