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Health and Safety Procedure - Induction and Training

Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy Senior Manager, Health and Safety 
Review Date 3 July, 2026
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) The University provides inductions and specific Health and Safety training to enable staff, students, and contractors to understand the health and safety requirements for their role and the tasks they undertake. 

(2) This Procedure describes how the University inducts staff and students to the Health and Safety system, its processes, and contractor induction requirements. Where there are work requirements that demand specific training, these will be identified through risk assessments or training needs analysis then addressed through specific training.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to:

  1. All University campuses and research areas
  2. All University staff and students
  3. All contractors
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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions  Role
Not applicable  
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(4) This procedure forms part of the Health and Safety Policy suite which governs its application.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Responsibilities

Managers and Leaders

(5) Managers and leaders are responsible for:

  1. Ensuring staff complete the University Health & Safety induction training upon commencement with the University.
  2. Ensuring staff complete the Health & Safety annual refresher training.
  3. Supporting staff and students to complete task specific Health & Safety training requirements.  
  4. Supporting role specific emergency management training and refreshers.
  5. Supporting the Health & Wellbeing training initiatives that are geared towards risk prevention including mental health.
  6. Ensuring locally engaged contractors are inducted before the agreed work commences.

Health and Safety (H&S) Team

(6) The Health and Safety (H&S) Team are responsible for:

  1. Providing oversight and monitoring this Procedure;
  2. Working with Human Resources to update and deliver the Health and Safety staff induction training;
  3. Providing advice on task specific Health & Safety training; and
  4. Providing role specific emergency management training.

All Staff and Students 

(7) All staff and students are responsible for:

  1. Completing Health & Safety inductions and refreshers;
  2. Completing task specific Health & Safety training requirements; and
  3. Completing role specific emergency management training.

Part B - Staff Induction

(8) All staff are required to complete the University Health & Safety induction. The induction will be undertaken during on-boarding processes and completed as soon as possible.

(9) All staff are required to undertake an annual refresher of the Health & Safety induction to ensure currency of their understanding of the processes and resources that are available across the University to manage health and safety.

Part C - Student Induction

(10) All students are required to complete a general Health & Safety induction on commencement of their academic program  managed through the student Learning Management System (LMS).

Part D - Specific Inductions for Higher Risk Areas

(11) Staff and students will undertake specific Health & Safety Inductions for higher risk areas such as laboratories, clinics, studios, maintenance operations and outdoor activities before the commencement of any activity. These areas are identified through risk assessment and the inductions are developed and managed at the local level; including competence assessment and record keeping.

Part E - Contractor Induction

(12) External contractors are required to complete the contractor Health and Safety induction as part of the broader verification processes and before commencing agreed works at the University. These processes are mostly managed by Infrastructure and Operations through the Rapid Induct system. Any contractors not captured through this pathway will be managed locally by the hosting manager to ensure fundamental Health and Safety induction information is provided, recorded and understood.

Part F - Task Specific Training

(13) Task specific training of the Health and Safety requirements, such as radiation safety, clinical safety, 4x4 driving safety etc. will be identified from risk assessments or training needs analyses then addressed at the local level through specific training, competence assessment with records maintained.  

Part G - Health and Wellbeing Training Initiatives

(14) The Health and Wellbeing training initiatives are geared towards prevention by addressing the contributing factors of incidents with injuries that may have occurred at the University or broader prevention trends across the tertiary sector. Leaders and Managers will enable targeted participation to these initiatives. In addition, and as identified through local risk assessment, any specific training will be developed and delivered by Health & Wellbeing as part of the safety and risk management plan. 

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Section 7 - Definitions

(15) Nil.

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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(16) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.