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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Fundraising Policy

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) The La Trobe University Fundraising Policy governs the soliciting and accepting of gifts made to the University.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) Fundraising is an activity that must be licensed. The University is registered with the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation and has DGR 1 and 2 and TCC status from the ATO which authorises the institution to undertake fundraising. Fundraising that is not for and on behalf of the University may not be covered by this authorisation and further advice should be sought.

(3) This Policy applies to all groups and individuals who are fundraising in the name of La Trobe University, whether real or implied. This includes all Schools, campuses, divisions and organisational units of the University. This Policy does not apply to student fundraising.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(4) The La Trobe Advancement will be responsible for the co-ordination, assignment and management of donations, donors and prospective donors to La Trobe University.

(5) Only authorised contracted employees of the University are permitted to fundraise on behalf of the University. Authorisation for fundraising can only be granted by the La Trobe Advancement. Decisions on whether a project may be authorised as a fundraising activity will take into account the University’s stated mission, values and goals as outlined in the current strategic and operational plans.

(6) The La Trobe Advancement will only proactively work on projects that are within the scope of the current approved Campaign Plan for La Trobe University.

(7) The La Trobe Advancement manages fundraising to ensure:

  1. Gifts to the University further the organisation’s strategic priorities; are commensurate with the donor’s desire to have an impact;
  2. The University’s priority needs are effectively communicated to prospective donors;
  3. Key personnel/academic links with University staff are respected and encouraged;
  4. All donors are effectively stewarded towards a long-term funding partnership with the on-going relationship is developed.

(8) The La Trobe Advancement will ensure donors are well stewarded and their gifts managed in accordance with the Gift Acceptance Policy and Donor Rights Policy.

(9) Donations received will be assigned according to the Gift Agreement signed by the University and the donor. Unassigned donations will be managed solely by the La Trobe Advancement according to the strategic priorities of the University.

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Section 4 - Procedures


(10) The La Trobe Advancement will be responsible for the co-ordination, assignment and management of donations, donors and prospective donors to La Trobe University.

(11) The La Trobe Advancement, established within the Office of the Vice-Chancellor, will be the central co-ordinator for all University fundraising activities, also acting as an advisory service, a repository of information on all donors and prospective donors and as a clearinghouse for all fundraising campaigns, appeals, submissions and approaches.

(12) All approved fundraising programs will be co-ordinated by the La Trobe Advancement, with a strict adherence to prospect clearance, co-ordination and engagement.

(13) This will ensure that:

  1. All La Trobe University organisation units continue to have access to central fundraising expertise and services.
  2. All fundraising efforts are carefully and professionally co-ordinated.
  3. All contacts with prospective benefactors are planned and undertaken in a manner that maximises donor affinity to and support of La Trobe University.

(14) La Trobe Advancement staff, University staff or consultants appointed by the La Trobe Advancement are authorised to solicit funding according to the University’s Fundraising Policy.

La Trobe Advancement Responsibilities

(15) The La Trobe Advancement will be responsible for:

  1. Approving all fundraising activities undertaken in the name of La Trobe University;
  2. Advising the University Executive (including the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Pro Vice-Chancellors, ) and other University staff on issues related to fundraising;
  3. The ongoing operation of the La Trobe University Foundation;
  4. Initiating and co-ordinating fundraising campaigns;
  5. Bequest and planned giving programs;
  6. Prospect research and tracking;
  7. Donor stewardship;
  8. Managing and maintaining all data on fundraising in the University.

Commencing Fundraising

(16) Any individual or group (such as a campus, school, division) may commence a fundraising activity on behalf of La Trobe University. However, they must first contact the La Trobe Advancement, prior to making any contact with prospective donors, in order to seek approval for the fundraising activity.

Advice on Fundraising Activities

(17) The La Trobe Advancement will advise on the appropriateness and timing of any solicitations in light of institutional priorities and any known University circumstances or financial commitments/other activities by those considered to be potential donors.

(18) Projects must relate to strategic goals of the University (see policy) and only those that are in alignment with the University’s Strategic Plan will be approved.

Information required by La Trobe Advancement

(19) In order to determine whether a fundraising project may be approved, the following information needs to be provided to the La Trobe Advancement.

  1. The name of the local officer(s) responsible for the implementation and management of the fundraising activity/campaign;
  2. The outcomes expected/desired from the fundraising activity/campaign;
  3. Resources to be applied to the fundraising activity;
  4. The specific purpose to which funds raised will be allocated;
  5. The timeframe for the activity (including a wrap up date, if appropriate);
  6. Any evidence of potential donors;
  7. Statement of how the project fits with the University’s strategic priorities.

Communication with La Trobe Advancement

(20) The individual or group (such as a campus, school, division) is required to communicate regularly (weekly, monthly, quarterly as appropriate) with the La Trobe Advancement to update staff on the progress with the fundraising activity.

(21) Participation in prospect clearance meetings will be required to ensure that key potential supporters are not exposed to multiple approaches from La Trobe staff.

Funds Raised

(22) All funds raised through the activity/campaign undertaken will be directed through the La Trobe University Foundation and governed by the University’s current investment and management policies.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(23) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. ATO: Australian Taxation Office.
  2. DGR: Deductible Gift Recipient. A classification which provides donors to the organisation the opportunity to claim their gift as a tax deduction.
  3. Donor prospect: alumni, individual, corporation or foundation likely to offer money, sponsorship or in-kind gift to the University.
  4. FIA: Fundraising Institute of Australia.
  5. Stewardship: ensuring that the needs of the donor are met, the gift is well managed and records kept up to date.
  6. TCC: Tax Concession Charity. Charity status which enables the institution to apply for exemptions and concessions for income tax, GST and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT).