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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) La Trobe University values the diversity of the ethics, culture and religions of the members of its community. (2) It recognises that some students may have conscientious beliefs that conflict with University requirements and aims, where possible, to facilitate students completing their studies without compromising their ethical, religious or cultural convictions. Individual students may request an adjustment when that student has a conscientious objection to a requirement of a subject or course. (3) The University also endeavours to provide an optimal learning environment and sound pedagogy. (4) Nothing in this Policy or Procedure may be taken as allowing less than optimal scholarship including the defence and critique of scholarly research and knowledge. (6) The University will endeavour to include sufficient detail in official University publications for students to identify requirements and activities that may give rise to conscientious objections. (7) A student concerned that they may be required or expected to participate in activities that compromise their ethical, religious or cultural commitments should raise the matter with the relevant teaching staff at the earliest opportunity. (8) Where a student has conscientious objections to participation in a requirement of a course or subject, the University will endeavour to make adjustments on a case by case basis. Adjustments will not be made in the following circumstances: (9) All reasonable attempts will be made to ensure that official publications provide sufficient information for students to determine if they can complete any course without compromising their ethical, religious or cultural convictions. (10) In so far as it can be reasonably anticipated, course and subject information will provide sufficient information (highlighting inherent requirements) for students to determine that they can complete the requirements of the course without compromising their ethical, religious or cultural convictions. (11) Course and subject descriptions will provide advice about the use of animals (alive or dead), human bodies or parts, human tissue or fluids, interaction with people who are not normally staff or students of the subject, interactions that are not commonly part of university teaching and learning (for example, if students will be requested to touch one-another), attendance at cultural places or use of cultural objects, or any other matter that may be reasonably anticipated to give rise to a student’s conscientious objections. (12) Students should not enrol in courses or subjects when they have objections to core requirements that are inherent in the course or subject. Students should also be aware that some courses require study of, and prepare students for professional work with, diverse people, cultures and religions. Students may be required to work within cultural or religious constraints of other peoples (e.g. to provide a health service). (13) A student should provide the Subject Coordinator with written objections as soon as they determines that a requirement conflicts with their ethical, religious or cultural convictions. The objection should include description of the ethical, religious or cultural reasons. (14) When a student conscientiously objects to a subject requirement and it is considered reasonable the coordinator or other teaching staff will endeavour to make an adjustment that provides an equivalent and equitable learning experience. (15) The adjustment should satisfy the student’s objection without changing the learning experience. (16) Subject to the exceptions stated in the Policy, alternatives may include substituting observing other students or staff for direct participation, observation by video or other recording, the use of computer simulation, use of models or manikins, substitution of synthetic or vegetable materials, use of extant data or materials, providing greater privacy and opportunities to work with same-sex students. (17) Adjustments will not normally require significant additional teaching. (18) The response to the objection will be provided by the Subject Coordinator in writing within ten (10) business days, clearly stating any adjustment to the subject requirements. (19) When a student informs a staff member that an activity that they have undertaken has compromised their ethical, religious or cultural convictions, the student should be offered assistance to address the matter and restore their integrity. Referral to particular University staff or religious or cultural authorities may be appropriate. (20) When a student raises an objection and is unable to articulate ethical, religious or cultural reasons for their objection the student should be offered assistance to resolve the matter. That assistance may include referral to counselling or other appropriate resources. (21) When a conscientious objection has been raised and an alternative is not provided (for the reasons allowed by this Policy) counselling the student to change subject or course may be necessary. (22) Where a student is of the opinion that a conscientious objection has not been adequately addressed or a sufficient adjustment has not been made available that student should raise the matter with the relevant Subject Coordinator in the first instance. (23) Where the matter cannot be resolved by the Subject Coordinator the student may seek a review of the decision by the relevant Course Coordinator. (24) If the matter cannot be resolved by the Course Coordinator the student may submit a formal complaint to the Student Complaints Office. (25) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure: (26) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Conscientous Objections Policy
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Academic – Academic Board
Accountable Executive – Policy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
Review Date
10 January 2026
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Determination of possible accommodations in subjects
Subject Coordinator
Reviews of decisions in relation to accommodations in subjects
Course Coordinator
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Official Publications
Course and Subject Descriptions
Students’ Objections
Adjustment of Requirements
Responses to Objections
Supporting Students
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 8 - Authority and Associated Information