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Course and Subject Management Procedure - Approvals

Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Academic – Academic Board
Accountable Executive – Policy Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy Director, Higher Education Standards Registration
Review Date 20 February 2028
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure sets out the key requirements for the approval of new, changed, suspended and closed courses and subjects.

(2) Where the professional recognition of a course of study is required for graduates to be eligible to practise their profession, this Procedure sets out the requirements to ensure that such recognition is gained and maintained.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to:

  1. governance of:
    1. undergraduate and postgraduate coursework award courses (including awards of the University that are not recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework [AQF]such as Professional Certificates);
    2. coursework subjects from award courses, including those undertaken by students admitted to graduate research courses;
    3. non-award enabling courses.
  2. publication and quality assurance of all course information.

(4) This Procedure does not apply to governance of:

  1. graduate research courses (see Graduate Research Course Management Policy);
  2. short courses (see Short Courses Policy).
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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions  Role
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(5) This Procedure forms part of the Course and Subject Management Policy which governs its application.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - General Approval Requirements

(6) All courses and subjects must be developed in accordance with the Course Design Policy and the current Course Architecture.

(7) Proposers of new or changed courses and subjects are responsible for timely and active consultation with all parties affected by the proposals. Proposals must document the consultation and be submitted in the approved format and systems. Forms, guidelines and critical submission dates are available on the Course and Subject Management intranet page.

(8) Where a minor change in one course constitutes a major change in another course, the highest relevant level procedure must be undertaken.

(9) All major changes with potential to impact student progression within a course must be accompanied by a Transition Plan. The Plan will outline teach-out arrangements, provision for impacted active pathways and in-progress offers from Student Administration where appropriate, and identification of administrative resources required by the relevant School to implement the plan, in accordance with the Guidelines for Transition Planning.

(10) Approval requirements for proposals are determined by the impact of the proposal and, unless a change is deemed administrative, can consist of one or both of the following:

  1. management approval – this approval is given by the Course Portfolio and Scholarships Committee (CPSC), or in designated cases the New Courses and Majors Sub-Committee (NCMSC), following an assessment of opportunities, needs, capabilities and financial implications of a proposal, and where appropriate a full business case;
  2. academic approval – this approval is given by a Dean, Coursework Committee and/or Academic Board following an assessment of the academic quality of the course and confirmation of its alignment with the Higher Education Standards 2021.

(11) Where management approval is required for proposals, as outlined in this Procedure, that approval must be secured prior to final academic approval.

(12) Committees may approve or reject proposals or refer submissions back to the submitting school for further action.

Academic Review

Requirements at School Level

(13) The Dean of the relevant school (or their nominee) is responsible for approving proposals for submission to the Coursework Committee and in doing so assures that:

  1. appropriate levels of consultation have occurred, and any arising issues have been addressed;
  2. robust peer review has occurred (unless a new course comprises existing approved subjects such as in the case of Professional Certificates);
  3. requirements of University policy and the Higher Education Standards Framework (2021) are met;
  4. any professional accreditation requirements, including input and/or notifications to professional bodies, have been addressed;
  5. the course proposal is aligned with the approved business case.

(14) The Dean is responsible for ensuring that academic proposals are aligned with the relevant CPSC or NCMSC management approval. Significant variations are to be submitted to CPSC or NCMSC for re-approval.

University Review and Approvals

(15) Coursework Committee will consider the quality of course and subject design, as well as compliance with University policies and external regulatory requirements of proposals.

(16) Courses are approved by Academic Board for a maximum period of seven years from the date of the relevant meeting. Courses may only be re-approved as an outcome of a Course Review as outlined in the Course and Subject Management Procedure - Monitoring and Review.

Part B - Specific Approval Requirements

(17) Approval requirements in the following sections and tables apply to all courses within the scope of this Policy except where the academic item in question does not form part of a course (for example not all courses contain majors, minors or specialisations).

Administrative Changes

(18) Administrative changes consist of changes to the administrative components of subjects or courses. Administrative changes are normally processed directly by the Course Management Team, in consultation with the Senior Manager, Course Management and the Office of the Provost where required.

Table One – Administrative Changes

Academic Item Type of Change


•Updates to subject class requirements
•Introduction of a subject quota or a change to an existing subject quota limit


Amendments or addition to professional recognition statements used for marketing and accreditation purposes, where these are confirmed to be accurate representations of the course and its activities.

All Academic Items

•Changes to coordinator
•Changes to administrative codes
•Change to the StudyFlex indicator
•Updates to descriptions that do not impact intent or outcome

Minor Changes

(19) Minor Changes to a course or subject are changes that do not impact course or subject intent, and that do not impact overall learning outcomes or course structures. 

(20) The academic approval of this category of change is given at school level by the Dean or nominee.

Table Two – Minor Changes

Academic Item Type of Change Management Approval Academic Approval


•Change to Graduate Capabilities Alignment
•Changes to subject enrolment rules
•Closure of a subject that is no longer needed as part of a course that is either ‘phasing out’ or ‘discontinued’
•Changes to details of assessment
•Updates to textbooks, not including those identified under the Conflict of Interest Procedure – Staff Authored Texts.
•Changes to subject offering, including changes to delivery mode or location of subject[s] or cancellation of a teaching period that does not impact student progression
N/A Dean or nominee


Creation of a new subject
-One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee prior to development of full business case
-Full business case to be endorsed by the Dean
-Business case to be submitted to NCMSC for approval
Dean or nominee
  Replacement or suspension of a subject N/A Dean or nominee


Closure of subjects
-Proposal to be submitted to NCMSC prior to school initiating academic governance requirements.
-A closure proposal can be initiated by:
   -a Dean or their nominee
   -a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, or their nominee
   -the Provost or their nominee
Dean or nominee

Minors, Majors and Specialisations

Suspension of a major, minor or specialisation (with full teach out)  N/A Dean or nominee


Suspension of a course or course instance (with full teach out)   Dean or nominee

Major Changes in Subjects and Courses

(21) A major change is one that has a significant impact on course content, learning outcomes or course delivery.

(22) The academic approval of this category of change is given by Coursework Committee or Academic Board. Many proposals for change also require management approval as outlined in the table below.

(23) Major changes impacting student progression or completion must achieve Coursework Committee approval by September of the year prior to implementation and require a transition/teach out plan.

Table Three – Major Changes

Academic Item Type of Change Management Approval Academic Approvals


Changes to subject offering, including changes to delivery mode, location of subject[s] or cancellation of a teaching period that may impact student progression N/A Coursework Committee
  Changes to subject intended learning outcomes  N/A Coursework Committee

Minors, Majors and Specialisations

Creation of a new minor, major or specialisation that does not result in a new tagged award
•One-Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
.One Page Pitch and Market Assessment to be submitted to NCMSC
•Business case to be submitted to CPSC for approval
Coursework Committee
  Closure of an existing minor, major or specialisation
•A proposal must be submitted to CPSC prior to the School initiating academic governance requirements.
•A closure proposal can be initiated by:
 -a Dean or their nominee;
 -a Deputy Vice-Chancellor or their nominee;
 -the Provost or their nominee.
Coursework Committee


Changes to entry criteria N/A Coursework Committee
  Closure of a course or course instance that is currently open for enrolments
•A proposal must be submitted to CPSC prior to the School initiating academic governance requirements.
•Proposals can be initiated by:
 -a Dean or their nominee;
 -a Deputy Vice-Chancellor or their nominee;
 -the Provost or their nominee.
Coursework Committee
  New or changed Core Participation Requirements Statements (CPRS) N/A Coursework Committee
  Changes to Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILO) N/A Coursework Committee
  Reinstatement of a suspended course A proposal must be submitted to CPSC prior to the School initiating academic governance requirements Coursework Committee
  Major course revision to courses offered via a third party (either or both domestic and international) N/A Academic Board

New Courses and Changes Resulting in New Courses

(24) Tables Four and Five outline approval requirements for all new courses and for changes that are deemed to lead to the creation of a new course.

(25) For changes to arrangements with external partners there are additional approval requirements under the Educational Partnerships Policy.

Table Four – New Courses 

Academic Item Type of Change Management Approval Academic Approval


The creation of a course
One-Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
One Page Pitch and Market Assessment to be submitted to NCMSC

Business case to be submitted to CPSC for approval
Academic Board
  The creation of a new nested award within an existing award,that is open for direct admission
One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
Requires a market scan to be approved by NCMSC prior to academic approval
Academic Board
  The creation of a new nested exit-only coursework award within an existing award N/A Academic Board
  The creation of a new double degree
One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
Requires a market scan to be approved by NCMSC prior to academic approval
Academic Board

Table Five – Changes Resulting in New Courses

Academic Item Type of Change Management Approval Academic Approval

Majors and Specialisations

The creation and/or addition of a new major[s] or specialisation[s], resulting in a new tagged (permissible) award
One-Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
One-Page Pitch and Market Assessment to be submitted to NCMSC
Business case to be submitted to CPSC for approval
Academic Board
  Change to the name of a major[s] or specialisation[s], resulting in a new tagged (permissible) award
One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
Requires a market scan to be approved by NCMSC prior to academic approval
Academic Board


A change to the course archetype resulting in a new course 
One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
Requires a market scan to be approved by NCMSC prior to academic approval
Academic Board
  A change to the name of an existing course 
One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
Requires a market scan to be approved by NCMSC prior to academic approval
Academic Board
  The addition of a location to an existing course offered by a third party (either or both domestic and international) Requires a business case to be approved by CPSC prior to academic approval Academic Board
  The addition of a location to an existing single degree course where the course is not offered via a third party and the course structure is identical
One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
Requires a market scan to be approved by NCMSC prior to academic approval
Academic Board
  The addition of a location to an existing double degree where the course is not offered via a third party and the course structure is either:
-identical to that of the approved double degree course instance; OR
-identical to the respective single degree course instances available at the proposed location
One Page Pitch to be endorsed by the Dean or nominee
Requires a market scan to be approved by NCMSC prior to academic approval
Academic Board

Part C - Out-of-Session Approval Processes

(26) In exceptional circumstances, management approval and one of the formal academic governance approval or endorsement processes can be undertaken out of session, as follows:

  1. management approval: the Dean or nominee should present the submission, with a memo explaining the circumstances of the request, to the Office of the Provost, Strategy and Planning who will engage with the Chair of CPSC;
  2. academic approval: the Dean or nominee should present the submission to the relevant committee Chair with a memo explaining the circumstances of the request. 

(27) Outcomes of out-of-session submissions are included in the agenda and minutes of the subsequent committee meeting as items for ratification.

Part D - Attainment of CRICOS Registration

(28) Recruitment & International Operations is responsible for obtaining CRICOS Registration for a new course or course instance as applicable.

(29) Where a course is delivered as part of a third-party teaching arrangement, CRICOS registration will not be sought until a formal agreement with the external provider has been executed.

(30) A course cannot be advertised to international students who are to be onshore for its delivery prior to attainment of its CRICOS registration.

Part E - Professional Recognition

(31) Where recognition by a professional body is attained and/or required, Deans or their nominees are responsible for ensuring that:

  1. the applicable form of professional recognition for the course in question is gained and maintained;
  2. where revisions or closure of a course are approved, either:
    1. the course continues to be recognised by the relevant body until the current cohort of students have completed; or
    2. arrangements have been made and approved for students to transition into a recognised course.

(32) Deans or their nominees are responsible for ensuring that all relevant documentation relating to professional recognition, including copies of all submissions, reports, action plans, and correspondence with the professional body is submitted to the Quality and Standards Division as soon as practicable.

(33) Schools will assume the costs associated with professional recognition processes relevant to their courses.

(34) Unless otherwise required by the professional body, the signatory to all submissions will be the relevant Dean.

(35) The Quality and Standards Division maintains a central record of all confirmed course professional recognitions, including expiry dates and approved text for publication. Deans of School or their nominees are responsible for ensuring that all details of their school’s courses are accurate.

(36) Requests for changes to the approved text for professional recognition, including any variation from the standard formats listed in the Schedule - Professional Recognition Approved Wording, must be provided to the Quality and Standards Division for review and approval prior to any publication.

(37) The Quality and Standards Division will liaise with each school prior to the expiry of the current recognition of affected courses to ensure that any necessary changes in published claims are applied prior to these coming into effect.

Part F - Student Communications and Transition 

(38) All students have a right to timely notice of all major changes to courses. This includes students who:

  1. have been made an offer for a course;
  2. have been admitted to a course;
  3. are on Leave of Absence or who have been suspended from their course.

(39) For major changes, analysis must be undertaken by the Course Coordinator to determine whether all or some students may be moved to the changed course version without detrimental effect to the substance of their educational experience or outcomes. Where it is intended that students transfer to a changed course version, student consultation activities and outcomes must be documented in the proposal (see Guidelines for Transition Planning), prior to submission to Coursework Committee.

(40) Where it is proposed to close or suspend intakes for a course for which there is a formal articulation agreement the University is bound to teach out the course or to provide a viable alternative and to notify pathway partners and students of the change.

(41) In the case of onshore international students, failure to provide a full teach-out or alternative in these circumstances will result in the University being in Provider Default – having made an offer to students that is no longer being honoured. Where this occurs, these students are entitled to compensation and additional financial penalties apply under ESOS legislation. Schools are responsible for the payment of any such financial penalties.

Part G - Publication

(42) Publication occurs following final approval and finalisation of the record in the Course Management System.

(43) Content for standard publications is drawn directly from the Course Management System. Additional descriptive materials, approved by the school owning the course, may be developed for publication purposes, both in digital and print channels. Such materials must reflect the approved course and/or subject. 

(44) In exceptional circumstances, and normally following Coursework Committee endorsement, the University’s intent to offer a new course(s) may be advertised with approval in writing from the Director, Higher Education Standards Registration. Advertising implying that a course is open for applications may not be undertaken for any course prior to its approval by Academic Board.

Part H - Quality Assurance of Course Data and Information

(45) Proposals for courses and their components within the Course Management System, including subjects, majors, minors and specialisations, are reviewed to ensure data accuracy, quality and compliance by the Course Management Team and the respective academic governance committees. Actions are taken to remediate any identified issues prior to the proposal either progressing or being completed.

(46) The Course Management Team undertake periodic audits of approved data held within the Course Management System to ensure consistency and ongoing compliance.

(47) To maintain accuracy of other course material the Chief Marketing Officer is responsibile for ensuring that bi-annual scheduled checks are undertaken before each application period opens.

(48) Where issues are identified within the approved information published to students from the Course Management System remediation may include one or more of the following measures:

  1. editorial issues are immediately rectified within the system by the Course Management Team, with oversight from the Senior Manager, Course Management; 
  2. all other issues are initially investigated by the Senior Manager, Course Management prior to being referred to the Director, Quality and Standards, who may consult the relevant Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) or other relevant Directors as part of remediation.

(49) Any amendments approved in the Course Management System flow straight through to the Find a Course site on the La Trobe website.

(50) Responsibility for the remediation of any issues identified with other course information is the responsibility of the manager of the relevant area.

(51) Following any update or remediation of course information:

  1. students are provided with advice about any updated information where required;
  2. actions are taken to rectify any enrolment or other impacts experienced by affected students.
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Section 7 - Definitions

(52) For the purposes of this Procedure:

  1. business case: a collation of specific documents that provide a rationale for a new course, subject, major, or specialisation proposal submitted by a school. It provides an analysis of the opportunities, needs, capabilities, and financial implications, ensuring alignment with the University's strategic objectives and feasibility for implementation. The specific documents included in the Business Case may vary depending on the type of proposal.
  2. course instance: an offering of a given course on a specific campus of the University. A course with the same name may be offered at multiple campuses and each must be registered separately with CRICOS.
  3. Course Management System: the University’s official database for all course and subject information (currently CourseLoop);
  4. CRICOS: the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students. The CRICOS website provides details of those education institutions approved to recruit, enrol and deliver education and training services to overseas students in Australia, and details of their courses.
  5. full teach-out conditions: the teaching of a course until such time as no students are actively enrolled;
  6. professional recognition: encompasses all types of formal acknowledgement by a professional body that a course and/or graduate of a course must meet the requirements of and may include any of the following:
    1. external accreditation by a professional body that is required for graduates to practice and/or access specific career outcomes;
    2. external accreditation by a professional body that is voluntary;
    3. any other type of course approval and/or endorsement by a professional body;
    4. graduates’ eligibility for membership and/or registration with the relevant professional body/s, including eligibility to use a specific professional title.
  7. suspended (course): the temporary cessation of new intakes to a course;
  8. suspended (students): the temporary prohibition of a student from participating in University activities and accessing University facilities and services. A temporary prohibition may be for a specific period or until a condition or conditions have been met. A student’s rights will be restored, including the ability to re-enrol in the original or equivalent course or subject, at the conclusion of the suspension.
  9. third-party teaching arrangement: a formal agreement between La Trobe and an external provider that involves the delivery of a La Trobe course to La Trobe students who are taught in whole or part at the external provider’s premises and/or by the external provider’s staff.
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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(53) This Procedure is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.

(54) Associated information includes: