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Leave Entitlements Policy

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This policy is being updated to reflect the new Enterprise Agreement and may currently contain out of date information. If you have any questions, please lodge an Ask HR ticket.

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) A safe and healthy work place enables staff members to take leave breaks and provides them with an opportunity to refresh themselves away from the work environment and/or attend to family responsibilities.

(2) The aim of staff taking leave is to:

  1. have an opportunity to refresh themselves;
  2. reduce the adverse impact on health and well-being;
  3. reduce the likelihood of potential ‘burn-out’/ exhaustion;
  4. increase job satisfaction and reduce absenteeism;
  5. increase staff commitment and morale.

(3) The University is committed to providing staff with a variety of leave arrangements (paid and unpaid) that enable them to balance work with rest and recreation, family responsibilities and other specific purposes.

(4) The University will comply with leave provisions in accordance with the La Trobe University Collective Agreement, approved by the Fair Work Commission (‘the Collective Agreement’) and the Contract of Employment. This Policy should be read in conjunction with these documents.

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Section 2 - Scope

(5) This Policy applies to leave provisions for fixed term and continuing staff members under the Collective Agreement.

(6) Casual staff members are not entitled to paid leave, except as provided by the Collective Agreement and the NES. 

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Section 3 - Policy Statement


(7) Leave, paid and unpaid, may be granted to staff at the University in accordance with the Collective Agreement and under the relevant procedures.

(8) Where a term is silent in the Collective Agreement or Contract of Employment the provisions under the Fair Work Act 2009 will apply.

(9) Where a staff member is employed on a part-time basis, the staff member shall receive the paid leave entitlement on a pro-rata basis

(10) A staff member on leave (including leave without salary) remains employed by the University.

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Section 4 - Procedure

How to Apply for Leave

(11) In applying for leave, an eligible staff member is required to:

  1. discuss the proposed leave with his/her manager; 
  2. where possible, apply for leave via the on-line portal wherever possible; and 
  3. apply for all other leave by completing the appropriate form and submitting it to his/her manager for approval. 

(12) Any supporting documentation should be provided to the manager in hard-copy. For hard copy applications, the manager must sign the form and forward to Human Resources via HR Assist for processing at their earliest convenience.


Individual Staff Member

(13) The individual staff member is responsible for:

  1. discussing any the proposed planned leave and the timing of which with his/her manager before applying for leave;
  2. applying for leave in accordance with the entitlement and procedure;
  3. not taking planned leave until approved by their manager; and
  4. applying for any unplanned leave immediately upon returning to work or whilst away from work if for an extended period.


(14) Managers are responsible for:

  1. assessing the impact of the proposed timing of planned leave on the work unit prior to agreeing to the leave;
  2. where appropriate, approving the leave in accordance with the relevant entitlement and procedure; and 
  3. where required, forwarding the application for leave to payroll.
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Section 5 - Definitions

(15) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure - NES is the National Employment Standards.

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Section 6 - Stakeholders

Responsibility for implementation – All staff and managers.
Responsibility for monitoring implementation and compliance – Managers.