(1) The Compliance Breach Management Policy (the Policy) sets out the University’s processes for managing and complying with legislative, statutory and contractual breach reporting obligations, by ensuring any actual or potential breaches are reported and actioned. All employees, contractors and volunteers play a role in ensuring compliance and using the defined channels to notify the University of actual or potential breaches. (2) This Policy applies to: (3) The University is committed to full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, standards, codes, and other licensing or contractual obligations to which it is bound. (4) This Policy applies in situations where a contravention of a Compliance Obligation (actual or potential) is identified. (5) Employees, Contractors and Volunteers are expected to remain familiar with this Policy and any supporting procedure(s), including the prescribed timeframes for notification. (6) Some compliance matters, such as those provided below, may be excluded from the requirements set out in this Policy and are to be dealt with according to the prescriptions set under University Policy, Statute or Legislation as relevant in the circumstances. These include but not limited to: (7) As soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of an actual or potential breach, employees are required to inform: (8) Managers will be responsible for completing a Breach Notification Form and providing this to the applicable Responsible Officer Register as soon as reasonably practicable, generally within 24 hours of identification. (9) Where in doubt, notification should be directed to the Risk Management Office via compliance@latrobe.edu.au (10) Under this policy, Responsible Officers are ultimately accountable for: (11) In circumstances where the Responsible Officer believes management’s response to an actual or potential breach is inadequate, the matter should be referred to the Risk Management Office for resolution. (12) Management remains responsible for investigating, under the direction of the applicable Responsible Officer, the circumstances of an actual or potential breach including root cause and likely impact. (13) In the case of a criminal matter, all reasonable care must be taken to ensure the principles of natural justice are applied and any interim action does not compromise the integrity of available evidence for any subsequent detailed investigation. For matters of health and safety, occupational health and safety standards must be adhered. (14) Where a Governing Body or Committee is responsible for overseeing compliance, notification is required to be made by the Responsible Officer to that Governance Committee, in accordance with its terms of reference. Where the matter is a material breach however, per section 4.5, the matter must be reported to the Risk Management Office within 24 hours or as soon as reasonably practicable following identification. (15) Approval for reporting of non-material breaches is required from the relevant Committee, prior to the Quarterly Breach Report being lodged with the Risk Management Office. (16) A material breach (actual or potential) has one or more of the following characteristics: (17) Material breaches (actual or potential) must be reported immediately (generally within 24 hours) to the Risk Management Office (compliance@latrobe.edu.au) by the applicable Responsible Officer, and should be assessed by the Responsible Officer in consultation with the Risk Management Office. (18) This University requires breaches to be reported to the Corporate Governance, Audit and Risk Committee (CGARC) quarterly by the Risk Management Office. (19) As part of this central reporting and oversight, Responsible Officers are required to collate and provide at the end of each quarter (or otherwise on request) a report on all new actual or potential breaches (including the status of the corrective action plan) for any previously reported, open and unresolved matter (Quarterly Breach Report). (20) While the Risk Management Office retains overall responsibility for the management of the University’s Compliance Obligations Management, the University’s model of compliance is decentralised and places reliance on appointed Responsible Officers for identifying, monitoring, reporting on and overseeing compliance with all applicable Obligations. (21) Under this policy the Risk Management Office will be responsible to: (22) Where there has been a contravention or likely contravention of a privacy obligation, the Privacy Officer must be notified within 24 hours or as soon as practicable following identification. (23) The Privacy Officer will then be responsible for initiating the University’s privacy breach response as set out under the University’s Privacy - Personal Information Policy. (24) There are many methods in which an actual or potential breach may be identified. Including from internal employees, contractors and volunteers to external community reports. Please also refer to Compliance Management Framework - Identification Channels and Prescribed Reporting Timeframes for examples. (25) La Trobe University actively encourages employees and the broader University community to report details of any actual or potential breach they identify, or that has recently been detected but are concerned may not have been adequately raised or addressed. (26) The University also recognises that whistleblowing (otherwise known as protected disclosures) is an important way of ensuring effective governance, and encourages employees to read and understand the Protected Disclosure Policy, and avail themselves of the additional mechanisms in which they can report on any actual or suspected misconduct. (27) For the purpose of this Policy:Compliance Breach Management Policy
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Policy Exemptions
Top of PageSection 4 - Procedures
Part A - Breach Reporting (actual or potential)
Part B - Breach Assessment
Part C - Investigatory Responsibility
Part D - Governance Clearances
Part E - Reporting Material Breaches (actual or potential)
Part F - Committee Reporting and Oversight
Part G - Risk Management Office (Roles and Responsibilities)
Part H - Privacy Breaches (actual or potential)
Part I - Identification Channels
Part J - Whistle-blowing and Protected Disclosures
Section 5 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 6 - Stakeholders
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This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Responsibility for implementation – La Trobe University’s Responsible Officers.
Responsibility for monitoring implementation and compliance – Risk Management Office.