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Commemorative Plaques Policy

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) The University makes and receives requests to commemorate long-standing staff members, alumni and friends of La Trobe through the establishment of commemorative plaques. This Policy ensures that these specific requests are managed appropriately.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Policy applies to all:

  1. Schools, campuses, divisions and organisational units of the University;
  2. requests for all commemorative plaques.

(3) This Policy does not apply to institutional plaques installed to commemorate University events and activities (such as building openings).

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(4) University personnel who may be contacted by individuals external to La Trobe who are interested in establishing a commemorative plaque should consult with the La Trobe Advancement before any commitment is made on behalf of La Trobe University.

(5) The La Trobe Advancement will raise the issue with the relevant areas of the University, including Infrastructure and Operations, to co-ordinate the process and ensure that all University regulations and statutes are complied with. 

(6) Any area of the University interested in commemorating a staff member, alumnus or friend of La Trobe in this way should seek advice from the La Trobe Advancement before proceeding with the planning for the project.

Commemorative Plaque Opportunities

(7) Provision for commemorative plaques enables the University to acknowledge those who have a long-standing commitment to the institution, those who have served the University or who in the past have provided generous financial or other support.

(8) The plaque must be attached to a functional item which provides benefit to the University community.  Stand alone plaques, on walls, rocks or in the ground cannot be used for this purpose.

(9) This Policy, within the context of existing University policies, will govern all commemorative plaques associated with:

  1. Benches;
  2. Water fountains;
  3. Drinking fountains;
  4. Trees or plants;
  5. Memorial installations.

Costs Incurred

(10) Costs associated with the purchase and installation of the functional item and the plaque will normally fall to the project proposer (usually the family of the individual to be commemorated).

(11) Where the project proposer is a current member of staff at the University, the costs shall be assigned to the school, department, unit or campus most closely associated with the alumnus, staff member or friend of La Trobe in whose name the commemorative plaque is to be established.

(12) It should be noted that no officer, employee, or volunteer associated with the University should promise, or imply that, in return for covering the costs of the plaque, favourable consideration will be given to:

  1. Appointments that imply School or administrative status not in keeping with usual University processes for such appointments;
  2. Naming a building or other facility without appropriate University policies and procedures being followed;
  3. Granting of student admission, student scholarships, fellowships, other financial benefits, or special considerations in a manner inconsistent with University policies and procedures.
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Section 4 - Procedures


(13) The University La Trobe Advancement will be responsible for the co-ordination, assignment and management of all requests to establish commemorative plaques at the University in honour of former staff members, alumni or friends of La Trobe.

(14) The La Trobe Advancement will work closely with Infrastructure and Operations to manage the implementation of these projects.

(15) The La Trobe Advancement is the organisational unit responsible for assessing all requests for commemorative plaques.

Contact by Potential Donor of a Commemorative Plaque

(16) Individuals or groups (such as a campus, school or division) who receive a communication from a potential donor asking to establish a commemorative plaque in honour of a former staff member, alumnus or friend of La Trobe University should immediately contact the La Trobe Advancement.

(17) Current staff members at the University who are interested in establishing a functional item and plaque in honour of former colleagues, students or friends of La Trobe should register their interest in undertaking this project with the La Trobe Advancement.

La Trobe Advancement Responsibilities

Potential Donors

(18) The La Trobe Advancement is required to make contact with the potential donor and, in consultation with Infrastructure and Operations establish a proposed location for the functional item and the commemorative plaque, the timeframe and the likely costs involved. The La Trobe Advancement is to make the potential donor aware of any relevant issues relating to the proposed location, and the requirement that costs associated with the purchase and installation of the functional item and the plaque will normally fall to the project proposer.

(19) If an internal request is received, the La Trobe Advancement is to make the department aware of the requirement that the costs associated with the purchase and installation of the functional item and the plaque will normally fall to the school, department, unit or campus most closely associated with the alumnus, staff member or friend of the University in whose name the plaque is to be established.

Meetings with Potential Donors

(20) If the donor wishes to proceed with the purchase of a functional item and a commemorative plaque, the La Trobe Advancement will arrange a meeting between the donor and key staff members in the relevant areas of the organisation, together with a representative from the Facilities Management and Marketing and Engagement (if required). 

(21) At this meeting the following is to be agreed:

  1. Location of the functional item;
  2. Wording for the plaque;
  3. Purchase of item (e.g. bench, fountain etc);
  4. Nature of the ceremony associated with installation (if required);
  5. Maintenance and lifecycle issues relevant to the installation;
  6. Timeframe for the ceremony or installation.

Approval of Proposal

(22) The La Trobe Advancement is responsible for seeking advice and input on the project from the Vice-Chancellor and/or Chancellor as appropriate and for confirming approval of the project through the Office of the Vice-President (Administration), via the Executive Director, Asset Transformation.

Establishment of Plaques

(23) The La Trobe Advancement is responsible for managing the purchase and installation of the plaque project, in conjunction with staff from the relevant areas of the organisation.  This includes arranging for any legal agreements should these need to be drafted and approved.

Stewardship of Donors of Plaques

(24) The La Trobe Advancement will oversee the stewardship and manage the relationship with the donor, in conjunction with the relevant areas of the University.

(25) In addition, the La Trobe Advancement will be responsible for the logistics and details of any relevant ceremony relating to the installation.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(26) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Alumni: former students of the University;
  2. Plaque: a flat fixed ornamental plate or tablet used to mark a significant event or person.