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Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy

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Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Governance – University Council
Accountable Executive – Policy Vice-Chancellor
Responsible Manager – Policy Chief of Staff
Review Date 28 June 2027
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) The purpose of the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy (the “Model Code”) is to ensure the freedom of lawful speech of members of the University and ensure academic freedom is treated as a defining value by the university not unnecessarily burdened by restrictions other than those imposed by law and set out in the Model Code.

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Section 3 - Scope

(2) The Model Code applies to all staff and associates performing work on behalf of the University such as contractors, agency staff, conjoints, volunteers, honoraries, Council members, visiting appointments, students and student representative bodies to the extent they have policies and rules which are capable of being applied to restrict or burden the freedom of speech of anyone, or academic freedom.

(3) The objects of the Model Code are:

  1. To ensure the freedom of lawful speech of staff and students of the University and visitors to the University is treated as a paramount value and therefore not restricted nor its exercise unnecessarily burdened by restrictions or burdens other than those imposed by law and set out in the Principles of the Code;
  2. To ensure that academic freedom is treated as a defining value by the University and   therefore not restricted nor its exercise unnecessarily burdened by restrictions or burdens other than those imposed by law and set out in the Principles of the Code;
  3. To affirm the importance of the University’s institutional autonomy under law in the regulation of its affairs, including in the protection of freedom of speech and academic freedom.

(4) The Model Code covers freedom of speech and academic freedom exercised on University land or in connection with the University.