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Academic Progression Review Policy

This Policy applies to enrolments in any subject commencing after 1 March 2024. For provisions in relation to academic progress matters prior to 1 March please refer to the previous Academic Progress Policy.

Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Academic - Academic Board
Accountable Executive – Policy Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and Employability)
Review Date 13 December 2026
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) This Policy outlines the conditions and processes adopted by the University to monitor, assess and support the academic progression of enrolled students in keeping with the Higher Education Standards Framework 2021, Commonwealth legislation and the Academic Progress Statute 2010.

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Section 3 - Scope

(2) This Policy applies to all students in any award coursework course.

(3) This Policy does not apply to students enrolled for higher degrees by research at the University, who should refer to La Trobe University’s Academic Progress Statute 2010 and the following policies: 

  1. Graduate Research Candidature Policy
  2. Graduate Research Progress Policy
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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions / Role
Decision to restrict or exclude a student from enrolment after failure to show cause/ Course Coordinator (or nominee of the School at the same level)
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(4) The University is committed to supporting all students, irrespective of their educational background, entry pathway, mode or place of study to achieve their goals in higher education. In terms of this Policy this means that:

  1. students’ academic performance is reviewed in a consistent, phased and equitable way
  2. students who are experiencing difficulties are identified as early as possible through formal progression monitoring and additional measures such as early assessment in all subjects, as outlined in the Assessment Policy
  3. interventions at each stage of academic progression monitoring provide students with multiple avenues for academic and non-academic support and clear information about the consequences of failing to follow agreed action plans

(5) Trends in rates of retention, progression and completion of specific student cohorts are monitored to fulfil legislated reporting requirements and to inform the University’s admission practices, course design, and targeted support provision.

(6) The University recognises that students may experience difficulties with academic progression for circumstances beyond their control, or where their original choice of course was unsuitable. Students who are excluded from their original course as an outcome of academic progression management may reapply for admission to their course or another course of the University after any conditions of their exclusion have been met. The approach to any subsequent difficulties with academic progression will take account of a student’s past record.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Monitoring and Determining Academic Progression

(7) Academic progression in a coursework course is assessed at designated points in time, known as Progression Periods. Progression Periods are aligned with the end of the University's semester- and term-based teaching periods.

(8) Where students pass all the subjects in which they are enrolled no interventions are made.

(9) Students who experience subject failure will trigger one of three stages of academic progression:

  1. Academic Progression Stage One (AP1) – Recovery
  2. Academic Progression Stage Two (AP2) – Support and Sanction
  3. Academic Progression Stage Three (AP3)– Show Cause and Exclusion

(10) The thresholds at which students are assessed as having triggered a progression stage are outlined in Table One with the associated support and interventions.

(11) Late or changed results do not trigger or reverse progression outcomes that have already been determined for a previous progression period.

(12) Where an international student triggers an academic progression stage and it becomes evident that they cannot complete their course within the expected duration outlined on their Commencement of Enrolment (CoE) they may have their duration of study extended. Where this occurs the student is responsible for making an application to extend their CoE.

Part B - Details of Academic Progression Stages

Table One – Summary of Thresholds and Interventions
Stage Thresholds Communication or Intervention
Green Student has passed the subjects in which they are enrolled No intervention or communication
(API)- Yellow
Triggered when a student fails one subject for the first time other than a workplace-based subject - AP1 support communication
- Academic Recovery Module
- Support from Library and Learning Services Teams
Support and Sanction
(AP2)- Amber
Triggered when a student:
- fails for the first time any workplace-based subject, or
- fails 50% or more of their enrolled credit points for the first time, or
- fails the same subject in a course for a second time, or
- triggers AP1 more than three times during their course.
- AP2 support communication requiring attendance at academic recovery workshop (all students)
- Attendance at workshop required to lift any restrictions applied

Students enrolled in subjects other than workplace-based subjects

- An automatic enrolment restriction (reduction of allowable course load by 15 credit points over current enrolment) is applied in the next teaching period (see Table 2)*

Students enrolled in workplace-based subjects

The Course Coordinator will review the student’s ability to progress to determine whether an enrolment restriction should be applied.
Show Cause and Exclusion (AP3)- Red
Triggered when a student:
- fails for a second time any workplace-based subject, or
- fails 50% or more of their enrolled credit points for the second time, or
- fails the same subject in a course for the third time, or
- exceeds the maximum completion date for their course, or
- reaches AP3 for a second time (in a same or different course). This only applies where a restriction was imposed as the outcome for the first AP3 instance.

AP3 support communication, including:

- advice of potential exclusion
- invitation to show cause

Show cause submission and assessment

Possible outcomes:
- exclusion upheld, or
- enrolment load restriction of maximum of 45 credit points or less applied.

(13) *Students who have a 15-credit point restriction applied at AP2 will be allowed a maximum enrolment as follows:

Table Two

Enrolment in subsequent teaching period With restriction applied
60 credit points 45 credit points
45 credit points 30 credit points
30 credit points 15 credit points
15 credit points Enrolment is maintained at 15 credit points; Student Advisor is engaged to support the student

(14) Students enrolled in thesis subjects worth 30, 45 or 60 credit points will not have an enrolment restriction or cancellation applied to these subjects.

Academic Progression Stage One – Recovery

(15) Students who trigger AP1 receive a communication that includes:

  1. an explanation of why they have triggered this progression stage
  2. a recommendation to engage with support services such as an academic recovery module and one-on-one support services though the Library and Learning Services Team
  3. an explanation of the potential consequences of continued academic failure, including enrolment sanctions and exclusion.

(16) Student engagement with academic support at AP1 is tracked for consideration in future academic progression stages as appropriate.

Academic Stage Two – Support and Sanction

(17) Students who trigger AP2 receive a communication advising:

  1. an explanation of why they have triggered this progression stage
  2. that their enrolment load in the next teaching period will be reduced automatically by 15 credit points, unless they are enrolled in a thesis subject or a workplace-based subject. Students enrolled in workplace-based subjects will be advised that their enrolment will be reviewed by their Course Coordinator to determine if an enrolment load restriction should be applied.
  3. if they are an international student the potential impact on their CoE and visa
  4. they are required to attend an academic recovery workshop facilitated by Student Advisors in the next teaching period
  5. that the enrolment sanction can only be lifted following attendance/engagement with the academic recovery workshop
  6. the consequences of continued academic failure
  7. their options for appealing the decision to place conditions on their enrolment and the availability of independent advocacy support.

(18) During the academic recovery workshop students are required to engage in self-assessment and action plan generation. They may seek additional advice where required from ASK La Trobe, a Student Advisor or their Course Coordinator.

Academic Progression Stage Three – Show Cause and Exclusion

Show Cause

(19) Students who trigger AP3 receive a communication:

  1. advising that they have reached the final stage of academic progression monitoring and why
  2. inviting them to make a written submission within 10 business days to show cause as to why they should not be excluded from their course, and providing guidance about how this is done
  3. if they are an international student, stating the potential impact on their CoE and visa
  4. outlining their options for appealing the proposal to exclude them from their course and the availability of independent advocacy support.

(20) Where a student fails to make a show cause submission within 10 business days, they will be advised that the University will take steps to exclude them from their course to be effective at the commencement of the next applicable teaching period.

Academic Review and Determination

(21) Student Advisors review a student’s show cause submission and submit a preliminary recommendation to the nominated senior academic staff member in the relevant School.Students’ level of engagement with AP1 or AP2 interventions will be taken into consideration in making a recommendation.

(22) Following validation of the final outcome by the academic staff member a communication is sent to the student advising:

  1. that they may remain enrolled but will be subject to a credit-point restriction (equal to 45 credit points or less), or that they are to be excluded for a period of nine months, effective from the next relevant teaching period
  2. if they are an international student, that they should seek advice regarding the impact on their CoE and visa
  3. their options for appealing the outcome and the availability of independent advocacy support.

(23) Any enrolment restrictions imposed at AP3 will take into account the circumstances of students who:

  1. have reached the maximum duration of study for their course, or the Expected Duration (international students) (see Enrolment Procedure – Variations)
  2. are enrolled in an accredited course.

Course Transfers and New Courses

(24) Records of all academic progression communications, interventions and engagement from students are maintained on students’ files. Where a student who has been subject to academic progression management:

  1. transfers to a different course their academic progression classification and any enrolment sanctions that have been applied to the previous course will apply to the new course
  2. successfully applies to a new course following exclusion from a previous course, their previous history is taken into consideration where any further academic progression issues arise.

Part C - Review

(25) Students may seek a review within 20 business days of any decision made under this Policy under the provisions of the Academic Progress Statute 2010.

Part D - Quality Assurance

(26) Data and reporting on student success and progression is supplied by the University’s Data and Analytics Team. Trends are analysed to inform any recommendations for practice, especially as they relate to the progression of identified sub-cohorts.

(27) Education Committee is charged with monitoring the outcomes of this Policy and the processes and supports for academic progression on behalf of Academic Board. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) portfolio, through its divisions, is responsible for supporting and managing student academic progression and coordinating any response to any recommendations arising from monitoring and analysis.

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Section 7 - Definitions

(28) For the purposes of this Policy and Procedure:

  1. Course Coordinator: the academic member of staff who is formally responsible for coordinating the teaching and administration of a specific course and who, for purposes of this Policy, is responsible for intervention action when required.
  2. exclusion: means the temporary or permanent prohibition of an individual from accessing any or all University facilities and services or participating in University activities. A temporary prohibition may be for a specific period or until a condition or conditions have been met. Where a student or participant is excluded from a course, short course or subject, their enrolment in the course, short course or subject is cancelled and they must reapply for admission. 
  3. Expected Duration of Study: the duration of a course for international students, as registered on CRICOS for the purposes of Standard 8 of the National Code
  4. Maximum Period of Study: the maximum time for a student to complete a course, calculated by doubling the years required to complete the course on a normal full-time basis and adding one year. This applies except where a School determines otherwise for a particular course.
  5. Progression Period: the period of study at the end of which a student’s academic progression is formally assessed. A Progression Period may include more than one Teaching Period and applies to both semester- and term-based subjects. Each subject enrolment will be allocated to a specific Progression Period according to the date of the last day of the Teaching Period in which the subject is offered. This allocation is irrespective of location or mode of delivery, and of the academic year in which the Teaching Period commenced.
  6. Student Advisors: nominated delegates
  7. Teaching Period: the time between the commencement of teaching and the conclusion of teaching in any given subject.
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Section 8 -  Authority and Associated Information

(29) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009 .

(30) A full list of subjects classified as workplace-based subjects can be found by accessing the:

  1. CourseLoop Power BI Dashboard (for staff)
  2. La Trobe Handbook (for students)