
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

How to make a comment?

1. Use this Protected Document to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.

2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.

3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.

4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.


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Subject Minimum Online Policy

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) In accordance with the Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities, a minimum amount of information should be provided for all students in a consistent manner for every subject. This information should be provided two weeks in advance of the commencement of the teaching period. This Policy outlines the minimum information required to be displayed online in the Learning Management System (LMS) site for any given coursework subject, and is aligned to the University’s goals with respect to the Digital Learning Strategy.

(2) A minimum amount of information will be provided online in a consistent manner for each subject in the Learning Management System (LMS).

(3) This information provides the basis for and will be consistent with, the Subject Learning Guide. However, the subject information provided within the Learning Management System (LMS) and Subject Learning Guide may be more detailed than the minimum described in this Policy.

(4) This Policy ensures that all students will have online access to current and essential subject and policy information.

(5) Information concerning University policies should always refer the reader to the Policy Library rather than paraphrasing or reproducing information. In cases of conflict between University policy and any guidance provided on LMS sites or in Subject Learning Guides, University policy will be the source of truth.

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Section 2 - Scope

(6) Applies to:

  1. All campuses;
  2. All undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects;
  3. All subject coordinators.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(7) All undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects will have an online presence in the University Learning Management System (LMS).

(8) The following information will be provided as a minimum requirement:

  1. Subject Offer Details, including Subject Coordinator and Subject Instance Coordinator details;
  2. Subject Description;
  3. A contextualised response to feedback received through the Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) survey on the previously taught instance of the subject;
  4. Subject Intended Learning Outcomes;
  5. Learning Activity Summary;
  6. Assessment and Feedback Summary;
  7. Learning Resources and Technologies;
  8. Student Support Services;
  9. Library Services.

(9) The University will establish templates in the LMS for displaying the minimum information requirements.

(10) Where multiple templates are established, there will be a consistent method of displaying the minimum information requirements across all templates.

(11) Normally, known information residing in University systems will be used to automatically populate the LMS template(s) with the minimum required information.

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Section 4 - Procedure

Subject Offer Details

(12) This section provides the following information:

  1. Subject Title;
  2. Subject Code;
  3. Credit Points;
  4. Semester and Year of Offer;
  5. Prerequisite and Co-requisite details including any other required previous knowledge and/or resources (i.e. broadband access; mobile device, etc);
  6. Campus(es) of Offer;
  7. Subject Coordinator and Subject Instance Leader names and email addresses.

Subject Description

(13) This section briefly outlines, in a paragraph or two:

  1. the scope of the subject content;
  2. mode of delivery and what, in general terms, students will be required to do;
  3. how the subject relates to other subjects (core, major, prerequisite etc); and 
  4. how the subject relates to University initiatives, such as the Essentials and Work Integrated Learning.

Response to Prior Student Feedback on Subject

(14) This applies only to subjects not being offered for the first time. This section communicates:

  1. The ‘Overall Satisfaction’ score received in the Student Feedback Survey (SFS) on that subject instance in the most recent teaching period in which the subject was taught;
  2. A summary of qualitative feedback received on that subject instance in the most recent teaching period in which the subject was taught;
  3. A summary of any other relevant feedback data for clinical and field placement subjects;
  4. A paragraph providing a contextualised response to that feedback, which describes and explains any action that has been taken to enhance or improve the subject in light of this feedback.

Subject Intended Learning Outcomes

(15) This section provides students with the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for the subject and how they are aligned with:

  1. Assessment tasks; and,
  2. Course ILOs where the subject is core to a specific course or major, 
  3. The Essentials (where relevant) 

(16) Where a specific Subject ILO addresses one of the Graduate Capabilities or an Essential, the Graduate Capability and/or Essential should be indicated in brackets after the ILO.

Learning Activity Summary

(17) This section informs students of the expected time commitment associated with the subject, both contact time (lectures tutorials, practicals etc), and non-contact time (research, reading etc). Where possible, this will be expressed as a weekly time commitment.

(18) If there are activities such as off-campus fieldwork; online discussions etc, details and time commitments associated with these activities will also be provided.

(19) Details of class allocation (e.g. tutorial allocation) must be provided including date and time where students are required to self-allocate.

Assessment and Feedback Summary

(20) This section provides the student with an understanding of the types of assessments they will be expected to complete; how they relate to the Intended Learning Outcomes and Essentials, the effort required e.g. word limits, hours of required laboratory work;; and the contribution each assessment task makes to the final subject mark.

(21) Describe any assessment hurdle requirements, including attendance in this section.

(22) Also describe details of how and when feedback on assessment will be provided to students.

Required Learning Resources and Technologies

(23) This section provides details of the required texts, readings, and other resources.

(24) It should also include a list of any educational technologies and/or programs or applications required to complete the subject and a link to student facing instructional materials for the use of each technology.

(25) This section should also list and where possible, include links to, relevant learning support resources.

Recommended Learning Resources and Technologies

(26) If applicable, this section lists any recommended but not required readings, learning resources and technologies.

Learning and Student Support Services

(27) This section contains links to the Library; Counselling Services, Equity and Disability Support Unit, Accommodation Services etc; and other relevant information about learning and student support services.

(28) The content of this section will be automatically populated into each LMS site.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(29) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure:

  1. Graduate Capabilities: High-level learning outcomes that are described in discipline-specific terms.
  2. Essentials: vital areas of learning that are embedded in curriculum and which all La Trobe undergraduate students will experience to foster the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to become future ready in the workplace and the wider world. The Essentials are subject to revision, but are currently Global Citizenship, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Thinking.
  3. Intended Learning Outcome (ILO): statements of what students are expected to demonstrate that they know and are able to do at the end of a period of learning and how well.
  4. LMS: the University Online Learning Management System.
  5. Subject Learning Guide: the guide given to students for each subject that provides detailed information about the subject including week by week activities and assessments.
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Section 6 - Stakeholders

Responsibility for implementation – Subject Coordinators; Heads of School and Departments; College Education Team Leaders; Executive Director, Quality and Standards; Associate Pro Vice-Chancellors (Coursework); Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Quality and Innovation).
Responsibility for monitoring implementation and compliance – College Coursework Committees; Associate Pro-Vice Chancellors (Coursework); Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Quality and Innovation).