(1) This Procedure is intended to support academic staff and Schools in decision-making where a perceived or actual conflict of interest in the use of staff-authored texts may reasonably be anticipated. It also reflects expected good practice in institutions across Australia and internationally. (2) This Procedure applies to staff employed by the University who have the responsibility for text or resource selection in a required or recommended list of study materials for subjects at La Trobe University. (3) This Procedure does not apply to texts and resources selected by staff that are provided free of charge to students. (4) This Procedure forms part of the Conflict of Interest Policy suite which governs its application. (5) A conflict in text or resource selection may be in relation to a text authored by the person responsible for selection or by an individual with whom this person has a close relationship. (6) Where a potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest exists in relation to texts or resources the staff member responsible for text selection must make a declaration through a submission to the School Learning and Teaching Committee. (7) The submission should include: (8) The School Learning and Teaching Committee considers the texts or resources in relation to the supporting evidence provided, and makes a determination. Options for determinations may include: (9) A record of the discussion and decision made is included in the records of the Committee. (10) The Director, Higher Education Standards Registration, is responsible for oversight of compliance with this Procedure and will do so through periodic audits of subject data. (11) Breaches of this Procedure will be referred to the Education Committee. (12) Nil (13) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Conflict of Interest Procedure - Staff Authored Texts
Section 1 - Key Information
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Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy
Director, Higher Education Standards Registration
Review Date
25 November 2027
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Key Decisions
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Key Decisions
Determines the use of a staff authored text in a subject/s
School Learning and Teaching Committee
Breaches of the Procedure
Education Committee
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Justification of Text or Resource Selection
Part B - Compliance
Section 7 - Definitions
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information
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