(1) This Policy describes the framework for the proposal of new Research Centres and their governance, management, resourcing, reporting, renewal and disestablishment. (2) This Policy applies to: (3) Part K applies to external or joint research ventures for which the underlying governance and management arrangements are determined via bespoke contractual arrangements, such as: (4) ‘Research Centres’ for the purposes of these procedures includes Centres whose main purpose is research. (5) Research Centres make an important contribution to the performance and impact of research carried out in Schools and to the University’s strategic research goals and reputation. This includes through the development of a strong research culture, by undertaking impactful research which is engaged with industry and broader communities, attracting research income, driving growth in research outputs, development of researchers and supervising undergraduate (Hons) and Higher Degree by Research candidates. (6) Research Centres contribute in identifiable ways to the research culture of the School, including leading and participating in leading School research activities and events. When located at a regional campus, Research Centres also contribute to the research culture of the host campus. (7) The establishment of a Research Centre will be considered when the proposed research activities represent sustainable academic endeavour at a high level and the formation of the Centre will enhance the national and international reputation of the University over and above what would be achieved in the normal course of conduct of research by research groups or teams. A proposed Research Centre is expected to meet a minimum requirement (e.g. annual grant income, output and impact targets) as agreed at the time of establishment or renewal. (8) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement) will approve the establishment, renewal and disestablishment of all Research Centres following endorsement by the Dean of the host School and recommendation by the Research Strategy Committee. (9) Research Centres will normally be associated with a School and with a governance structure that reflects this. The primary reporting line from the Centre Director is normally to the Dean (or delegate), with their academic line manager often being a Head of Department (or similar). (10) Annual reporting is a mandatory requirement of all Research Centres established under this Policy (in accordance with the process outlined i ‘Part E – Annual Reporting’). (11) Research Centres will adhere to all University policies, including policies governing research ethics and integrity, intellectual property, graduate research, research data management, research integrity, conflict of interest, research clinical trials, research contracts, pricing and consulting. (12) Proposals to establish a Research Centre will be completed by the proposed Research Centre Director in consultation with, and submitted with endorsement by, the Dean to the Research Strategy Committee. Proposers will consult key stakeholders in developing a proposal, including the School research leadership team. (13) Research Centres will be established for a maximum period of five (5) years with the possibility to seek renewal for a further period in accordance with the process outlined in ‘Part F – Renewal’ of this policy. (14) All proposals for Research Centre establishment must be submitted for review as follows: (15) Proposals to establish Research Centres will be made using the Proposal to establish a Research Centre template and should outline: (16) The date of establishment of the Research Centre will be the date of approval by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement). (17) All Research Centres must have “Research” and “Centre” in their title. (18) The use of the name “Research Centre” in relation to University academic activities is only permitted for Organisational units that have been formally approved as a Research Centre under this Policy. (19) The use of the word “Institute”, “Australia” or “National” are only to be used upon approval by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement) with criteria for scale. (20) Changes to the name of a Research Centre as a result of a change in focus of Centre activities may be proposed to the Research Strategy Committee for recommendation, and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement) for approval. (21) A member of a Research Centre is an individual who actively participates in and contributes to the Research Centre’s research program and objectives. Active contribution includes but is not limited to participation in research projects, the development and submission of proposals for research funding and production of research outputs. (22) Research Centre Directors determine membership of their Research Centre. There is no expectation that La Trobe staff who work in the same disciplinary field(s) will automatically become a member of a Research Centre. (23) Research Centre membership comprises of Core Members and Affiliate Members. (24) Core Members include: (25) Affiliate Members include: (26) Staff fully funded by a Research Centre (i.e. 1 FTE) can only be a Core Member of the Research Centre which provides funding for their postion/s; they are able to be an Affiliate Member of other Research Centres. Staff employed in fixed-term and continuing roles by multiple Research Centres can be Core Members of these Research Centres and Affiliate Members of other Research Centres. (27) Unless employed specifically by a Research Centre (25a & 26), individuals may be a Core Member of a Research Centre that does not sit within their academic school. (28) Membership of the Research Centre will be monitored and maintained annually by the Research Centre Director who will be kept informed by staff of their membership of other Research Centres. (29) For T&R staff, membership of a Research Centre does not qualify for workload assignments in the Academic Workload Planning System except for Research Centre Directors, Co-Directors and Deputy-Directors in consultation with the staff members’ Dean or line manager. (30) Research Centres are required to develop a five (5) year strategic plan to be endorsed by their Advisory Committee and an annual operational plan to be approved by their Management Committee and Dean (or delegate). (31) Research Centres must have a Research Centre Management Committee comprising of the Centre Director (Chair), the Centre Manager (or similar profesional role) if one exists and other members from the Research Centre. The Management Committee may also contain School representatives. Management Committees are expected to meet quarterly (in person, or online). (32) The purpose of the Research Centre Management Committee is to oversee the centres activities, operation and implementation of strategic guidance from the Research Centre Advisory Committee. (33) Research Centres must establish an Advisory Committee (or when relevant, an Advisory and Scientific Committee). (34) An Advisory Committee will normally consist of the Centre Director, one other member of the Centre, the Dean (or delegate), plus at least 3 external expertise-based members, one of whom will be Chair. The Centre Director will propose the committee membership with approval from the Dean. (35) Advisory Committees are expected to meet at least twice a year (in person, or online) and be reviewed every 3 years. (36) The Advisory Committee’s role is to: (37) Research Centres will contribute to the research performance of the host School as monitored by the Research Strategy Committee. (38) All Research Centres are required to submit a short annual report to the Dean (or delegate) for the purposes of monitoring performance against agreed goals. (39) Annual reports will include a summary of the Centres performance against Key Performance Indicators as approved at establishment or renewal, such as research income (administered by La Trobe), publications, and other outcomes of the Research Centre to which Core Members have made a contribution. (40) Research Centres may additionally prepare and publish more extensive annual reports for the purposes of external promotion and engagement, and as required by external funding bodies. (41) At the request of the Dean, the Provost or the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement), a more substantial review of the performance and operations of a Research Centre may be undertaken at any time. Any substantial recommendations to alter, or disestablish, a Research Centre will be referred for to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement) for approval following consultation with the Provost, Dean and the Research Strategy Committee as required. (42) A Research Centre may seek renewal towards the end of its term. Proposals to renew a Research Centre will be completed by the Research Centre Director in consultation with, and submitted with endorsement by, the Dean (or delegate). Proposers will consult key stakeholders prior to submitting the proposal for review. (43) The Research Centre may seek renewal for a further period of up to five (5) years. (44) All proposals for Research Centre renewal must be submitted for review as follows: (45) Externally funded centres (such as ARC or NHMRC Centres) or joint research ventures that seek to continue beyond the term of external funding as a La Trobe Research Centre will undergo the same process of renewal. (46) Proposals to renew a Research Centre will include: (47) Proposals for the renewal of a Research Centre should be prepared in a timely manner so that the outcome of the proposal can be advised at least four to six months prior to the original cessation date. (48) The disestablishment of a Research Centre will be considered if: (49) A recommendation to disestablish a Research Centre must be submitted by the Research Centre Director and/or Dean (or delegate) for review as follows: (50) The decision to disestablish a Research Centre will require a clear plan for the orderly winding down of the Research Centre operations including: (51) Research Centre Directors normally have appointments within a specific School. (52) The Research Centre Director normally reports to the Dean (or delegate) for the purpose of Career Success, Academic Workload Planning System allocations (when applicable) and Centre operations. If located on a regional campus, the Research Centre Director maintains an ongoing relationship with the Head of the Campus. (53) Research Centre Directors are research leaders within their School and, for centres which make a significant contribution to the research performance of the School, will be member of the School Research and Industry Engagement Committee (or similar) and contribute to School research and industry engagement strategic planning processes. The Centre Director is responsible for the development of the Centre research program, development of Centre culture, developing and maintaining internal and external research networks, administration of the Centre, monitoring of success against Key Performance Indicators as well as providing mentorship to Centre Members. (54) Regular Research and Innovation Forums will be organised by the Research and Industry Engagement Portfolio to inform research development programs and opportunities, and to provide regular opportunities to network and share good practice with other La Trobe research leaders. Researcher professional development programs will also be facilitated by the Research and Industry Engagement team. (55) Schools may provide or employ appropriately skilled administrative staff to support the activities of one or more centres within their School. It is not a requirement for Schools to provide administrative support, including a dedicated Research Centre Manager. (56) Any professional staff employed by a School to support centre operations will report to the School Senior Manager (or delegate), providing appropriate line management for career success purposes and reporting through the Office of the Provost. This reporting line may be supported via a matrix reporting line with the Research Centre Director. (57) Schools also provide support in terms of office space and other infrastructure. On a regional campus, office space and infrastructure will additionally be negotiated with the Head of Campus. (58) Computer equipment will be provided to Research Centre staff as per the University’s Desktop Equipment Policy. (59) High-performing Research Centres with substantial research funding may wish to seek additional support to cater for the complexity associated with large numbers of contracts and diverse revenue streams, or to attract significant new external revenue streams, beyond the workforce, research and partnership development programs normally facilitated through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement) portfolio. The allocation of any additional resources or funding to support the Centre will be discussed as part of the annual budget process via agreement between the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement), the Provost, the Dean and the Research Centre Director. (60) Government funding which is derived as a result of Research Centre activities, including block grant funding under schemes such as RSP and RTP, will not be distributed automatically to the Research Centre but allocated in part to Schools for the purpose of supporting research and research training activities, which at the discretion of the School may include funding support for one or more Research Centres. . (61) Graduate research candidates are enrolled in Schools and are under the responsibility of the Schools including through the assessment of applications for candidature and scholarships and the allocation of graduate research scholarships within the School. (62) Eligible and qualified Research Centre members will provide graduate research supervision and may work with the School Director of Graduate Research, for example, in the role of Graduate Research Coordinator. Such activities will be allocated workload in the Academic Workload Planning System. (63) Research Centres and Schools are expected to provide a high quality HDR training environment for graduate researchers who will also be encouraged to participate in both Research Centre and School activities. (64) As described in Clause 3, external or joint research ventures may be hosted by the university for which the governance and management arrangements are determined via bespoke contractual arrangements, referred to as ‘Externally funded Centres’ in this Policy. (65) Externally funded Centres may have their own establishment, renewal, and disestablishment processes, depending on the Centre’s contractual arrangements. (66) The naming convention for externally funded Centres will be determined by the arrangement that is entered, it is preferred that “La Trobe” is in the Centre name. (67) Externally funded Centres will normally be associated with a School, in which case the Director will report to the Dean (or delegate). (68) The governance and management of externally funded Centres will be determined by the contractual instrument through which the Centre was established. Contracts are normally managed by the relevant team in the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement) portfolio, and Legal Services, through consultation with the proposed Centre Director and Dean. (69) Externally funded Centres are not required to provide an annual report but must meet all reporting requirements of their funding agreements. (70) Support, such as space and equipment, for externally funded Centres must be agreed upon with the relevant stakeholders before the establishment of the centre. (71) At the end of their term, externally funded Centres may apply to become a La Trobe Research Centre, as per the renewal process outlined in Part F of this Policy. If an externally funded Centre does not renew, the Centre Director must develop a clear plan for the orderly winding down of the Centre, as per Part G, item 50 in this Policy. (72) Nil. (73) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Research Centre Policy
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Academic – Academic Board
Accountable Executive – Policy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement)
Responsible Manager – Policy
Executive Director, Research Office
Review Date
10 December 2027
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Approve the establishment, renewal and disestablishment of all Research Centres
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement) (DVC(R&IE))
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Establishment
Part B - Naming
Part C - Membership
Part D - Governance and Management of the Research Centre
Research Centre Management Committee
Research Centre Advisory Committee
Part E - Annual Reporting
Part F - Renewal
Part G - Disestablishment
Part H - Director
Part I - Funding and Support
Administrative Support and computer equipment
Additional Funding
Part J - Graduate Research Training
Part K - Externally funded Centres
Section 7 - Definitions
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information
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