(1) All requests for refunds of tuition fees paid are conditional on the following: (2) For purposes of these Procedures, ‘subject’ includes both higher education subjects and VET units of study. (3) These Procedures apply to: (4) They do not apply to Commonwealth Supported students. (5) Refer to Refund of Course Money Policy. (6) Before students enrol in a course they receive clear information about the learning, assessment and support services to be provided and their rights and obligations. This must include information about the fees they will be charged. The fee may be indicative, since course fees may vary with the specific subjects chosen. (7) Before attending the first session of a course or subject, all fee-paying students will receive a letter of offer. On the basis of the actual subjects in which each student enrols, an invoice will be generated. Payment of fees will be required by by cash, EFT, credit card or cheque by the due date specified on the invoice. On payment, a receipt or reference number will be supplied as appropriate. (8) A student who withdraws or defers from a subject on or before the Census Date for the subject will be withdrawn without financial or academic penalty. All associated tuition fees will be refunded in full, or credited to future enrolments, on application; see Part D and H below. (9) Students seeking a refund of course money must submit an application on the prescribed University application form with supporting documentation to: (10) The prescribed form may be downloaded from http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/fees/documents/application-for-refund.pdf. (11) For details of appropriate supporting documentation, see Part G. (12) The University’s preferred payment method is by electronic funds transfer (EFT). (13) In either of the following circumstances, the University will refund in full tuition fees paid in advance: (14) The University reserves the right to retain up to 10% of tuition fees that have been paid where an offer is withdrawn in circumstances where the Executive Director, Student Services and Administration is satisfied the offer was made on the basis of fraudulent documentation provided by the student. (15) If the University does not allow a student to re-enrol in a course because of unsatisfactory academic progress, but tuition fees have been paid for a semester/term after the semester/term in which a student was refused re-enrolment, the student will be refunded any tuition fees paid for the semester/term for which he or she will be unable to re-enrol. (16) Where the student withdraws or is excluded by the University after the Census Date for academic or general misconduct, no refund will be given. (17) The University reserves the right to credit any overpayment in fees against current and future liabilities with the University, except where the student specifically requests a refund of the overpayment. (18) If an application for a refund is received from a continuing student and is approved, then a credit for the overpaid amount normally will be applied to the next semester's fees. If the student is in the last semester of the course of study, a refund will be paid. (19) All applications are assessed on a case by case basis. (20) A student who withdraws from a subject or course after the Census Date may apply for a refund or credit only on the basis of special circumstances; see Part J below. (21) A student cannot apply for a refund or credit for a subject that he or she has successfully completed. (22) The Manager, Student Financial Services or nominated officer will consider applications for refunds or re-credits on the basis of special circumstances. Special circumstances are circumstances that: (23) The applicant’s statement of the special circumstances must include supporting documentation from an independent source or authority that clearly: (24) For example, supporting documentation may include a detailed: (25) Each application is examined and determined on its merits. The University considers the applicant’s claims, together with any independent supporting documentary evidence that substantiates these claims. (26) This section explains in more detail what is meant by the various elements of special circumstances. (27) Circumstances are beyond an applicant’s control if a situation occurs that a reasonable person would consider is not due to the applicant’s action or inaction, either direct or indirect, and for which the applicant is not responsible. This situation must be unusual, uncommon or abnormal. (28) Circumstances do not make their full impact on the applicant until on or after the census date for the subject if the applicant’s circumstances occur: (29) Note: A person does not need to demonstrate that they were prevented from withdrawing from the unit prior to the census date. (30) Circumstances that make it impracticable for the applicant to complete the requirements for their unit may include: (31) An applicant is unable to complete the requirements for a subject, for example, if the applicant is unable to: (32) Consideration is also given to whether at the time the applicant’s special circumstances emerged, it was already not practicable for the student to meet the requirements of the subject. This situation may arise where an applicant has not met progressive requirements relating to compulsory assessment and/or attendance at classes for the subject. If an applicant has not met the ongoing compulsory requirements of the subject, their failure to sit the final examination (and/or the special examination) does not of itself make it impracticable for them to complete the subject. In this case the University may make a decision not to refund or credit. Note: The requirements for continuous assessment and attendance would need to be stated explicitly in the University's rules (e.g. the Handbook) prior to the commencement of the subject (and substantiated if the need arises). (33) An application for a refund or credit must be made, in writing: (34) Where a student has deferred, the 12-month period applies from the end of the period of deferment. The University has the discretion to waive this requirement if it is satisfied that the application could not be made within the time limits. (35) The University will notify the applicant of its decision and the reasons for making the decision within 28 days of receipt. (36) The University will advise the applicant of the right to a review of the decision if the applicant is unsatisfied with the outcome. The advice will include an explanation of the time limit for applying for the review. (37) The time limit for applying for a review of a decision is 28 days from the day the applicant first received notice of the decision. The applicant is taken to have received notice of the decision 1 day after the date on the notice of decision and the 28 days timeframe begins on this day. For example: (38) The applicant must state the reasons for applying for a reconsideration of the decision. (39) On receipt of the request for a reconsideration, the reviewer (i.e. the person reconsidering the decision) will acknowledge receipt in writing within 14 days. The acknowledgement will include: (40) On making his or her decision, the reviewer will notify the applicant in writing of: (41) All applications for a review of a decision must be directed to: (42) If an original decision has been confirmed, varied or set aside, an applicant has the right to apply to the University Ombudsman for a review of the decision not to refund or credit. The University Ombudsman can investigate whether correct procedures were followed in the making of the decision. There is no charge for the investigation. More details are available at the University Ombudsman website. (43) If an applicant feels that their issue has not been resolved satisfactorily through the University Ombudsman, they may lodge a complaint with Ombudsman Victoria. Ombudsman Victoria resolves complaints concerning administrative actions taken by public authorities including universities. There is no charge for an Ombudsman’s investigation and can be contacted at: (44) For the purpose of this Procedure:Refund of Tuition Fees (Domestic Students) Procedure
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedure
Part A - Information Prior to Enrolment
Part B - Payment and Receipt of Fees
Part C - Withdrawing on or Before the Census Date
Part D - Application for Refund
Academic Services Division
La Trobe University
Bundoora VIC 3086Part E - Full Refund Where Course is Not Provided
Part F - Partial Refund Where the University Withdraws an Offer of a Place
Part G - Full Refund of Fees Paid in Advance, in Event of Refusal of Re-enrolment
Part H - No Refund After Census Date
Part I - Credit of Overpaid Amounts Against Current and Future Liabilities
Part J - Applying After the Census Date on the Basis of Special Circumstances
Part K - Refund on the Basis of Special Circumstances
Part L - Explanation of Special Circumstances
Beyond a Person’s Control
Do Not Make Full Impact Until on or After the Census Date
Impracticable for the Person to Complete the Unit of Study Requirements
Part M - Timeframe for Making Decisions
The University considers an application within 14 days of receipt. Part N - Notifying Students of the Decision
Part O - Review of Decision
Student Services Division
La Trobe University
Bundoora VIC 3086Part P - Review by the Ombudsman
Phone: 03) 9613 6222
Email: ombudvic@ombudsman.vic.gov.au
Website: www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au/Section 5 - Definitions
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This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Student Centre
Manager, Student Administration
Ombudsman Victoria
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