(1) La Trobe University is committed to ensuring that assessment of staff employed on probation is fair and equitable. (2) The purpose of this Policy and supporting procedures is to provide fixed term academic staff and supervisors with clear guidance of their obligations and the process to be followed during a staff member’s period of probation. (3) Academic Probation for fixed-term academic staff is administered through the Probation Form in MyHR. (4) This Policy and supporting procedures apply to fixed term academic staff on probation and supervisors of fixed-term Academic staff on probation. They do not apply to casual staff, continuing academic staff [refer to the Probation (Continuing Academic Staff) Policy] or Professional staff [refer to the Probation (Professional Staff) Policy] or Senior Staff Contracts. (5) The La Trobe University Enterprise Agreement 2023 (the EA) also contains provisions relating to the management of Probation at the University. (6) The purpose of a probationary period is to ensure an appropriate match is made between the person, the job and the work environment. It serves as an opportunity for both La Trobe and the new staff member to confirm whether the staff member satisfies the goals and objectives of the position. (7) Probation provides an opportunity to evaluate the staff member’s suitability in terms of: (8) These procedures can be used during the probation period to address performance or conduct concerns. As per subclause 20.5 of the EA, clauses 67 (Misconduct and Serious Misconduct), 68 (Breaches of the Research Code) and 69 (Unsatisfactory Performance) of the EA, do not apply to staff members during their probation period. It is important, however, that appropriate probationary procedures are followed to ensure a fair and equitable process. (9) All new Academic staff appointed to a fixed-term position will normally be required to serve a period of probation. (10) Unless otherwise provided in the contract of employment, Academic staff appointed to a fixed-term position with the University are required to complete a probationary period, with the exact probation duration and expiry date specified in the contact of employment in line with the University’s Academic Probation Expiry Date Guidelines. (11) Unless otherwise provided in the contract of employment, Academic staff appointed to a fixed-term position of five (5) years or more with the University are required to complete an approximately three (3) year probation period, with the exact probation expiry date specified in their contract of employment in line with the University’s Academic Probation Expiry Date Guidelines. (12) Unless otherwise specified in their contract of employment, Academic staff appointed to a fixed-term position of greater than two (2) years but less than five (5) years with the University are required to complete an approximately twelve (12) month probation period, with the exact probation expiry date specified in their contract of employment in line with the University’s Academic Probation Expiry Date Guidelines. (13) Unless otherwise specified in their contract of employment, Academic staff appointed to a fixed-term position of two (2) years or less with the University are required to complete a six (6) month probation period, with the exact probation expiry date specified in their contract of employment in line with the University’s Academic Probation Expiry Date Guidelines. (14) Probation will not usually apply to a second or subsequent fixed-term contract unless the duties of the new position are fundamentally different from the previous fixed-term appointment. Where a supervisor is considering requiring a second period of probation, the supervisor should contact their Senior P&C Business Partner for advice before proceeding with that decision. (15) The period of probation for Academic staff appointments may be shortened or waived on the recommendation of the Dean/Director and with the approval of the Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor. In determining this, consideration will normally take into account service at the University or at other universities, the level at which the appointment is being made and the staff member’s demonstrated experience. (16) In exceptional circumstances an Academic staff member’s probationary period may be extended – see Part G. (17) The supervisor is responsible for: (18) During the probation period, the supervisor will determine whether the staff member has the required skills, knowledge and attributes to have their employment confirmed. This decision will be made in accordance this Policy and clause 20 of the EA. (19) The staff member is responsible for: (20) Formal probation review meetings will occur, as a minimum, at the mid-point of probation with the final probation review to be conducted around 5 months before the end of the probation period (for probation periods of three years). The Supervisor may undertake more frequent reviews and may align these with the Career Success timelines for the staff member. (21) At each probation review: (22) The supervisor will document the discussion and any outcomes in the Academic Probation App. (23) Where a supervisor has any concerns in relation to the performance or behaviour of the staff member at any stage throughout the probationary period, the supervisor should contact the Probation Panel Chair and P&C Business Partner for further advice and support. (24) For Academic staff appointments, 5 months prior to the end of the probation period, the staff member will be required to complete feedback against attainment of Probation Goals in the Academic Probation App and submit to the supervisor no later than 4 months prior to the end of probation for review. The Academic Probation Self-Assessment should include information on work progress and personal circumstances, including achievement relative to opportunity during the probation period. (25) Where the supervisor considers the staff member has met their probation goals, at least six weeks prior to the expiry of the probationary period, the supervisor must add their recommendation to the Academic Probation Self- Assessment, including their reasons and forward to the Dean/Director (or where the Dean/Director is the supervisor, the Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor). (26) On receipt of the Academic Probation Self-Assessment the following processes shall be followed, the probation panel: (27) The Chair, on recommendation from members of the Probation Panel, will decide whether to: (28) For staff members at Levels A, B C and D, the Chair will discuss the decision with the Provost or Deputy Vice- Chancellor (or Vice-Chancellor where the Provost or Deputy Vice-Chancellor is the supervisor) prior to confirmation of the decision/recommendation. (29) For staff members at Level E, the Chair will discuss the decision with the Vice-Chancellor prior to confirmation of the decision/recommendation. (30) The Probation Panel shall be supported, for administrative matters, by the office of the Chair. (31) If the decision is to confirm the staff member’s appointment, the staff member will receive a system notification to review the probation outcome. (32) If the decision is to recommend to not confirm employment, the processes under Part F shall be followed. (33) An Academic staff member’s employment may be terminated by the University at any stage during the probation period for any reason, which may include (but not be limited to) unsatisfactory performance, behavioural concerns and misconduct. (34) As per clause 20.4 of the EA, prior to making any decision to terminate a staff member’s employment in probation, the staff member shall be advised of, and given an opportunity to make a written response to any adverse comments/material about the staff member which the University intends to take into account in a decision to terminate the staff member’s employment upon or before the expiry of the probationary period. (35) Where a supervisor has any concerns in relation to the performance or behaviour of the staff member at any stage throughout the probationary period, the supervisor should contact their P&C Business Partner for further advice and support. (36) Where a supervisor considers that a staff member should not have their employment confirmed upon or before the expiry of the probationary period or a decision is made under Part E to recommend to not confirm a staff member’s employment, the supervisor will: (37) The Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor will consider the supervisor’s recommendation and the staff member’s response (if any) prior to determining whether to accept the recommendation and will inform the Chief People Officer, People & Culture of their decision. (38) Prior to making the decision, the Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor may seek further clarification from the staff member or the supervisor on any information they provided. (39) In making a decision to terminate a staff member’s employment during the probationary period, the Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor will have regard to whether the procedures set out in the probation policy were followed. (40) Where the Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor has determined that the termination of employment during the probationary period is warranted, the People & Culture Division will provide the staff member with a letter confirming termination of their employment. (41) Except in cases of serious misconduct, where a staff member’s employment is terminated at any stage during the probation period, the staff member will be provided with three months’ notice unless a greater period of notice is specified in their contract of employment. At the discretion of the Chief People Officer, People & Culture, a payment in lieu of this notice may be made to the staff member. In cases of serious misconduct, the staff member’s employment may be terminated without notice. (42) In exceptional circumstances an Academic staff member’s probationary period may be extended. Examples of this may include (but not be limited to) prolonged absences due to illness or another form of leave or transfer to other duties for a substantial portion of the probation period. Where a supervisor considers that an extension may be required, the supervisor is required to contact their P&C Business Partner for advice. Any extension must be approved by the Chief People Officer, People & Culture (or nominee) and communicated to the Academic staff member in writing prior to the expiry of the original probation period. (43) For the purpose of this policy and procedure: (44) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Probation (Fixed Term Academic Staff) Policy
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Responsible Manager – Policy
Chief People Officer, People & Culture
Review Date
26 February 2028
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Approve shortened or waived periods of probation for academic staff appointments
Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Determine the termination of employment during the probationary period
Provost/Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor
Approve a payment in lieu of termination notice period
Chief People Officer, People & Culture
Approve the extension of a probation period
Chief People Officer, People & Culture
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Period of Probation
Part B - Responsibilities of the Supervisor During Probation
Part C - Responsibilities of the Staff Member During Probation
Part D - Reviews During the Probation Period
Part E - Outcome of Probation – Confirmation of Employment
Part F - Outcome of Probation – Termination of Employment
Part G - Extension of Probation
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information
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