(1) The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for the planning, development, and management of all University spaces, including teaching and learning spaces, to support the needs of users and the goals of the University, in accordance with all applicable legislation and standards. (2) This Policy applies to: (3) La Trobe University is committed to ensuring that: (4) New capital projects must improve space optimisation in line with the University’s current Strategic Plan or increase profitability for the University or meet demand due to increases in student or staff need. (5) The design of all University spaces where the primary or secondary functions are to accommodate teaching and learning activities is informed by academic staff input. (6) All University campuses and sites provide a range of formal and informal teaching and learning spaces, to suit a variety of teaching and learning approaches. (7) Learning and teaching spaces must, where practicable: (8) The University will provide suitable private and group study spaces for students that provide options for quiet study with secure access to study spaces available after hours on each campus where practicable. The University will monitor demand during major teaching periods and annually review suitability and availability of these spaces to ensure they support student learning needs. (9) The University takes all reasonable steps to future-proof teaching and learning spaces by maximising the ability to re-purpose spaces for future uses. (10) The University undertakes audits of teaching and learning spaces and student spaces prior to all major teaching periods to ensure they are in good working order and fit for purpose. Where a third party teaches a La Trobe course, the University ensures that third-party teaching and learning environments adhere to the La Trobe Design Standards. (11) The University applies the following principles in the design and allocation of staff and student workplaces. Workplaces are: (12) All teaching, learning, staff workspaces, and meeting spaces at the Melbourne campuses (Bundoora and City) of La Trobe are allocated and managed centrally by Asset Transformation to ensure effective space utilisation. (13) Asset Transformation will work closely with the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional) and Head of Campuses on regional campuses to plan and allocate space. In Albury-Wodonga, Mildura and Shepparton, the office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional) is responsible for allocation of space, and involves Asset Transformation on an as-needs basis. (14) A range of collaborative spaces such as meeting rooms are provided in accordance with the current La Trobe University Design Standards: (15) A range of workplaces are available to all divisions and schools to accommodate workplace-based activities and are suitable for all staff types and business needs. (16) The allocation of a space to an area does not represent ownership nor is it used to recognise status, worth or tenure. (17) Allocation of areas may include co-location of multiple divisions and schools. (18) Allocation of workplaces within an area, such as offices or workstations to staff or students, is at the discretion of the division, school or Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional) campus offices as appropriate. (19) Where there are underutilised or vacant spaces, Asset Transformation can temporarily allocate this space to a division or department to use at their discretion until Asset Transformation advise that an alternate use for that space has been identified. (20) Unallocated workplaces are available for all staff to use on each campus. (21) Where the University is contractually obligated (for example through funding or grants such as Australian Research Council [ARC] or National Health and Medical Research Council [NHMRC]) to provide staff with dedicated workplaces, the assignment of the dedicated space is reviewed annually or at the end of the grant period. Asset Transformation must be consulted prior to the submission of an agreement or contract. (22) To ensure effective space utilisation: (23) Shared work areas are provided with lockable storage options on an as-needed basis to store personal items or sensitive materials. (24) Higher Degree by Research candidates, Post-Doctoral Fellows and students in postgraduate and Honours courses have access to shared workstations and office facilities, proportionate to their actual on-campus working hours, and suited to the fulfilment of their tasks. Where possible, students are provided access to a workstation within the vicinity of researchers in their discipline, subject to available resources (see Graduate Research Support Policy). (25) Undergraduate students have access to quiet study spaces throughout the University. Undergraduate students are not provided with dedicated shared space except in special circumstances, such as a requirement for a Reasonable Adjustment as outlined in the Disability Procedure - Reasonable Adjustments for Students (forthcoming). (26) All University staff members (including Emeritus, Adjunct and Honorary Staff) have access to shared workstations and office facilities, proportionate to their actual on-campus working hours and/or Flexible Working Plan, and suited to the fulfilment of their tasks. (27) Specialised workplaces such as lab spaces are designed to be suitable for all disciplines and for multidisciplinary use. (28) The designation of specialised labs for research that cannot be shared requires strong justification and approval from the Dean and/or Office of Provost (Facilities and Technical Services), and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement). (29) Support lab facilities such as cool rooms and storage facilities must be shared. (30) Event spaces are controlled and managed by the Marketing Digital & Insights division at the Melbourne campuses and the Head of Campus Office at regional campuses. (31) Workplaces for Research and Innovation Precinct Partners on Melbourne campuses, such as labs, offices and collaboration spaces, are managed by the Research and Industry Engagement team. On regional campuses space for local partners is normally managed by the Campus Office. (32) Space allocated to and/or occupied by parties external to but associated with La Trobe University is paid for through a commercial lease/licence or other non-financial beneficial arrangement. (33) The Leasing Department of Asset Transformation manages all aspects of leased/tenanted space on all University campuses and stand-alone off-campus locations. The Leasing Department must be consulted on all spaces to be leased prior to any discussions with external parties to ensure lease acquisition, negotiation, preparation, review and management are undertaken with due diligence. (34) Campus spaces across all locations and buildings are able to be viewed through Archibus via the staff intranet. (35) Metropolitan space requests must be lodged through Archibus. (36) Regional space requests must be lodged through the Head of Campus Office. (37) Requests for space to accommodate the core functions of staff or students with a disability may necessitate deviations from standard policy. In line with La Trobe’s Disability Policy, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (Staff) Policy and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, these requests are reviewed when information on an individual’s registered disability support and/or Learning Access Plan is made available. Reasonable Adjustments are made in accordance with (38) A request for space is a formal process and does not guarantee allocation of additional space or alteration of existing space. Requests must be: (39) It is the responsibility of a division manager or Head of Campus to inform Asset Transformation when: (40) Asset Transformation reviews such reports and, where applicable, implements any required changes in a timely manner. (41) Asset Transformation is responsible for: (42) Information Services provides AV and communication standards for all teaching, learning, collaboration, and meeting spaces. (43) The Academic Services team are responsible for timetabling teaching spaces (see Timetabling of Teaching and Learning Space Policy). (44) Division managers are responsible for monitoring the drivers of space change, such as changes in service delivery, growth, reduction or increase in staff numbers and re-classification of staff. (45) Those responsible for monitoring space change within their departments/divisions are required to update changes in Archibus. Where there are significant changes, Asset Transformation must be notified as soon as possible. (46) The Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) provide an annual report to both the Senior Executive Group and Education Committee detailing progress of current projects and planned future initiatives. (47) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure: (48) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Space Allocation and Use Policy
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy
Executive Director, Asset Transformation
Review Date
26 February 2028
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Top of Page
Section 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Approve the allocation of space
Asset Transformation
Approve the allocation of space on regional campuses
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional)
Endorse space requests
Senior Leadership Group (refer to Appendix A)
Sponsor space requests
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Learning Environments
Staff and Student Workplaces
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Allocation of Space
Collaborative Environments
Staff and Student Workplaces
Specialised Workspaces
Leased Spaces
Part B - Requests for Space or Changes to Space
Process Overview
Issues with Space
Part C - Responsibilities
Part D - Monitoring and Reporting
Part E - Appendix A
Top of Page
Request Area
Executive Director, Operations
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Future Growth)
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional)
Head of Campus
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement)
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Executive Director or equivalent
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement)
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Chief of Staff
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 8 - Authority and Associated Information
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click the link in the document's navigation bar.
Senior Executive Member (refer to Appendix A)
Director or equivalent
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Future Growth)
Executive Director or equivalent