(1) Articulation and advanced standing arrangements increase opportunities for students by facilitating mobility between education institutions. La Trobe University is committed to this principle, particularly as it relates to articulation between the University and Australian Registered Training Organisations (including TAFE Institutions) and offshore post-secondary education institutions. (2) This Procedure covers articulation and advanced standing arrangements to and from TAFE Institutions, other higher education (including private) providers, recognised VET providers and offshore institutions. (3) Refer to the Advanced Standing Policy. (4) Refer to the Advanced Standing Policy. (5) Articulation arrangements are formally agreed between the University and another provider and are executed in two parts: (6) Where there is the possibility of many students from an external institution seeking advanced standing in a La Trobe University course for their studies, the University may determine to enter into an Articulation Arrangement to formalize the relationship between the institutions. (7) Articulation Agreements and Articulation Tables are subject to different approval processes, reflecting the distinction between the strategic and the academic cases. (8) Each Articulation Agreement and/or Table will be facilitated through the preparation and approvals process by the College-based Administration Coordinator, Articulations and Third Party Agreements (the ‘Administration Coordinator A3P’). (9) This person does not have responsibility for the strategic decision to go ahead with an agreement and is not able to make academic decisions about the credit to be granted to those articulating. Their role is to provide administrative assistance to the strategic and academic decision makers. (10) The names of the Administration Coordinator, A3P for each College are listed on the Contacts list on the Articulations intranet site. (11) There should be only a single Articulation Agreement between the University and another institution. The normal duration of an Agreement is five years. This single agreement may have multiple Tables attached, from either or both Colleges of the University. (12) If the University already has an Articulation Agreement in place with the provider, new Tables may be prepared and refer to the existing Agreement. (13) Articulation Agreements may be initiated by senior College staff (at the level of Head of School or above), Regional Campus Heads, Director, International Recruitment (La Trobe International) or the Educational Partnerships Office. (14) The proposal should be approved in principle before formal discussions with the other party and/or preparation of the formal documents. (15) To obtain in principle approval, the relevant APVC(AP) will raise the proposal with either the Executive Director, Educational Partnerships and Quality (EDEP&Q) for domestic arrangements or the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) (PVC(I)) for international arrangements. The PVC(I) should also be consulted if the proposed Agreement includes packaged offers (where a domestic institution recruits international students). (16) For straightforward cases, the EDEP&Q and/or the PVC(I) may give in principle approval for establishing an agreement. More complex cases will be referred to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) for decision. (17) Model agreements for the Local (domestic) Articulation Agreement or the International Articulation Agreement (either with or without packaged offers) are available on the intranet Articulation site. (18) Once in principle approval has been obtained to establish an agreement, the appropriate model document should be annotated with any relevant details by the College Academic Coordinator (Academic Partnerships) (AC(AP)) assisted by the College Administration Coordinator, A3P and sent to the University’s Legal Services, where the formal document will be prepared. (19) Either or both College APVC(AP)s, College AC(AP)s and Administration Coordinator, A3Ps must be involved in the preparation of all Articulation Agreements. (20) During preparation of the amendments of the model document for Legal Services, the Administration Coordinator, A3P should initiate contact with the Manager, TNE and Partnerships (for international agreements) or the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator (for domestic agreements). This provides support for the Administration Coordinator, A3P as necessary and ensures that all necessary parties are aware of the prospective articulation arrangement. (21) Two (2) identical Articulation Agreement documents must be prepared for signature. Both copies must be signed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and the Head (or authorised officer) of the other Institution, so that each Institution has an original signed document for their records. (22) Legal Services will forward the Agreements to the DVCA for signature accompanied by a certifying memorandum. (23) To finalise the Agreement, the Manager, TNE and Partnerships (for international agreements) or the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator (for domestic agreements) will be responsible for (in order): (24) After signature by both parties, the Manager, TNE and Partnerships (for international agreements) or the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator (for domestic agreements) should send: (25) The second signed original of each Agreement must be provided to the other Institution for its records. (26) These are used to map the curriculum between a La Trobe course and a course belonging to an external institution. They must be associated with an overarching Articulation Agreement. (27) Colleges should aim to maximize the credit available to students, ensuring that they do not repeat any curriculum already mastered. At the same time Colleges need to ensure that students will be adequately prepared to achieve the intended learning outcomes of the program. Where possible the amount of credit given into a La Trobe award should be a multiple of 4 subjects – 4, 8, 12, 16 subjects. This is to ensure that students who pass all their La Trobe subjects will be able to complete the award without overloading or being required to attend for an extra teaching period at less than a full load. Normally, a student must complete 120 credit points of La Trobe subjects. See also the Advanced Standing and Credit Transfer Guidelines. (28) Table(s) mapping curriculum between the courses should be prepared by College or School staff using the appropriate template available on the Articulation Intranet Site. Two copies should be prepared so that both institutions may have original signed copies. (29) The Course Coordinator must be involved in consideration of the mapping of curriculum between the University course and the other institution’s course, in order to be satisfied that the students receiving credit for prior study are adequately prepared to succeed in the program. This is even more important in the cases where courses are subject to external accreditation. (30) The Course Coordinator should seek endorsement when necessary for accreditation or recognition from relevant external agencies (eg accounting, pharmacy or psychology). (31) Additional Tables associated with an Articulation Agreement may be prepared at any time during the life of the Agreement. (32) In mapping the curriculum between the two institutions’ programs, it is desirable to include as much detail as possible about subject to subject/module matching to facilitate articulation in either direction. (33) Once the Tables are completed and signed by the Head of School, the College Administration Coordinator, A3P should arrange for the Table to be submitted to the College Coursework Committee for approval. Once approved by the College Coursework Committee, Tables are referred to the University Admissions Committee for approval and subsequently to the Academic Board for noting. (34) Subsequent to approval by the University Admissions Committee, both copies of the Table should be sent to the partner institution for signature. This will be facilitated by the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator or the Manager, TNE and Partnerships as applicable on advice from the College Administration Coordinator, A3P. (35) Tables may accompany an Articulation Agreement or may be sent separately for signature, as required. (36) If associated with a new Articulation Agreement, the Table(s) should be approved in the usual way. For convenience, signature of the Table(s) by the other Institution may be obtained at the same time as the signature of the Agreement. (37) Where the Tables are associated with an existing Articulation Agreement, the Table(s) should be approved in the usual way. (38) After signature by both parties, the Manager, TNE and Partnerships (for international agreements) or the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator (for domestic agreements) should send: (39) Advice of the relevant Admissions Committee meeting at which the item was endorsed should also be provided with the electronic copies. (40) The second signed originals of each Table must be provided to the other Institution for its records. (41) The TAFE Partnerships Coordinator will ensure that Articulation Agreements or exchanges of letters (both international and domestic) and Tables are shown on the University’s website on www.latrobe.edu.au/pathways (42) A list of Articulation Agreements (both domestic and international) will also be regularly updated by the Office of the Executive Director, Educational Partnerships and Quality and posted to the University’s Articulation intranet site or Unite site. (43) The overarching Articulation Agreement is a University level document hence the responsibility for monitoring its status lies with the relevant central units. (44) The TAFE Partnerships Coordinator will monitor expiration dates of all domestic Articulation Agreements and consult with the relevant stakeholders about its renewal or cessation. (45) The Manager, TNE and Partnerships will perform the same function for international agreements. (46) As part of this process, all extant Tables should be considered for renewal or cessation. (47) Articulation Tables for both domestic and international arrangements are monitored within the College by the Administration Coordinator, A3P and should be reviewed annually. (48) The Administration Coordinator, A3P should liaise with the relevant Course Coordinators to ensure the currency of the mapping between courses especially after any course revisions by either partner. (49) The Administration Coordinator, A3P will assist the Course Coordinator to make any revisions to the Tables and ensure that they are signed by the Head of School and taken through the usual approval processes. (50) This process may change with the introduction of the Advanced Standing and Pathways Management System (anticipated mid-2015). (51) The review of an Articulation Arrangement should commence when an Agreement is 12 months from expiration. (52) Each College Administration Coordinator, A3P will facilitate the collection and analysis of data related to the performance indicators and seek comment from the Director, International Recruitment. (53) This data will be presented to the Colleges through the Academic Coordinators (Academic Partnerships) for consideration. The Colleges will make the decision as to whether each Table should be renewed. (54) In the event that the Colleges decide to close all Tables associated with an Agreement, then the Agreement should be terminated. (55) These include enrolments at the University arising from all Tables associated with the Agreement and the success of the participants in their University courses. (56) When an Articulation Arrangement review commences, a letter signed by the SDVC should be sent to the partner institution advising of the imminent expiration of the Agreement and of the process which the University will follow to determine whether a renewal should be sought. (57) The letter must include statements advising that: (58) This letter should be prepared by the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator or the Manager, TNE and Partnerships as applicable and referred to the DVCA for signature via Legal Services. A template for this letter is available on the Articulation intranet site. (59) After discussion with the partner institution about the proposed closure of any or all Tables, if the decision is to proceed with closure, the College Coursework Committee should be advised of any closures for their consideration and approval. Subsequently the closures should be referred to the University Admissions Committee for approval. (60) When an Agreement has no active Tables, it shall lapse automatically. Other provisions for terminating an Agreement are contained within the Articulation Agreement document. (61) After consideration of the performance indicators for the Tables and discussion with the partner institution about any updates to the Tables, the approval processes for renewing Tables is via signature of the Head of School, College Coursework Committee and University Admissions Committee as is the case for new Tables. (62) Where either College determines to continue with any number of Tables, the overarching Agreement will need to be renewed. (63) If the original Agreement allowed for an extension by exchange of letters, the letters should be prepared by the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator (domestic agreements) or the Manager, TNE and Partnerships (international agreements). After preparation, Legal Services should review the documents prior to arranging for the signature of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). (64) The letter should include an attachment with copies of any Tables that are to be renewed and a list of any that will not be renewed. It should contain a space for the other party to sign as agreement to the extension. (65) A full renewal Agreement, if required, would need to be prepared as usual by Legal Services. The signature process would proceed as for new Agreements and Tables, although a list of any Tables to be discontinued should be provided with the other documents. Any new Articulation Agreements must include that extension may be arranged by exchange of letters. (66) After signature by both parties, the Manager, TNE and Partnerships (for international agreements) or the TAFE Partnerships Coordinator (for domestic agreements) should send: (67) The second signed originals of each Agreement and Table must be provided to the other Institution for its records. (68) Any correspondence from the DVCA or the College APVC(AP) should be distributed in the following ways: (69) For the purpose of this Procedure:Articulation Procedure
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedure
What is an Articulation Arrangement?
When an Articulation Arrangement May Be Required
Approval Processes
Administration Coordinator, A3P
The Articulation Agreement
Articulation Agreement – Proposal
Articulation Agreement – Preparation
Consultation and Advice
Obtaining Signatures on Articulation Agreements
Record Keeping
Articulation Tables
How much Advanced Standing Should Be Given?
Articulation Table(s) – Preparation
Two Way Articulation
Articulation Table(s) - Approval
Obtaining Partner Signatures on Tables
Approval of Table(s) With a New Articulation Agreement
Approval of Table(s) for an Existing Agreement
Record Keeping
Agreement Life Cycles
Table Life Cycles
Reviewing Agreements
Performance Indicators
Contacting the Partner Institution About Renewal or Cessation
Terminating Tables
A letter from the College APVC(AP) should be sent to the partner detailing the agreed Tables to be closed.Terminating an Agreement
Renewal of Tables
Renewal of Agreements
Record Keeping for Renewed Agreements and Tables
Record Keeping for Terminated Agreements and Tables
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions
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