(1) Course Coordinators are responsible for all aspects of a course at La Trobe University. (2) Each course of the University will have a single Course Coordinator with overall authority. (3) For the purpose of these Procedures, a Course has a single set of Course Intended Learning Outcomes and usually a distinct course name. (4) Refer to the Course and Subject Coordinators Policy. (5) Refer to the Course and Subject Coordinators Policy. (6) Prior to the development of proposals for a new course, a Course Coordinator must be appointed, to prepare the relevant documentation, and ensure that all approval processes of the Course Lifecycles Policy and associated Procedures are completed in a timely manner. (7) Course Coordinators are appointed by the Head(s) of School(s)/Department(s) in consultation with the College Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Coursework). (8) In cross-disciplinary courses, the Course Coordinator may be appointed by the College APVC(Coursework). Course Coordinators are usually appointed for a period of two to three years. (9) The College Education Team(s) should be advised immediately of the name of the Course Coordinator, to allow accurate record keeping. (10) Subject to the University’s Collective Agreement 2014, section 39.3 “An [academic] employee whose substantive position is at level A is not permitted to undertake course coordination” Course Coordinators should meet the following criteria: (11) Where there are multiple instances of the course and it is taught at multiple locations, in multiple modes and/or by third parties, there will be only one Course Coordinator. (12) In courses where there is significant enrolment or complex delivery arrangements, the Course Coordinator, in consultation with the Head(s) of School(s)/Department(s), may appoint one or more Course Advisors to assist with academic matters related to the course. (13) Course Advisors are usually appointed for a period of at least one year, but preferably for the term of the appointment of the Course Coordinator. (14) Criteria: (15) While there may be a single Course Coordinator appointed at the discretion of the Colleges, in most cases the individual Course Coordinators for each course in a double or combined course will work as a team to coordinate the double and/or combined courses. (16) The main areas of responsibility for Course Coordinators are: (17) In conjunction with relevant Head(s) of School(s)/Department(s), the School(s) Director(s) of Teaching and Learning, the College APVC(Coursework), Subject Coordinators and Subject Instance Leaders as necessary; the Course Coordinator will: (18) Assist with selection of Subject Coordinators and Instance Leaders of subjects included in the core curriculum as required. (19) Convene and Chair a meeting of all core and core-choice Subject Coordinators for the course, at least once annually. (20) Audit and endorse Course Information Management System entries for all core and core-choice subjects. (21) In conjunction with Head(s) of School(s)/Department(s) as necessary: (22) In conjunction with Subject Coordinators and Subject Instance Leaders as necessary: (23) Edit and approve University Handbook entries, course guides, tertiary guide information and any other marketing materials for the course. (24) Consult with prospective students at University Open Days and other promotional activities. (25) Consult with students during and prior to their studies regarding course rules, design, delivery, academic quality and other issues as may arise. (26) Provide information and advice as needed about course rules, design, delivery, academic quality and other issues as may arise with the course. (27) Engage with the University Marketing and Recruitment and La Trobe International staff to develop and nurture target markets. (28) Introduce the course to new students at orientation and commencement. (29) Develop and maintain relationships with relevant professional, accreditation and registration bodies, and with researchers in relevant fields. (30) Advise students on Student Mobility Programs (exchange programs) and approve credit/advanced standing for external studies undertaken during the approved programs. (31) Participate as required in Course Advisory Boards. (32) In conjunction with relevant Heads of Schools/Departments, Schools Directors of Teaching and Learning, the College APVC(Coursework) and Subject Coordinators as necessary: (33) The Course Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the course is delivered so that it meets all University policy and procedural requirements, TEQSA standards and other professional and accreditation requirements. (34) In conjunction with staff of the College Education team and the College Governance Team, University Governance Office and staff of the Quality and Standards Office, as necessary: (35) For the purpose of this Procedure:Course Coordinators Procedure
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedure
New Courses
Appointment of the Course Coordinator
Criteria for a Course Coordinator
Instances of Courses
Appointment of a Course Advisor
Criteria for a Course Advisor
Double and Combined Courses
Key Responsibilities
Development and Design
Delivery and Leadership
Review and Revision
Administration and Reporting
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions
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