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Events Safety Procedure

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Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to provide a process to enable schools, divisions and associated bodies to safely manage events involving staff, students and visitors to the University. This is achieved by ensuring events are approved by the appropriate level of authority, are planned according to a risk management process and are effectively coordinated and supervised.

(2) For all events, there must be clear lines of responsibilities and accountabilities and demonstration that events have been approved or sanctioned by the University. For each event there must be a person designated as the Event Manager (or coordinator) who will be responsible for the planning, management and conduct of the event and associated activities.

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Section 2 - Scope

(3) Refer to Health and Safety Policy.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(4) Refer to Health and Safety Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures


(5) Deans and Divisional Directors are responsible for:

  1. The safe conduct of events within their school or division or under their management and control
  2. Ensuring responsibility and accountability for events has been delegated to an appropriate level
  3. Ensuring an event manager is appointed for major events

(6) The Event Manager is responsible for the safety and health of staff and participants in University related events for which they have been appointed, by:

  1. Ensuring events and associated activities are planned
  2. Consulting with Health and Safety Representatives during the planning stage
  3. Ensuring event staff, contractors and volunteers are properly trained, inducted, managed and supervised
  4. Ensuring specific event related risks are controlled
  5. Monitoring health and safety standards during the event
  6. Ensuring appropriate documentation is provided and records are retained

Minor Events

(7) A minor event is an event that presents minimal risk to staff and participants or to the University and its property. Minor events are typically school or divisional based and are related to the day-to-day functions of the business unit. For example, the University regularly hosts a range of curriculum related or sporting functions for students, and staff related events ranging from social functions to professional gatherings. Examples include:

  1. Day excursions and incursions
  2. Open meetings on campus for staff and students
  3. Student welcome to University functions
  4. School or divisional end of year functions

(8) Normally for minor events, a detailed Event Safety Management Plan will not be required. However it is important to note that the requirements to identify assess and control risks still apply and University policies and procedures must still be followed.

Major Events

(9) There is no single definition of a major event. At La Trobe University, defining an event to be major event will be primarily based on the level of risk to health and safety to persons, the potential to breach legislative requirements, the associated contractual and legal obligations, the level of involvement of external organisations, contractors or volunteers and the exposure of the University to financial or reputational risks. For this reason major events require a higher level of analysis, planning and approval by senior staff (Deans and/or Campus Directors and Risk, Audit and Insurance as appropriate).

(10) If any of the following attributes are present the event will be considered to be major and appropriate approvals will be required for the event.

  1. The event is open to members of the public or by purchase of tickets. (e.g. a public concert in which entertainers will be performing, or a public speaking engagement open to the public);
  2. More than 300 participants are invited or expected to attend, or if there are potential behavioural or security related risks (e.g. a concert or entertainment event);
  3. An external organisation is hosting a large scale event on University premises;
  4. The event involves the use of hazardous equipment, materials or processes (e.g. plant, machinery or equipment, amusement structures, entertainment equipment, dangerous goods and hazardous materials, stage rigging, or working or performing at heights);
  5. The event and its related activities have the potential to exposure the University to significant financial or reputational risks.

(11) Examples of major events may include:

  1. Open day activities
  2. Orientation week activities
  3. Graduation ceremonies
  4. Art exhibitions and gallery openings
  5. New buildings or facilities opening ceremonies
  6. Markets and retail events on campus
  7. Conferences
  8. Major sporting functions open to the public

(12) For each major event, an Event Safety Management Plan must be prepared which contains the following:

  1. A summary of the event, including date, time and location
  2. The key personnel involved, such as staff, volunteers, contractors and suppliers
  3. Information, training and induction to be provided to key personnel
  4. A risk register 
  5. Communications and emergency preparedness arrangements
  6. Safe operating procedures

(13) Schools and Divisions that provide major events as part of their normal business operations (e.g. regular sporting events) may include the above in their school or divisional business procedures. However, where the major event is occasional or non-standard an Event Safety Management Plan is required.

Licences, Permits and Internal Approvals

(14) All events require relevant licence, permit and approval requirements to be complied with. The following list provides some information on the types of licences, permits or approvals required.

  1. Approval to use University facilities: as per Space Allocation and Use Policy.
  2. Presenters and entertainers: Paid presented and entertainers must have indemnity and liability insurances for the event for which they have been engaged and a certificate of currency is required to be provided. Check with the Insurance Office on the specific type of insurance coverage required.
  3. Engagement of Contractors: The engagement of contractors must conform to the University procedures relating to contractors. This includes business procedures, insurance requirements and OHS requirements. Infrastructure & Operations coordinate the engagement and induction of contractors for engineering, maintenance and building refurbishment works. Contractors must have indemnity and liability insurances for the event for which they have been engaged and a certificate of currency is required to be provided.
  4. Volunteers: The engagement of volunteers must conform to University insurance requirement. Refer to the Insurance Office for more information on student volunteers.
  5. Traffic management: Security must be consulted on traffic and parking issues if there is expected to be significant numbers of participants. If a public road is used as part of an event then a permit from the local council may be required.
  6. Cleaning and maintenance: Infrastructure and Operations arrange all cleaning and maintenance requirements and should be contacted if there are specific cleaning or maintenance requirements or to arrange cleaning and servicing of the public amenities. 
  7. Catering and food handling: All food handlers must comply with the legislative Food Safety laws and guidelines. All external commercial caterers must supply a copy of their Food Business Registration certificate and comply with LTU contractors obligations.
  8. Alcohol: Contact Security for confirmation on whether a liquor licence is required. All handlers of alcohol are required to have a RSA certificate on them at all times. The University’s policies on alcohol and other drugs must also be complied with as part of events management.
  9. Hazardous materials and plant: Contact La Trobe Health and Safety for advice on the regulatory requirements and safe use of hazardous materials (e.g. dangerous goods, hazardous materials, scheduled drugs and poisons or radiation sources) or plant and equipment (e.g. processing equipment, machinery or lasers).
  10. Emergency procedures: Contact Security and local building wardens so that local emergency management committees and personnel become aware of the event.
  11. Security and crowd management: Security must be consulted on the need to provide Security and crowd management services if there is potential for there to be a crowd or unruly behaviour. Before the event takes place, consideration will need to be given in relation to who bears the costs for any additional security that may be required for the event in accordance with the Model Code.

Authority to Approve Events

All Events 

(15) All events must be approved by the Dean, Divisional or Campus Director, or by a person with delegated authority. It is expected that approval for minor routine events would be delegated to the School or business unit level.

(16) Events held in lecture rooms and theatres must be approved by Room Bookings.

(17) Events held in University facilities (other than lecture rooms or facilities booked via Room Bookings) or grounds must be approved by the Executive Director, Asset Transformation.

Major Events

(18) In addition to the approvals required for all events, major events must be approved by Director, Risk Management.
Major events organised by external organisations hosted on University must also be approved by the Director, Risk Management and the Campus Director (for events at regional campuses).

Documentation and Records

(19) The planning and management of events must be documented to demonstrate a risk management approach was adopted in relation to addressing the risks. 

(20) Documents to be completed and retained include:

  1. Licences, permits and approvals
  2. Insurance certificates of currency
  3. Event Safety Management Plan; or
  4. Event Safety Checklist
  5. Documents relating to the planning and review of the event

(21) The Event Manager must ensure that records and documents are retained by the University for a minimum period of seven years.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(22) For the purpose of this Policy and Procedure:

  1. Event: An event is a gathering or activity happening at a determinable time and place. An event may be planned or unplanned and also curriculum or non-curriculum related. For the purposes of these guidelines, an event is considered to be a planned gathering or activity and also includes pre and post event activities such as setting up and removing event materials.
  2. Event Manager: The Event Manager (or Event Coordinator) is the person designated with the responsibility for the safe planning and conduct of the event.
  3. Event Safety Management Plan: An event safety management plan is a documented plan that describes the arrangements by which a major event will be planned and conducted in a safe and healthy manner.
  4. Hazard and risk: A hazard is a source of potential harm to people or a situation with potential to cause injury or loss to plant, property or equipment. Risk is a function of the probability of an adverse event occurring and the potential consequence of that event.
  5. Minor event: A small to medium event is an event that does involve large numbers of participants and does not require significant resources. 
  6. Major event: A major event is an event that has the potential to cause significant injury to persons, cause breach legislative requirements or to expose the University to financial or reputational risks. 
  7. Risk Control plan: A risk control plan is a documented plan that identifies hazards likely to be associated with the event, an assessment of the risk associated with those hazards, and the control measures to be implemented to reduce the risks. The risk control plan will also describe who has responsibility for the control measures and when they are required to be implanted by.