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(1) This Policy provides a framework for the development, approval and management of short courses offered by La Trobe University, in accordance with: (2) This Policy applies to all short courses run by the University and its short course partners. The short course category covers all non-award courses offered by the University, unless specifically excluded, and includes: (3) This Policy excludes the following types of courses (refer to the Course and Subject Management Policy): (4) The University engages in the development and delivery of short courses to enhance its industry engagement, to develop the skills of individuals, and to contribute to the University’s revenue. This means that short courses are developed that: (5) All short courses are designed in accordance with the Short Course Design Framework and must demonstrate contemporary academic and industry relevance. This means that: (6) Short course design takes account of the specific needs of target cohorts. This means that: (7) The University assures the quality of its short courses through appropriate mechanisms for the type of course. This means that: (8) The University seeks to maximise the experience of short course participants by: (9) The University offers a range of short course types that can be classified according to their key characteristics: (10) While individuals may choose to enrol in a Single Subject as a type of short course, the governance, fees and quality assurance of Single Subjects falls within the scope of legislation and policies governing award courses of the University. Individuals who undertake Single Subjects are enrolled as students of the University and are subject to policies governing all award students. Specific provisions for Single Subject students are referenced in this Procedure where distinctions from other short courses are necessary. (11) Proposals for new short courses may be initiated by academic or professional staff, schools, centres or other divisions of the University, or may be commissioned by an external organisation. (12) All short courses must have a designated owner within the University, including where courses are run in partnership with third parties as follows: (13) Proposals must be endorsed by the Course Owner or their nominee prior to the development of a business case. (14) Following the development of a business case proponents of new short courses must apply for management approval from the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (see requirements in Table Two). Copies of approved proposals are submitted to the New Courses and Majors Sub-Committee (NCMSC) and the Course Portfolio and Scholarships Committee (CPSC) for noting as indicated in Table Two. (15) Following management approval, the Course Owner or their nominee is responsible for approving the content of the short course and any proposed credit arrangements. Where a short course offers specific professional accreditation or skills certification, approval of the course content is also required from the relevant professional body or industry partner. (16) Information on the attributes of all short courses including, where appropriate, metadata required for alignment with published microcredential frameworks or standards, is maintained in the University’s course management system (CourseLoop). (17) Changes to short courses must be approved by the Course Owner or their nominee. (18) Where a short course is externally accredited, approval for any substantive changes must also be gained from the external accrediting authority. (19) Approval requirements for new short courses are determined by their origin as outlined in Table Two. (20) The University’s Short Course Pricing Strategy provides guidelines for the setting and/or amending of fees for short courses (contact Executive Education Team). Final fees for the initial offer of short courses are determined as follows: (21) The pricing of existing short courses is reviewed annually, based on course performance, data and insights relating to economic, competitor and other factors affecting demand. Based on this review the Director, Executive Education will make any recommendations for change in consultation with the relevant Course Owner or their nominee. (22) The Director, Executive Education may, from time to time, waive or discount fees based on specific marketing or strategic objectives, in consultation with key stakeholders and the relevant Course Owner or nominee. (23) The University reserves the right to cancel a short course where circumstances necessitate and will endeavour to do so at least 10 business days prior to the scheduled course commencement date. Where it is not possible to transfer participants to an equivalent course the University will refund any fees paid by participants or clients. (24) Subject to the terms and conditions of their registration clients or participants may: (25) Entry requirements for some short courses may include a requirement for professional registration, or a specified level of experience or proficiency in a relevant area. Applicants seeking registration in a short course of the University: (26) Domestic and Non-Resident applicants are eligible to apply for short courses. (27) International participants are not eligible for a student visa based on their registration in a short course. International students on a student visa who seek to register in a short course: (28) Applications for short courses are made directly via the University website. (29) The University may decline registration in a short course where an applicant fails to provide evidence that they meet any relevant prerequisites. (30) Applicants are registered in a short course upon receipt of the course fee or a fee waiver voucher. Acceptance of a place in a short course at the University constitutes agreement to abide by relevant policies of the University. (31) The University reserves the right to withdraw or cancel a place in a short course where: (32) Short course participants are advised of, and agree to, their specific entitlements and obligations through the registration in their short course. Participants are required to abide by all key University policies governing student and participant behaviours, and are entitled to the following: (33) Participants who successfully complete short courses are considered short course alumni of the University. (34) Any short course information or promotional materials must not imply that short courses are awards of the University or recognised within the AQF. (35) Prior to the commencement of a course, participants are provided with published information including: (36) Where a short course is a microcredential, course information clearly identifies: (37) Participants are provided with course information, content and learning materials two weeks prior to the commencement of a short course. (38) All communications with short course participants are sent through the email address nominated at the point of registration. (39) Where a participant is experiencing short-term adverse circumstances that affect their ability to complete an assessment they should request an appropriate adjustment via the LMS. (40) Allegations of academic misconduct against short course participants are reported, investigated and managed under the relevant provisions of the Student Academic Misconduct Policy. (41) The certification provided for the successful completion of different types of short courses is outlined in the table in Part A of this Procedure and is made clear in all course information and marketing material. All certification includes information pertaining to course duration and content and is issued to participants under the authority of the Director, Executive Education. (42) Certification issued to participants who successfully complete a short course does not in any way imply that the course is an award of the University, nor that it is recognised under the AQF. The AQF logo does not appear in any short course certification. (43) Individuals who participate in a credentialled course but who do not complete assessment may receive a certificate of attendance on request where there is evidence of their participation in the course. (44) The Executive Education team ensures that appropriate records are kept in designated University record-keeping systems for any certification issued to participants to facilitate verification, reissuance, or applications for credit where required. (45) Successful completion of microcredentials and Single Subjects may be used for credit towards award courses at La Trobe, under the provisions of the Admissions Procedure - Credit and the Admissions Standard – Credit. Credit may be given for multiple microcredentials that meet the credit point and study level requirements for a subject, as specified in course rules. (46) Completion of microcredentials does not automatically entitle a person to entry to an award course or subject except where specifically stated in course outcomes. (47) The performance of short courses is monitored on an annual basis, both from the perspective of financial viability and participant feedback, via a post-completion quantitative and qualitative survey. Survey data is provided to Course Owners and is independently reviewed by the Executive Education team to identify trends and ongoing relevance to participants. (48) Short courses deemed to be non-viable are suspended pending further analysis of demand and/or revision of course structure to be more market oriented. Any proposal to resurrect a suspended course must be subject to a review of financial viability and be approved by the Course Owner. (49) Course academic content and assessment are reviewed by the nominee of the Course Owner, on a periodic basis, as follows: (50) Where a subject in an award course that has microcredentials that stack into it is revised or amended as an outcome of subject or course monitoring (see the Course and Subject Management Procedure – Monitoring and Review), the microcredentials must be included in the scope of the revision and consultation process to ensure continued alignment. (51) Where applicable, short course curricula may be presented to Course Advisory Committees to validate their continued industry relevance and applicability. (52) Where appropriate, remediations arising from participant feedback may be implemented by the nominee of the Course Owner. (53) Outcomes of all short courses are reported twice a year to Education Committee. (54) Participants are entitled to seek a review of any decision made in relation to their participation in a short course of the University where they can demonstrate that a decision has not been made in accordance with this policy or another relevant policy of the University. (55) Participants should first discuss their concerns with the Coordinator of their course. Where this is not possible, or participants are unsatisfied with the outcome, they should contact the Director, Executive Education. (56) Short course participants may also lodge a complaint about any aspect of their engagement with the University, including University services or administrative issues, under the provisions of the Student Complaints Management Policy. (57) For the purposes of this Policy and Procedure: (58) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Short Courses Policy
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy
Director, Executive Education
Review Date
26 February 2028
Section 2 - Purpose
Top of Page
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Approval of short course business cases, proposals or grant applications
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Approval of short course content
Course Owner
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Types of Short Courses
Table One
Type of Course
AQF (Equivalent)Level
Credit Bearing
Single Subjects
As in award offering
Transcript of academic record
Any level – the majority are Level 8 or above
Yes, in multiples of 5 credit points that can be stacked
Digital credential (includes all metadata to align with published Australian frameworks or standards). Where required by accrediting bodies a certificate of achievement may also be issued.
Bridging Programs
Any level
Certificate of achievement
Other Assessed Short Courses
Any level
Digital badge or certificate of achievement
Non-Assessed Short Courses
Any level
Certificate of attendance
Part B - Approvals for Short Courses
New Short Courses
Changes to Approved Short Courses
Specific Approval Requirements
Table Two
Part C - Fees
Cancellation by the University
Cancellation by Client or Participant
Part D - Registration
Entry Requirements
Application and Registration
Part E - Rights and Responsibilities of Short Course Participants
Course Information
Part F - Assessment
Adjustments to Assessment
Academic Misconduct
Part G - Certification
Part H - Credit Towards Award Courses
Part I - Performance Monitoring and Quality Assurance
Annual Performance Monitoring
Quality Assurance
Part J - Review of Decisions
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information