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Appointment of La Trobe University Distinguished Professors Policy

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Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy Chief People Officer
Review Date 25 March 2028
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) To set out the policy and procedures for the appointment of La Trobe University Distinguished Professors.

(2) The process will be based on academic achievement and will be conducted in a transparent and equitable manner and with due regard for confidentiality.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) Applies to all academic staff of the University.

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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions  Role
Approve the appointment of a La Trobe University Distinguished Professor Vice-Chancellor
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(4) To attract, appoint, and retain leading, world-class academic staff who have established stellar records of academic achievement and have attained international distinction for their research and scholarly work. 

(5) Such appointments are consistent with the University’s strategic objectives and will add to the University’s prestige as a world-class research and higher education institution.

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Section 6 - Procedures


(6) The criterion for appointment as a La Trobe University Distinguished Professor is an established stellar record of academic achievement and international distinction for outstanding scholarship in an area identified as a strategic priority for the University.  The domains of scholarship may be in learning and teaching and/or research.

(7) External indicators of great distinction which may be demonstrated include, but are not limited to:

  1. a distinguished record of highly cited research or scholarly publications in distinguished publishing outlets;
  2. an outstanding record of research translation or commercialisation, with impact demonstrated at a significant scale;
  3. a record of achievement in leading programs of research attracting large competitive research grant funding and other research funds;
  4. proven experience in effective engagement with government, industry, community organisations and/or international institutions;
  5. fellowship of the Royal Society of London; the British Academy; the US Academy of Sciences, or US Academy of Engineering;
  6. an equivalent European Academy; or other equivalent evidence of international recognition for outstanding research;
  7. a distinguished record of sustained excellence in transformative and inclusive educational approaches that enhance the student experience and student success, recognised through prestigious teaching awards, which may include the Australian Awards for University Teaching and/or Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy;
  8. national and/or international leadership in learning and teaching, evidenced through contribution to educational policy, invitation to chair curriculum reviews and/or professional accreditation, membership or leadership of editorial boards of leading higher education journals and/or coordination of national and international higher education conferences.


(8) The funding for such appointments shall be provided from the budget of the area in which the appointment is located.

Term of Appointment

(9) Appointment normally will be for a fixed-term of five years. 


(10) The Vice-Chancellor will consider a recommendation from a Deputy Vice-Chancellor or a Provost and may initiate the process by appointing a selection committee and inviting the relevant Dean to submit a proposal.

(11) Proposals will be assessed by the committee against the criteria outlined in Section 64, clauses 6 and 7.


(12) Proposals should include:

  1. a statement addressing the criteria for appointment as a La Trobe University Distinguished Professor;
  2. a copy of the proposed appointee’s curriculum vitae;
  3. the names and contact details of three disciplinary experts who can attest to the proposed appointee’s international reputation.
  4. a statement of support by the Dean and indication of the funding source, internal or external.

Selection Committee

(13) Composition:

  1. Vice-Chancellor (as Chair)
  2. Provost 
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
  4. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement)

(14) The Vice-Chancellor may appoint additional committee members, as appropriate. The committee membership must meet the University’s requirements for gender representation as outlined in the Selection Committee Policy.


(15) The Vice-Chancellor has the authority to approve the appointment.

(16) Appointments will be reported to the Academic Board.

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Section 7 - Definitions

(17) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure:

  1. La Trobe Univesity Distinguished Professor: leading world-class academic researchers or scholars, who have achieved international distinction for the outstanding quality of their research and scholarly work.
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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(18) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.

(19) Associated information includes:

  1. People & Culture intranet