(1) The University follows sound procedures for the retention and disposal of all information and records, including those in electronic format. (2) Records and Archives Services are responsible for the effective management and implementation of the disposal program. (3) Records and Archives Services undertakes a coordinated approach to the sentencing and disposal of records and will perform all disposal actions once transferred to the unit by business areas and faculties. (4) University records, appraised as having satisfied the legal, financial or administrative imperative for their retention, are required to be destroyed in accordance with Public Record Office Victoria standards. (5) Refer to the Records and Archives Management Policy. (6) University records that are required for conducting business but not for frequent consultation can be transferred to the management and custody of Records and Archives Services (R&AS). (7) Records transferred for storage at R&AS remain under the control of the originating department until the retention period of the records expires. (8) This should not be confused with donating records to the University Archives, which is a different procedure and involves transferring ownership of the records to the University Archives. See Archives Management Procedure. (9) Records disposal is an important part of efficient and effective records management. It is the range of processes associated with implementing the retention, deletion, destruction or transfer of records. (10) A Disposal Program incorporates the following: (11) A well-developed structured disposal programme can improve practices across the University by establishing records management best practice which: (12) There are clear legal ramifications for the destruction of document that are required as evidence in current and likely legal proceedings. Such ramifications can include; financial cost, criminal charge, individual dismissal, reduction in image or stakeholder perception and/or further litigation. (13) The Crimes Act 1958 s.254 creates an offence when, knowing that a document is or is likely to be required in evidence in a legal proceeding, an individual or entity: (14) The Evidence Act 2008 applies where documents are ‘unavailable’ and the court considers that the unavailability is likely to cause unfairness to a party to the proceeding, the court may, among other things, draw adverse inferences, declare that a fact in issue will be made out in the absence of evidence to the contrary or simply reverse the burden of proof, order that certain evidence not be permitted, or strike out part of a statement of claim or defence. (15) The University may only destroy or dispose of records in accordance with PROV Standards. Disposal Authorities are issued by the Keeper of Public Records and are a legal instrument authorising the destruction or transfer of public records. (16) PROV Disposal Authorities define the minimum retention time that different classes of records must be kept and how they are to be disposed of. They authorise the destruction of time-expired records. They also identify records that are to be permanently retained as University Archives. (17) All University records must be authorised for destruction, whether they are hard copy or electronic records. The authorisation process is designed to ensure records are not destroyed before the required retention period, and other administrative, legal, financial and audit needs have been considered. (18) If authorisation is not approved, the records must be retained with a new review date or trigger assigned to the records. Justification for retaining the records must be provided by the authorising officer. (19) Destruction of all records must be recorded in the destruction register so that the agency is able to ascertain whether destruction has taken place. (20) Proof of destruction may be required in litigation proceedings, in response to FOI requests or as requested from the PROV. (21) Destruction of digitised records is not to be performed without an endorsed Digitisation Plan (project plan for digitisation activity) which has been developed in consultation with Records and Archives Services. (22) The action of digitisation, followed by the unapproved destruction of the source records, will make the individual liable of having committed an offence under the Crimes Act 1958 s.254. (23) A disposal freeze is a temporary restriction on the disposal of a designated set of records due to a special need to maintain access to the records (e.g. Royal Commission, impending election, FOI application). A disposal freeze may be initiated from within the University or by an external authority. Although a disposal freeze may be infrequent, the disposal program and procedures must ensure that records subject to a disposal freeze are not destroyed until the freeze is lifted. (24) A legal hold is the process that organisations use to preserve evidence when legal proceedings, investigations, enquiries or other related matters are underway. When material is subject to a legal hold, it may not be destroyed, made inaccessible or altered. (25) Confidentiality of some information may be compromised through the careless disposal of potentially sensitive material. Disposal of such material via non-secure destruction bins is not permitted as it significantly increases the risk of unauthorised access to information, breach of privacy and divulging commercial information. (26) Quality assurance check will be conducted regularly to identify and rectify any inconsistencies or errors with sentencing or the destruction of records. (27) Ongoing training on the records disposal program and procedures will be provided to staff. Increasing the awareness will help embed the process and requirements in the agency and reduce the risk of unauthorised disposal occurring. (28) For the purpose of this Procedure:Records Disposal and Transfer Procedure
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Policy Statement
Section 3 - Procedures
Transferring Records
Records Disposal Program
Scope of Records Disposal Program
Business Benefits
Legal Consequences for Illegal Destruction
Retention and Disposal Requirements
Destruction Authorisation and Documentation
Destruction of Digitised Records
Disposal Freeze
Secure Destruction
Quality Assurance
Training and Awareness
Section 4 - Definitions
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