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Admissions Procedure - Credit

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

This Procedure applies to students enrolling in courses new to them from 1 January 2020. Students enrolled in courses prior to 1 January 2020 are subject to the provisions in the Advanced Standing Policy.

Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Academic – Academic Board
Accountable Executive – Policy Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy Director, Student Administration
Review Date 22 April 2027
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) This Procedure details the arrangements under which La Trobe University grants credit towards coursework courses from previous studies or activities in accordance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

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Section 3 - Scope

(2) Refer to the Admissions Policy.

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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions  Role
Establishing credit precedents Course Coordinator or nominee
Review of credit decision Senior Manager, Admissions and/or Dean
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(3) Refer to the Admissions Policy.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Applications for Credit

(4) Students enrolled in courses under a formal articulation arrangement with the University will have their applications for credit processed as part of their application for admission to a course of the University and are not required to complete a separate application.

(5) All other prospective students are required to lodge a formal application for credit as follows:

  1. prospective domestic students are provided with a link to an application for credit in their letter of offer and a closing date for applications;
  2. prospective international students must lodge any relevant applications for credit at the time of applying for admission to the University.

(6) Credit entitlement for students currently enrolled at the University is managed in the following ways:

  1. students applying to transfer into another course at the University, or those currently enrolled in one or more Single Subjects, will have any entitlement for credit in the new course allocated as part of their application for admission and are not required to complete a separate application;
  2. students who for any reason believe they may be eligible for credit part-way through their course may apply for credit for any subjects not yet commenced using the standard credit application form.

(7) Any advice in relation to credit is not binding unless provided in writing as an outcome of a formal application process.

Supporting documentation

(8) Applicants for credit based on prior credentialed studies must submit:

  1. certified copies of official academic transcripts; and
  2. where relevant, subject guides or equivalent showing subject content, learning outcomes and assessment activities for the subjects/units for which credit is being sought.

(9) Applicants for credit for non-credentialed or informal learning must provide verifiable evidence of all claims made in support of their application. Applicants may also be required to supply certified copies of statements from employers, present a portfolio or curriculum vitae, attend an interview, and/or demonstrate their competence through any appropriate form of assessment.

(10) All supporting documentation must be in English or accompanied by certified translations.

Part B - Assessment and Recording of Credit

(11) All Articulation Tables created under articulation agreements and the outcomes of all assessments, whether or not credit is granted, are recorded in the University’s Credit Precedent Database by the staff member making the assessment.

(12) All credit granted is itemised on a student’s transcript of results and Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement.

Prior credentialed studies

(13) Designated officers within Student Administration will use recorded precedents based on academic assessment as a guide for the granting of credit to specific La Trobe courses within the agreed rules for the use of the Database.

(14) Course Coordinators or their nominees are responsible for assessing applications for credit where there are no recorded precedents.

Non-credentialed or informal learning

(15) Course Coordinators or their nominees are responsible for assessing all applications for credit based on work or other non-credentialed experience.

Part C - Notification of Outcomes

(16) All official notifications of the outcome of assessments for credit must be in writing.

(17) Providing that all requirements outlined in the letter of offer have been met, domestic applicants for credit will be notified of outcomes as follows:

  1. those whose applications are based on prior credentialed studies will normally be formally notified of the outcome within 10 working days after submitting their complete application;
  2. those whose applications are based on informal or non-credentialed learning will normally be formally notified of the outcome within 20 working days of the provision of materials, interview, or assessment activity, whichever is the latter.

(18) Where international applicants apply for credit in their application for admission they will be advised of outcomes in their letter of offer.

(19) Notification to students will be forwarded to the email address provided in the application and will outline:

  1. the outcome
  2. the amount of credit granted where appropriate
  3. options for the review of credit decisions.

(20) Where outcomes of credit applications are not known prior to the commencement of classes, and the relevant subject does not have a prerequisite, applicants are advised to attend classes as normal until they have received formal advice of credit outcomes.

Part D - Withdrawal or Rescission of Credit

(21) The University reserves the right to withdraw a decision in relation to credit where:

  1. the decision was made based on incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by the applicant or certifying authority;
  2. an error has been made in assessing or processing the application.

(22) Students may make a request that credit be removed from their record of study if they wish to complete further subjects within their course, such as where a student may wish to undertake a professionally accredited sequence of subjects requiring further subject completions.

(23) Such requests should be made prior to the census date for the relevant study period. Students may incur full fees for an enrolment in subjects that they have already completed (refer Student Fee Policy).

(24) When credit has been rejected by a student, the student may request that it be reinstated by submitting a new application for credit.

Part E - Review of Individual Credit Decisions

(25) An applicant may make a request for a review of any decision in relation to credit where the following grounds apply:

  1. the application was lodged completely, including providing all requested additional or supporting information, on time and in the correct manner; and
  2. they believe the process was not correctly applied according to this Procedure and the Credit Standard.

(26) Instructions concerning the process for review will be advised in the notification of the outcome of all applications for credit. Requests for review must be lodged in writing within 10 working days of the notification.

(27) The Director, Student Administration will arrange for a review of the credit decision by the Senior Manager, Admissions and Pathways or, where the original decision was made by an academic, by the relevant Dean or their nominee.

(28) A written outcome, including the reasons for it, will be provided within 10 working days of the date the request was received by the University and a copy will be stored on the student record.

(29) The outcome of any review is final and cannot be appealed within the University.

Part F - Quality Assurance and Governance

(30) The University will review credit arrangements as follows:

  1. precedents in the Credit Precedent Database are reviewed annually and any changes are authorised by Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching;
  2. credit arrangements that form part of articulation agreements are reviewed prior to the renewal of each agreement;
  3. student progress is reviewed based on admission and credit granted through the University’s regular cycle of monitoring and review as outlined in the Course and Subject Management Procedure - Monitoring and Review;
  4. ad hoc reviews are triggered by course changes internal or external to La Trobe.

(31) The Education Committee provides oversight of the University’s credit arrangements and provides any required advice to Academic Board. 

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Section 7 - Definitions

(32) For the purposes of this Procedure:

  1. articulation agreement: an arrangement that specifies the amount of credit to be allocated as an outcome of a pathway between two courses at two or more educational institutions.
  2. course: a course of study leading to the award of a degree, diploma, or other award.
  3. credentialed studies: studies undertaken within an accredited higher education or vocational education provider for which a credential is received following assessment of achievement. These are typically award courses under the AQF but may also include other award courses and assessed non-award courses offered by accrediting bodies.
  4. credit: the recognition of prior learning outcomes resulting in a reduction of the number of subjects or credit points required to successfully complete the course.
  5. international student: a student who is not a domestic student at the time of the relevant study, who will be studying in Australia on a temporary student visa.
  6. non-credentialed (informal): learning achieved through structured activities outside the environment of an accredited higher education or vocational education provider that does not result in a formal record of achievement such as a qualification.
  7. Non-Resident: all applicants/students who are not classified as domestic or international as defined in this Procedure in relation to their visa/citizenship and location status. Non-Residents include:
    1. any student enrolled in a non-domestic course (including Australian domestic students studying overseas in a course delivered by an offshore partner institution);
    2. non-domestic students studying on campus within Australia while on any temporary visa other than the student visa;
    3. non-domestic students who are studying in a domestic course that is delivered entirely online, where they do not need a student visa for their enrolment.
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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(33) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.

(34) The following information is associated with this Procedure:

  1. Advanced Standing webpage
  2. Credit (Advanced Standing) Search