(1) To formulate the overall framework for the management of mobile communication devices for La Trobe University. (2) Applies to: (3) The University provides devices (such as mobile phones, Tablet PCs and other mobile devices) that use data carrier and/or Wi-Fi services where there is a demonstrated business need. (4) A device that uses a data carrier and/or WiFi offsite that has data download capabilities will only be issued to individuals, Colleges and Divisions where there is a demonstrated need to access data services for University related activities whilst off campus and/or out of business hour or if there is a compelling business requirement. (5) Such devices will be supplied, subject to the definitions and conditions detailed in the Procedure contained herein. (6) Procedure for the approval, purchase, management, use and disposal of mobile communication devices. (7) For the purpose of this procedure, the term ‘mobile communication devices’ will include: (8) A comprehensive list of approved mobile communication devices can be found at Mobile communication device webpage. (9) La Trobe University will provide a mobile communication device to staff where it is deemed necessary in order for them to undertake the duties listed in their position description, is written into their employment contract or specified within the letter of offer. (10) The type of mobile communication device for which staff are eligible will be determined by the inherent requirements of the staff member's role and subject to the approval of Senior Management. This will pertain to staff whose duties require them to spend time away from their normal workplace, and/or be contactable outside business hours, or a demonstrated requirement for this type of devices to perform their duties. (11) This can include but is not limited to: (12) Normally staff are restricted to having one data carrier (SIM) if they possess multiple mobile communication devices but this remains at the discretion of the approver. (13) A staff member transferring to a different position within La Trobe may be required to hand back the mobile communication device and have the associated phone number re-assigned to another staff member. (14) University owned mobile communication device will be loaned at the discretion of the relevant Senior Executive. (15) There are occasions where a mobile communication device will be allocated to a College or Division rather than an individual, for example: (16) A specific member of staff must be nominated by manager at the executive level or their delegate to take responsibility for the allocated device and to oversee its use. It is incumbent on the responsible executive manager to notify ICT of the name and position of the nominee. (17) Manager at the executive level or their delegate has the responsibility for approving the purchase of mobile communication devices. Manager at the executive level must notify IS (mobiles@latrobe.edu.au) of name and position of their nominated delegate. (18) The line manager has the following supervisory responsibilities: (19) Governance Services are responsible for members of the University Senior Governance Committees who are external affiliates and students. For consultants and casual employees, the responsible College or Division will take on the role of supervising the use of the device. The Governance Services and the responsible College or Division has the same supervisory responsibilities as the line manager in relation to these individuals and their University loaned device. (20) Mobile communication devices owned by the University are to be used appropriately, responsibly, and ethically. Mobile communication device users are responsible for any and all activities associated with that device. The use of these devices is subject to the Use of Computer Facilities Statute 2009. In addition, users of these devices must observe the following: (21) Mobile communication devices are issued to users on the condition that the device is used sensibly and economically. Personal use is permitted so long as such use is fair and reasonable. Determination of use beyond fair and reasonable will be made by the Chief Finance and Operations Officer, Information Services in consultation with the Executive Director, Human Resources, Chief Finance and Operations Officer, the staff's line manager and/or the responsible senior executive. Where personal use is above and beyond fair and reasonable, the user is required to reimburse the University for personal expenses incurred using the University owned mobile communication device. (22) Unless specifically authorised by the CIO, users are not permitted to enter into any telephony and/or data plan with any carrier on behalf of the University, regardless of funding source or device ownership. Unauthorised plans will be cancelled, and the carrier advised to recover costs from the user responsible for entering into the plan. (23) The following applies to the purchase of University owned mobile communication device: (24) All University owned mobile communication devices and associated accessories including SIM card are to be returned to the line manager upon termination of relationship with the University. For external affiliates who are members of a University Senior Committee, the line manager is Governance Services. For other individuals, the device and accessories are to be returned to the relevant person in their area. For individuals based in a College, this is the College General Manager or their delegate, for Division, it is the Executive Director or their delegates. (25) All equipment should be returned in good order subject to reasonable wear and tear. The line manager is responsible for returning the device, SIM card and accessories to IS via the IS service desk unless an alternative arrangement is made with ICT by the manager at the executive level or their delegate. Should the device not be returned to the University or not returned in good working order, the University will take measures to recover the costs. This could include legal action. (26) If requested, the University may agree to transfer mobile phone numbers registered in its name to departing staff members where the staff member has had exclusive use of the number, providing the transfer takes effect prior to the termination date. (27) This does not apply where the mobile phone number was allocated to a business function or published in a corporate publication (excludes personal business cards). (28) Payment of any costs associated with the transfer, such as a cancellation of contract fee is at the discretion of the manager at the executive level or their delegate. Any such costs will be borne by the approving College or Division. (29) The University will reallocate the number or cancel the service if the transfer is not in effect prior to the termination date. (30) A mobile communication device may be transferred to another user subject to criteria outlined in section 2 of this procedure. Relevant managers at the executive level or their delegate must provide approval for this to take place. It is the responsibility of the manager at the executive level or their delegate to notify IS (mobiles@latrobe.edu.au) of the name, position and contact details of the old and the new user. (31) The use of the mobile communication device remains the responsibility of the registered device user and their College or Division up until formal notification is received by IS (mobiles@latrobe.edu.au) with details of the new user and the transfer date for the device. (32) When the mobile communication device is no longer required by the College or Division, the line manager must formally request IS (mobiles@latrobe.edu.au) to cancel the service and the device must be returned to IS service desk. (33) All broken or unwanted University mobile communication devices are to be returned to IS service desk at Melbourne campus or Bendigo campus. These devices will be disposed of in an appropriate manner. (34) Users are permitted to use a personal mobile communication device to access the University's network and facilities. All such use is subject to the Use of Computer Facilities Statute 2009 and any other applicable policies and procedures. (35) Where staff have a reasonable claim for the costs of genuine business use of personal mobile communication device they may submit a request for reimbursement. Reimbursement is subject to Incurring Expenditure Procedure and Payment of Moneys due to Staff Members Procedure. (36) The business use of personal mobile communication device and the reimbursement of costs must have the approval by the relevant line manager. Where possible approval must be obtained prior to incurring the costs. (37) Replacement of a lost or damaged device is subject to approval by the relevant line manager. Replacements for lost or damaged devices may not be new or equivalent device. (38) The University may choose to replace the mobile communication device for reasons of changing business requirement or technological changes. (39) The University reserves the right to monitor usage of University owned mobile communication devices. All activities relating to monitoring are subject to Privacy – Personal Information Policy and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. All monitoring request requires appropriate business justification and written approval from manager at executive level. (40) The use of University owned mobile communication device are subject to the conditions outlined in the Use of Computing Facilities Statue 2009, the Code of Conduct and include additional conditions as follow: (41) University management regularly review mobile communication device usage. The University reserves the right to revoke approval for a University mobile communication device at any time. (42) Mobile communication devices contain confidential, personal and sensitive corporate information. The University will impose security requirements to protect the data. This includes steps outline in the Use of Computer Facilities Statue 2009 (section 7). (43) All University owned mobile communication devices must be configured to require a password, PIN or biometric identification to be entered in order to gain access to the device. (44) For the purposes of this policy:Mobile Communication Device Policy
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope/ Application
Top of PageSection 3 - Policy Statement
Section 4 - Procedures
Type of Devices
Eligibility Criteria for Allocation
Individual Staff Members
Other Individuals
College and Division
Responsibilities of Supervisor and Line Manager
Responsibilities of Mobile Communication Device Users
Personal Use of University Mobile Communication Device and/or Services
Purchasing of Mobile Communication Device
Termination of Employment
Transfer of Mobile Device
Disposal of Mobile Device
Use of Non-University Equipment
Replacement of Existing Device
Revoking a Mobile Communication Device
Section 5 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 6 - Stakeholders
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Responsibility for implementation – Strategic Sourcing and Procurement; Information Services; Pro Vice-Chancellors; Vice-Chancellor; Deputy Vice-Chancellor; and Chief Finance and Operations Officer.
Responsibility for monitoring implementation and compliance – Director, Financial Operations; and Manager, Communication and Security, ICT.