(1) This Policy outlines the mechanisms for students (and other relevant individuals outlined in the Scope section) to lodge a complaint about an aspect of University life including academic and non-academic matters. The Policy aligns with the following key legislation and codes: (2) Unless specifically exempted in this document this Policy applies to the following individuals (for ease of reference all are referred to as students, or where appropriate, complainants in this policy): (3) Issues must be raised within 12 months of the issue or incident. The University may consider complaints submitted after this period where it determines that there are exceptional circumstances. (4) The student complaints process may be used to raise concerns or submit complaints about: (5) The student complaints process does not include complaints about inappropriate conduct or behaviour by students, staff or third parties. All conduct and behaviour concerns should be referred to Safer Community and will be managed in accordance with the Student Conduct Management Policy or the Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy, or other relevant policy as appropriate. (6) Where a student wishes to seek a review of, or lodge an appeal against, specific decisions of the University they may be referred to other relevant statutes, policies or procedures. For student matters, this includes but is not limited to disputes regarding: (7) In the absence of a formal public complaints mechanism at the University, consumers of any La Trobe University services who are not La Trobe students, including students of other institutions who reside in La Trobe University student accommodation, may submit a complaint through the Student Complaints Office. The Student Complaints Office may facilitate a response by engaging with the relevant area of the University. (8) As part of its commitment to quality, La Trobe University recognises the need for an effective complaints mechanism to adequately resolve student grievances and complaints about University life. (9) The University seeks to provide a student complaints mechanism that: (10) The complaints process complements other University processes where students may seek a review of or appeal against certain decisions of the University. The complaints process cannot be used as an alternative avenue for review or appeal processes that are established through other University statutes or policies. (11) The University expects students to make complaints in good faith. This means that complaints are made about a genuine concern, and not for the purpose of causing annoyance or malicious harm to another person. (12) Complaints will be managed in accordance with the University Privacy Policy. This means, among other things, that: (13) Complainants may elect to remain anonymous when lodging a complaint. In certain circumstances, electing to remain anonymous may restrict the University’s ability to assist, or may limit the complaint outcomes available to a student. (14) The University has established the Student Complaints Office and the Student Complaints Management System (SCM) to coordinate the management of complaints at no cost to complainants. (15) All parties to a complaint are entitled to bring a support person to meetings and discussions. A support person can be any person chosen by the party. The support person’s role is to observe the meeting and provide support and guidance, as requested, but they may not speak on behalf of the party they are supporting. (16) Individuals may choose to pursue a complaint through: (17) Complainants are encouraged to attempt to resolve matters at the local level, where it is reasonable and appropriate to do so. Students may choose to lodge a complaint via the SCM where they are not comfortable engaging in local level resolution, or if an attempt at local level resolution has been unsuccessful. (18) Confidential and free Student Advocacy Services are provided to assist current students to speak to staff members about their concerns. Information about other support services available to students and to participants enrolled in short courses is provided on the Student Complaints webpage. (19) A local level resolution may involve the student discussing the matter directly with the person with whom they have the grievance, or with a staff member in the school or relevant business area. (20) Students are encouraged to identify causes and desired outcomes for the complaint issue before speaking either directly to the person concerned, or to the staff member with whom they are lodging their complaint. Students may wish to do this in conjunction with a support service. (21) When a staff member becomes aware of a student issue they should, where appropriate, endeavour to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties. All solutions offered and implemented must be in accordance with La Trobe policies. (22) In the process of resolving the complaint the staff member may: (23) In cases where direct and informal local level resolution is not appropriate or successful, or the student does not feel comfortable to pursue this path, the student may lodge a formal complaint in the SCM. (24) Complaints must be lodged in writing, normally via the web form provided on the SCM, but are also accepted via email or registered post. (25) Each complaint must specify the details of the matter about which the complaint is being made. For the purposes of conducting an investigation and the provision of an outcome, contact details must be provided. (26) Complainants who require assistance or advice in writing their complaint may seek assistance from a relevant support service. (27) The Student Complaints Office acknowledges the receipt and commences assessment of complaints submitted via the SCM within 10 business days. The acknowledgement to complainants includes advice regarding: (28) When a complaint is lodged, the Student Complaints Office may contact the complainant to gather information about the circumstances of their complaint, to clarify their concerns and identify possible avenues for resolution. (29) The Student Complaints Office manages the complaint process, including: (30) Where it is determined that investigation of a complaint is required the Manager, Student Complaints appoints an investigator who may be: (31) In serious or complex circumstances, a complaint may be referred to another area of the University, such as Human Resources and/or Legal Services. Where this occurs the Student Complaints Office continues to monitor the progress of the complaint and maintains records of the outcome. (32) Where appropriate the Student Complaints Office may recommend to the parties that mediation or other alternative dispute resolution methods may be suitable for resolving the matter. (33) An investigation will determine that a complaint is not substantiated, partially substantiated, or substantiated. A determination that a complaint is substantiated or partially substantiated may lead to any combination of the following recommendations, or any other outcome deemed appropriate in the circumstances: (34) The relevant school or business area must make a determination regarding the proposed outcome and provide a response to the Student Complaints Office within 10 business days of the conclusion of the investigation. (35) Where the responsible person within the Student Complaints Office has any concerns regarding the appropriateness of the proposed outcome they will escalate the matter to the Deputy Director, Integrity Office. (36) Where a complaint outcome results in a decision or recommendation in favour of the complainant, the relevant school or business area will immediately implement the decision or recommendation and/or take the preventative or corrective action required. (37) The Student Complaints Office will advise the complainant of the outcome of the complaint in writing within 10 business daysof the outcome being finalised and will monitor the implementation of the complaint outcome. (38) The outcome letter must include: (39) Where a complainant has any concerns about the way in which their complaint has been managed (as opposed to the outcome of their complaint), including any concerns about a breach of confidentiality, they may lodge a complaint with the Office of the University Ombudsman. If their concerns relate to the way in which their complaint is handled by the University Ombudsman, they may lodge a complaint with any of the external agencies listed below. (40) A complainant may withdraw a complaint at any time. (41) In cases where a complaint has been withdrawn the University retains the right to investigate and address matters raised in that complaint in order to meet its obligations to all students, participants and staff to maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy work and study environment. (42) The University makes no undertaking to expunge any records of withdrawn complaints. (43) Complainants may also choose to lodge a complaint with an external organisation such as the Australian Human Rights Commission, Victorian Privacy Commissioner, Victoria Police or Victorian Ombudsman. Some external agencies require that all relevant University complaints processes have been exhausted before they will consider the matter. (44) If a complaint is accepted for investigation by an external organisation, the University will normally suspend any in-progress review or University investigation until the external investigation has been completed and all reports submitted. (45) The Student Complaints Office may assist complainants to determine whether another organisation can handle the matter more effectively. (46) The University will record all complaints in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Threshold Standards 2021, the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 and the University’s Records Management Policy. Complaints lodged in the SCM are recorded within the system. (47) A report is produced each year by the Student Complaints Office for submission to the Education Committee. The report includes: (48) Following endorsement by the Education Committee the report is submitted to Academic Board who will refer the report to the University Council for noting. (49) The University Ombudsman submits an annual report to University Council on the activities of the Office of the Ombudsman. The report includes an analysis of contacts, resolution times and a summary of academic and administration issues. (50) For the purposes of this Policy and Procedure: (51) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009. (52) Associated information includes:Student Complaints Management Policy
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy
Deputy Director, Integrity Office
Review Date
30 May 2027
Section 2 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Complaints from the Public and Non-La Trobe students
Section 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Appointment of an investigator
Manager, Student Complaints
Determination and implementation of complaint outcomes
Head of relevant school or business area
Communication of outcomes to student/s
Manager, Student Complaints
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Complaints Pathways
Part B - Local Level Resolution
Part C - Submitting a Complaint via the SCM
Part D - Complaint Investigation
Part E - Outcomes of Complaints
Possible Outcomes
Determination and Implementation of Outcomes
Communication of Outcomes to Students and Right to Review
Part F - Withdrawing a Complaint
Part G - External Complaint Avenues
Part H - Recording and Reporting of Complaints
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information
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