(1) Information Services (IS) manages the funds supplied by the University to provide “fit for purpose” desktop computing equipment, henceforth referred to as “equipment” for the University. (2) This Policy provides the framework for the management and supply of this equipment. (3) This Policy applies to all areas of the University requesting the supply of equipment, including: (4) The University provides computing equipment that is based on a standard specification published by IS and is sourced through the University’s preferred suppliers. (5) IS will supply equipment as specified on the IS ASK Services Knowledgebase and based on a Standard Operating Environment (SOE). (6) The Standard Operating Environment (SOE) Committee will meet as required to review and endorse any updates to the standards. (7) Equipment (standard specification) for full-time staff and Higher degree by research students is provided and funded from central funds that are managed by IS. (8) Peripheral items or IT accessories (e.g. webcams, custom keyboards, bags, etc) may be purchased by the local work area or department, upon budget holder approval. (9) The funds allow for one computer per position, any exception to this rule will be fully funded by the department and is to be endorsed by IS and a member of the Senior Executive Group (SEG) (or their delegated authority). (10) Equipment for staff in casual, part-time or fixed term appointments and in job share arrangements will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the requesting area and IS. (11) Equipment for CONAGOTHs, adjunct, honorary and emeritus staff will be funded by their area but will still need to comply with the Standard Operating Environment (SOE) or follow the non-standard equipment request process (see below). IS will seek to re-use existing equipment before acquiring a new device. (12) No equipment will be purchased without the knowledge of and consultation with the IS Asset Management Team. IS will also manage the asset lifecycle for all equipment; the details of the lifecycle will be published with the standard specification. (13) Purchasing Card holders must not use their La Trobe Purchasing Card to purchase equipment as defined below. (14) Non-standard equipment (including all Apple & higher specification Windows models) is also procured and maintained by IS. Individuals or departments are to acquire all equipment via IS or in close consultation with IS – independent procurement or design is not permitted. When a request for non-standard equipment is made via ASK Services, the requesting area will be required to: (15) IS will assess the request and will supply a costing for the difference between the request and the SOE. Any additional expenditure will need to be approved by the Manager of the requesting area and individual who has the appropriate financial expenditure delegation. (16) If a requested non-standard configuration is not recommended by IS for technical or support reasons or because the request is considered to be over-specified, a member of the Senior Executive Group will be required to consider the request. (17) When non-standard equipment is replaced, it will be replaced (as a default) with the current standard equipment as specified by IS unless a new non-standard exemption is approved. (18) Equipment funded exclusively with external research funds must be agreed with IS prior to purchase, but is not covered by Clauses 15-18. (19) All equipment will be leased unless an exception applies. An exception may be requested via ASK Services. An exception can apply in the following circumstances: (20) Any additional equipment or variation in the specification of equipment will be with specific prior approval and at a cost to the requesting area. (21) If an area wishes to replace the type of equipment before the end of the lease cycle, the area is required to pay for the buyout cost of the lease and any additional costs that may be incurred regarding the change of specification. (22) If equipment is to be funded out of research funds, the equipment will need to be purchased instead of being leased, as research funds are non-recurring funds. The purchase of research funded equipment must still adhere to the SOE and SOE exemption process outlined in this Policy. (23) At the end of the lease, IS will make and document 3 attempts to contact the equipment user and their Budget Holder to arrange for the replacement of their equipment. If no response is received from the user, the Budget Holder will be advised and charges for the non-returned leased item(s) will be passed on to the area, unless there is a legitimate reason for the user’s lack of response (e.g. user is on an extended period of leave). These charges will be the costs incurred from the leasing company. (24) If leases are to be terminated early, the cost of the lease buyout will be funded in its entirety by the requesting area. (25) Any non-returned or damaged leased equipment will be charged back to the area. All equipment that is provided at the time of deployment must be returned at the lease end lifecycle. Non-returned items will be charged back to the department. (26) Buyouts of equipment for personal retention are not permitted, unless in exceptional circumstances and approved in writing by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) or the relevant member of the Senior Executive Group. In line with software licencing agreements the equipment will have all La Trobe licensed software removed. Windows computers will also have the Operating System removed. (27) All non-warranty repairs will be charged to the area that has been allocated the equipment. (28) All modifications to the equipment, made at any time, will be funded by the area, for example: expansions to RAM, disk or video cards. (29) Staff are not permitted to personally or independently modify their device at any time. If upgrades or alterations are (30) IS may recover and re-purpose equipment that has not been utilised in six months. (31) For security and privacy reasons: (32) IS will manage the disposal or salvage of all desktop equipment at its discretion. (33) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure:Desktop Equipment Policy
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Part A - Standard Equipment
Part B - Non-Standard Equipment
Part C - Leased Equipment
Part D - Modifications and Repair of Equipment
required the device must be returned to IS to perform or arrange the modification(s).Part E - Decommissioning and Re-purposing Equipment
Section 5 - Definitions
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