(1) La Trobe University may appoint Professors or Associate Professors of Professional Practice in a range of disciplinary areas to ensure the relevance of practice-based programs and to engage more effectively with professional communities. (2) Appointments may be made at Level E Professor or Level D Associate Professor. (3) Such appointments will differ from standard academic roles as they will be practice-focussed. Appointees will not necessarily have a PhD and research productivity may differ from that expected for a standard academic appointment. (4) Alternatively, honorary clinical and industry-focussed appointments may be made. Schools should determine whether they require: (5) These Procedures do not provide for promotion to Professor or Associate Professor of Professional Practice. (6) The process will be based on evidence of achievement and will be conducted in a transparent and equitable manner and with due regard for confidentiality. (7) Refer to the Recruitment Policy. (8) Refer to the Recruitment Policy. (9) Appointees will be leading practitioners in their professional fields who must be able to contribute in a translational capacity to the teaching and research efforts of the University by translating research, or the pedagogy of research, into practice in the broad public sector. (10) Criteria for appointment: (11) The funding for such appointments will be provided from the budget of the area in which the appointment is located. (12) Appointments will be: (13) The Provost will submit a proposal to the Vice-Chancellor (for Level E) or to the Chief People Officer, People & Culture (for Level D). (14) The proposal will include: (15) If the proposal is supported by the Vice-Chancellor or the Chief People Officer, People & Culture (respectively), a selection committee will be appointed. (16) The selection process will be similar to that for a standard Level E or Level D appointment (refer to standard selection procedures for relevant level). Normally this would entail interviewing the candidate. (17) For Level E appointments: (18) For Level D appointments: (19) The committee membership must meet the University’s requirements for gender representation. (20) Vice-Chancellor (or delegate) may approve a Level E appointment, on the recommendation of the Selection Committee. Level E appointments will be reported to the Academic Board. (21) The Provost may approve a Level D appointment, on the recommendation of the Selection Committee. (22) Once an appointment is approved, the Vice-Chancellor or Provost will forward the documentation to People & Culture to prepare a letter of offer. The formal offer will be made by the Vice-Chancellor (for Level E) and by the Chief People Officer, People & Culture (for Level D). (23) For the purpose of this Procedure:Recruitment Procedure - Professors of Practice
This procedure is being updated to reflect the new Enterprise Agreement and may currently contain out of date information. If you have any questions, please lodge an Ask HR ticket.
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Terms of Appointment
Selection Committee Composition
Letter of Offer
Section 5 - Definitions
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