(1) Higher education in VCE studies (HEVS) are intended to enable secondary school students to study a pair of first year La Trobe University subjects concurrently with their Year 12 studies. Subjects are delivered either fully online, in blended mode with online materials and some sessions on a La Trobe campus or, in relation to Extension Study subjects, at secondary schools teaching La Trobe subjects under a Course Services Agreement or at a nominated venue. Students completing two 15 credit point La Trobe subjects are eligible for an ATAR bonus under certain conditions (see Part S) (2) The University is committed to developing a range of educational relationships that are mutually beneficial to the parties involved. This Policy provides guidance to Colleges or Schools wishing to make subjects available to secondary school students as Advanced Standing or Extension Studies. (3) This document outlines the procedure for the implementation of HEVS (VCE Plus) program at La Trobe University. (4) In addition to providing greater breadth of studies for VCE students, the VCE Plus program is intended to provide a clear pathway to studies at La Trobe. The University will identify courses for which guaranteed entry may be obtained for graduates of the HEVS programs (5) Applies to: (6) Through its Colleges, Schools and Departments, the University may make selected subjects available to secondary school students wishing to undertake higher education studies in their VCE. (7) All VCE Plus subjects must be approved by Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA). In order for VCE Plus subjects to be included in the calculation of VCE results, secondary school students will need to successfully complete a pair of 15 credit points La Trobe subjects (total of 30 credit points over one year). Students are eligible for an ATAR bonus of up to 5 points based on their VCE Plus results. (8) Subjects will be offered in blended mode with any combination of online materials, classes at the University campus scheduled at a time suitable for school students, teaching at the partner school by school staff or visiting University staff, or block mode sessions at a University campus or other nominated venue. (9) In all cases, the school student will be enrolled as a student of the University and will have access to University facilities. The University will facilitate enrolment pathways for students successfully completing Advanced Standing or Extension Studies programs. Guaranteed entry into selected La Trobe courses will be offered to students upon successful completion of the program. (10) Where a secondary school is enabled to participate in offering one or more La Trobe University Extension Study subjects, arrangements will be subject to a Course Services Agreement within the Domestic Educational Partnerships framework. (11) Colleges may make available a selection of paired first year subjects for Advanced Study and Extension Studies programs for secondary school students. The Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Partnerships) is responsible for facilitating the selection of HEVS subjects for their College and ensuring a listing is provided to the Project Advisor, VCE Plus within the Educational Partnerships Unit. (12) Subjects chosen for HEVS should be at University first year level. (13) Content should be suitable for students under the age of 18. (14) Subjects should be able to be taught in blended mode and available to school students on any campus, with a small component of face-to-face teaching and learning. The VCE Plus Unit is able to provide limited funding to support conversion of learning materials to online mode. (15) Colleges must ensure that subjects which involve an on-campus component have classes scheduled at suitable times for VCE students to attend, ie. After school hours, weekends, and in the case of numerous secondary schools in the Northern metro region, on Wednesday afternoons. (16) Expressions of interest for new HEVS subjects can be submitted to the Project Advisor, VCE Plus at any time, however should be submitted as soon as a suitable pair of subjects has been identified. This is to allow sufficient time for the preparation of the relevant documentation as well as development of online materials as required. (17) The Project Advisor, VCE Plus may initiate selection of specific subjects based on market and student demand, and on relevance to the VCE curriculum. (18) Finalised proposals for new HEVS subjects must be submitted to the Project Advisor, VCE Plus by the third week of March (for the VCAA to approve for delivery in the following year). (19) Equivalent in content and assessment in every respect to one or more of current first- year Higher Education studies and constitutes at least 20 per cent of a full-time first-year course. (20) Is comprised of curriculum not available in any current VCE studies and therefore is not linked to any current VCE Unit 3 and 4 study. (21) Of a level that will normally allow the student, on successful completion, to proceed to second year study at the Higher Education institution in that discipline. (22) Equivalent in content and assessment in every respect to one or more of current first-year Higher Education studies and constitutes at least 20 per cent of a full-time first-year university course (23) Of a level for a high-achieving student and therefore is a clear advance on an identified VCE Unit 3 and 4 study and commensurate in workload with an additional VCE study (24) Of a level that will normally allow the student, on successful completion, to proceed to second year study at the Higher Education institution in that discipline. (25) Any subject proposed for HEVS must be approved by the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA) the year prior to being offered. (26) All subjects proposed for HEVS must be sent to the Project Advisor, VCE Plus to facilitate VCAA approval. (27) The responsibility for co-ordinating the University’s HEVS activities falls with the Project Advisor, VCE Plus and Manager, Educational Partnerships. (28) Advanced Standing and Extension Studies programs may be delivered in the following ways: (29) Fully online or blended mode of delivery is the preferred method, to maximise student access and minimise adverse effects on their VCE studies. (30) When a secondary school is invited to deliver all or part of a University subject on its own campus, the school and the University must enter into a Course Services Agreement that details the arrangements for the agreement, including quality assurance. (31) HEVS subjects may also be delivered by La Trobe academics at a nominated external venue. This will usually be subject to minimum student enrolment numbers and approval by the relevant College of the University. (32) Where the HEVS subjects are delivered off campus, the design of subjects may include a component taught on a University campus during the period of enrolment. Attendance at a campus will be included in any Course Services Agreement as part of the conditions of the agreement. (33) Records related to all Course Services (Licensing) Agreements and Schedules will be kept by the Office of the Executive Director, Quality and Standards. (34) Course Services Agreements are signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and the Principal of the relevant secondary school. (35) Schedules to these Agreements must be completed and signed by the Provost of the relevant College and the Principal of the secondary school. (36) Where the subjects are offered at a school campus in collaboration with a secondary school, the University will provide materials, including relevant subject guides, assessment tasks and marking schedules. These materials will remain the Intellectual Property of the University. (37) For the purposes of moderating assessment, any secondary school offering a La Trobe subject will be considered a campus of the University and usual moderation processes will be undertaken. (38) Teachers interested in participating in the delivery of Extension Studies will be offered suitable training by the University to assist them in delivering the subject to their students. Mentoring by a University academic staff member will comprise part of this training. (39) Where the subjects are delivered at secondary schools, the schools will provide facilities and staff for teaching. The associated costs will be negotiated with the relevant stakeholders on a case by case basis. (40) Students will be charged a set fee per HEVS subject. Financially disadvantaged/low SES students or students of Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander background may be eligible for fee exemption. (41) As students of the University they will be eligible to access all relevant student services and facilities (including but not limited to University transcripts and Library and ICT access). (42) As students of the University, all normal enrolment processes apply to students enrolling in HEVS subjects. This includes dates for enrolment and withdrawal from the subject and availability of University transcripts to students. (43) Specific enrolment codes apply to HEVS students. Please refer to Project Advisor, VCE Plus. (44) Upon successful completion of the HEVS subjects, a student will be entitled to use these subjects as part of the requirements towards a relevant La Trobe University award. (45) Students who successfully complete a pair of HEVS subjects will be eligible for an early offer with guaranteed entry into specific La Trobe University courses. Guaranteed entry will be subject to the student meeting minimum achievement levels and relevant College approval. (46) Students undertaking a full year of HEVS subjects (two subjects) can also earn an increment added to the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) as a fifth or sixth study. The additional points are based on the results achieved in the higher education VCE subjects (see the current Victorian Tertiary Entrance Requirements, VICTER, publication at http://www.vtac.edu.au/publications.html). (47) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure:Higher Education in VCE Studies (HEVS) Policy
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Higher Education in VCE Studies Subjects
Part B - Subject Selection
Part C - Initiating HEVS Subjects
Part D - Advanced Standing Studies
Part E - Extension Studies
Part F - External Approving Body - Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA)
Part G - Co-ordinating Higher Education in VCE Studies Activities at La Trobe
Part H - Method of Delivery
Part I - Off Campus Delivery
Part J - Attendance at University Campuses
Part K - Record Keeping for Agreements and Schedules
Part L - Signatories to Agreements and Schedules
Part M - Intellectual Property
Part N - Moderation
Part O - School Teacher Training
Part P - Costs for Program
Part Q - Student Fees
Part R - Records of Enrolment
Part S - Credit for Studies at La Trobe University
Part T - Early Offer and Guaranteed Entry
Part U - ATAR Benefits
Section 5 - Definitions
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Terminology Course Services Agreement: Also known as a Licensing Agreement. A particular type of Activity Agreement between La Trobe University and another party to deliver University subjects and courses.