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Qualifications Issuance Procedure - Contents of Academic Certification

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) This Procedure describes the specifications for the contents of certification documentation issued for subjects and courses completed at La Trobe University, as outlined in the Qualifications Issuance Policy, and in accordance with Section 1.5 of the 2015 Higher Education Threshold Standards.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) Refer to the Qualifications Issuance Policy.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(3) Refer to the  Qualifications Issuance Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Part A - Requirements for all Certification Documentation

(4) All authorised certification documentation for awards issued by the University will state correctly:

  1. the name of the University;
  2. the full name of the person to whom the documentation applies;
  3. the date of issue;
  4. the name and office of the person authorised by the University to issue the documentation; and
  5. if the qualification is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), the testamur and/or the graduation statement is certified with either the logo of the AQF or the words, ‘This qualification is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework’. 

(5) The award title used on all certification documentation will follow the nomenclature outlined in the Qualifications Issuance - Award Nomenclature Schedule.

Part B - Academic Transcripts

(6) An academic transcript will detail a student's entire enrolment record at the University including:

  1. student name as recorded in the student information system and University student identification number;
  2. academic awards conferred and/or awards completed and yet to be conferred;
  3. a record of all enrolled subjects at the University and their results, including any failed subjects, incomplete subjects and subjects withdrawn after census dates;
  4. all incomplete courses in which the student has been, or is currently, enrolled;
  5. completed or enrolled majors;
  6. a full record of any credit granted for previous formal study or recognised prior learning;
  7. award of the University Medal and other commendations where relevant.

Part C - Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement

Required contents of AHEGS

(7) The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) will comply with the Australian Government Guidelines for the Presentation of Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements.

(8) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) may approve any optional information to be included on the AHEGS as specified in the Guidelines for the Presentation of Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements. Only information which is centrally recorded, verifiable and relates to activities during the period of candidature from which the student is graduating will be included on the AHEGS. 

(9) The AHEGS will identify the qualification as an AQF qualification by the use of the AQF logo authorised by the AQF Council or by the words ‘The qualification is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework’. 

(10) An AHEGS will be issued on the authority of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education). A facsimile signature may be used.

Approval of new and changed content for AHEGS

(11) Content for AHEGS is normally generated and approved through the course lifecycle process. Content for approved new and revised courses is provided to Student Administration from the minutes of the relevant Academic Board meeting for updating in relevant databases.

(12) Where a course is deemed eligible for professional recognition or accreditation, approved recognition statements must be sought from the Office of Quality and Standards prior to submitting course proposals for approval.

(13) Where there are any proposed changes to professional recognition or accreditation statements outside the course lifecycle the changes must also be approved by the Office of Quality and Standards prior to a change being made in AHEGS.

Part D - Testamurs

Requirements for all Testamurs

(14) Testamurs issued by La Trobe University for the conferral of awards and honorary degrees are produced in accordance with specifications outlined in University Statutes, according to the Standard Specifications for Testamurs Procedures (restricted circulation) and in accordance with Section 1.5.6 of the 2015 Higher Education Threshold Standards and will include the following requirements.

Naming Protocols

(15) The name appearing on the testamur will be the same full name which is recorded in the student information system and will:

  1. be written in English;
  2. be in the order of given names followed by the family name;
  3. include no abbreviations; and
  4. include no titles.

(16) Requests for changes may be made to Student Administration in certain circumstances, for example to represent the norms from other cultures by using:

  1. family name followed by given names (the student may choose the order of names to be shown);
  2. a prefix or suffix;
  3. accent marks where they are relevant to the student's name.

Award Title

(17) The testamur will include the full title of the qualification awarded, including the field or discipline of study, as outlined in the Qualifications Issuance - Award Nomenclature Schedule.

Subsidiary Components

(18) The testamur will include any subsidiary component of the qualification (such as integrated honours, an area of specialisation or a major study).

(19) Where the major(s) are not represented in the award title (as outlined in the Award Nomenclature Schedule) the testamur will include the words:

  1. Majoring in (name of major), or
  2. Majoring in (name of major) and in (name of major)

(20) Where the award is a double, dual or combined degree the testamurs will include the specialisation or major(s) undertaken within each component.

Languages Other Than English

(21) The testamur will state if any parts of the course of study or assessment leading to the qualification were conducted in a Language other than English, except for the use of another language to develop proficiency in that language.

(22) Where any part of the course or assessment is conducted in a Language other than English the language of instruction or assessment is recorded on the testamur, as per the following examples:

  1. Coursework programs – ‘This award was achieved through instruction in (language)’;
  2. Research degrees – ‘The thesis submitted to fulfil the requirements for this degree was written and assessed in (language)’.

Testamurs for Collaborative Degrees 

(23) A testamur including the badges or logos of two institutions may be awarded to students completing a course delivered as part of a third party agreement, where permitted in the agreement and in accordance with the Qualifications Issuance Policy and associated procedure.

(24) In these cases the signatory and seal on the testamur must only be from either La Trobe or the third party. The party whose signatory and seal are included in the testamur (‘the issuing organisation’) must be specified in the agreement.

Testamurs for Vocational Education and Training (VET) 

(25) Standard specifications in accordance with Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) (2010) Condition of Registration 6 are prescribed in the AQF Implementation Handbook. VET testamurs must:

  1. meet AQF requirements;
  2. identify the RTO by its national provider number from the Training.Gov.Au website;
  3. include the Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo in accordance with the current conditions of use.

(26) The NRT logo and the State Registering Body Logo may be used on testamurs issued for nationally recognised training in accordance with the current conditions of use. 

(27) See specifications and conditions of use for the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority logo.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(28) Nil.