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Health and Safety Procedure - Governance and Leadership

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out the governance structure and the leadership accountabilities and responsibilities for managing Health and Safety across the University. 

(2) A clear structure of governance is fundamental to define the accountabilities and responsibilities for delivering the Health and Safety principles as articulated in the Policy Statement. The actions of leadership enable the structures of governance and bring the principles of Health and Safety to life.

(3) Refer to the Health and Safety Governance Structure.

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Section 2 - Scope

(4) Refer to the Health and Safety Policy.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(5) Refer to the Health and Safety Policy.

Top of Page

Section 4 - Procedures

Part A - Health and Safety Governance Structure

Health & Safety Committee

(6) The Health and Safety Committee is a subcommittee of the Senior Executive Group. This Committee provides stewardship for the planning and resource allocation to enable the health and safety principles as articulated in this Policy statement.

(7) The Committee is Chaired by a member of the Senior Executive Group, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and members of the Committee are nominated by the Senior Executive Group.

(8) Meetings are held quarterly and this Committee reports to the Senior Executive Group.

Health & Safety Consultative Committees 

(9) These Committees provide operational implementation and reporting feedback from Safety Management Plans and to broader initiatives undertaken by the University. 

  1. Chaired by a nominee of the School/Administration
  2. Management representatives are nominated into position by the School/Administration 
  3. Employee representatives (including Health and Safety Representatives) are elected by the School/Administration community
  4. Meetings are held quarterly
  5. Report to the Health and Safety Committee

Regional Health & Safety Committees

(10) These are non-mandatory local committees and their purpose is to provide visibility, operational support and reporting feedback on local health and safety issues.

  1. Chaired by a nominee of the regional campus
  2. Management representatives are nominated into position locally
  3. Employee representatives (including Health and Safety Representatives) are nominated and elected locally
  4. Meetings are held quarterly
  5. Reporting remains local to the operational committee of the campus.

Part B - Leadership Accountabilities and Responsibilities

Senior Executive Group (SEG)

(11) The Senior Executive Group will engage and lead a contemporary understanding of health and safety for the University. 
SEG members will broadly understand the hazards and risks across the University. They will provide overarching leadership and stewardship for the planning and resource allocation to manage the hazards and risks. 

(12) Consistent leadership and active stewardship will drive the University’s health and safety principles: 

  1. Compliance with relevant legislation, regulations, licensing, industry standards and recognised codes of practice
  2. Preventative risk management practices
  3. A framework of systematic management of Health and Safety
  4. Measurable objectives and targets to drive improvement
  5. Engagement through consultation and communication 
  6. Encouragement of innovation and continuous improvement
  7. Positive role modelling and knowledge building that spans beyond University life

Pro Vice-Chancellors and Executive Directors

(13) Pro Vice-Chancellors and Executive Directors will engage and lead a contemporary understanding of Health and Safety for the University. 

(14) Pro Vice-Chancellors and Executive Directors will understand the hazards and risks within their portfolios. They will provide leadership and stewardship for the planning and resource allocation to manage these hazards and risks within their positional scope of authority, responsibility and accountability. 

Deans and Heads of Divisions

(15) Deans and heads of Divisions will develop, enable and monitor Safety Management Plans to actively manage the hazards and risks within their portfolios. The Safety Management plans will address and operationalise:

  1. Leadership and commitment
  2. Targets and goals
  3. Emergency response
  4. Communication and consultation
  5. Competence and training
  6. Licensing
  7. Health monitoring
  8. Operational controls
  9. Improvement projects
  10. Inspections and reviews

Managers and Leaders

(16) Managers and leaders will understand the hazards and risks within their sphere of control. Leaders and managers will familiarise themselves with the Safety Management Plan for their area and will work actively to:

  1. Promptly notify of hazards and incidents
  2. Manage the hazards and risk and ensure control measures are implemented and monitored
  3. Provide relevant information, instruction, training and supervision to all persons in their sphere of management control: staff, students, contractors and visitors
  4. Lead and/or participate in hazard management and incident investigation
  5. Lead and/or manage inspections 
  6. Share the lessons learnt with their team from the shared University knowledge and experiences

Staff, Students, Contractors and Visitors

(17) Staff, students, contractors and visitors to the University will:

  1. Follow safe practices and procedures 
  2. Engage co-operatively to support health and safety practices
  3. Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and for those around them
  4. Contribute actively to the continuous improvement of Health and Safety processes 
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Section 5 - Definitions

(18) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Accountability: An aspect of governance where there is an expectation of answerability.
  2. Governance: The process of establishing, implementing and monitoring a range of policies and procedures by members of the governing body of an organisation
  3. Leadership: The actions of leading a group of people or organisation in a direction or the ability to do so.
  4. Responsibility: The duty to deal with something within defined management control.
  5. Safety Management Plans: Management plans that address operational hazards and risks thereby providing managers with an active method of direction and oversight.