(1) This Procedure documents how to comply with the Health and Safety Policy regarding the safe delivery of all events managed by La Trobe University. (2) This Procedure applies to: (3) This Procedure does not apply to: (4) This Procedure forms part of the Health and Safety Policy suite which governs its application. (5) Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Deans and Divisional Directors are accountable for: (6) The appointed Event Manager is responsible for the safety and health of staff and participants for University related events by: (7) All events must have an Event Sponsor (either the relevent Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean, Divisional or Campus Director), or their nominee. (8) The approval for minor routine events is the responsibility of the School or business unit level. (9) Events held in lecture rooms and theatres must be approved by Scheduling Services. (10) Events held in University facilities (other than lecture rooms or facilities booked via Room Bookings) or grounds must be approved by the Executive Director, Asset Transformation, or their nominee. (11) Please refer to the Functions and Venues team for further information regarding the booking of facilities and operation of events by external hirers. (12) In addition to the approvals required for all events, major events must be approved by the Event Sponsor who is the senior level representative (SEG member, Deans of School, Divisional Director) and who is ultimately responsible for the purpose and objectives of the event. (13) Major events organised by external organisations and hosted on University premises must also be approved by the Event Sponsor and the Campus Director (for events at regional campuses). (14) A minor event is smaller scale activity with typically lower risk to staff and participants or to the University and its property. (15) Minor events are mostly School or divisional based and are related to the day-to-day functions of the business unit. Examples include: (16) Normally for minor events, a detailed Event Safety Management Plan will not be required, however, an Event Safety Risk Assessment (ESRA) should be completed to identify and assess any potential risks and implement the necessary controls. (17) Defining an event as a Major event will be based on the level of risk to health and safety to persons, the potential to breach legislative requirements, the associated contractual and legal obligations, the level of involvement of external organisations, contractors or volunteers, the nature and seniority of visitors, the level of security risk to staff, students or visitors, and the exposure of the University to financial or reputational risk. (18) For this reason, major events require a higher level of planning, analysis and approval by senior staff (Deans, Divisional Directors and/or Campus Directors as required). (19) If any of the following attributes are present, the event will be categorised as a major event: (20) Examples of major events may include: (21) For major events, the Events Safety Risk Assessment (ESRA) will need to be completed by the nominated Event Manager. (22) For each major event, an Event Safety Management Plan must also be prepared which contains the following: (23) The ESRA and/or the Event Management Plan will identify any planning or event management issues (including any required licenses, permits or internal approvals), and risks that will need further advice from relevant business areas to be eliminated or satisfactorily controlled. (24) The Event Manager must ensure that compliance records and documents are retained for a minimum period of 7 years by the University in accordance with the Retention Records. (25) For the purpose of this Procedure: (26) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.Health and Safety Procedure - Events
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy
Senior Manager, Health and Safety
Review Date
30 August 2026
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Appoint an Event Manager for minor events
School or Business Area
Appoint an Event Manager for major events
Approve major events
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Accountability and Responsibility
Authority to Approve Events
All Events
Major Events
Part B - Event Types and ESRA (Event Safety Risk Assessment)
Minor Events
Major Events
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 8 - Authority and Associated Information
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Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Divisional Director
Event Sponsor
Senior level representative:
Senior Executive Group (SEG) member
Divisional Director