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Probation (Professional Staff) Policy

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Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy Chief People Officer, People & Culture
Review Date 18 February 2028
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) La Trobe University is committed to ensuring that assessment of staff employed on probation is fair and equitable.

(2) The purpose of this Policy and supporting procedures is to provide professional staff and supervisors with clear guidance of their obligations and the process to be followed during a staff member’s period of probation.

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy and supporting procedures apply to continuing and fixed-term Professional staff on probation and supervisors of Professional staff on probation. They do not apply to casual staff, Academic staff or staff employed on a Senior Staff Contract.

(4) The La Trobe University Enterprise Agreement 2023 (the EA) also contains provisions relating to the management of Probation at the University.

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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions  Role
Approve the extension of Professional staff member’s probationary period Chief People Officer, People & Culture (or nominee)
Approve the termination of a Professional staff members employment during the probationary period Chief People Officer, People & Culture/Chief Operating Officer
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(5) The purpose of a probationary period is to ensure an appropriate match is made between the person, the job and the work environment. It serves as an opportunity for both La Trobe and the new staff member to confirm whether the staff member satisfies the goals and objectives of the position.

(6) Probation provides an opportunity to evaluate the staff member’s suitability in terms of:

  1. Job fit – are the performance standards and expectations of the role being met?
  2. Behaviour – is behaviour appropriate and aligned to La Trobe’s policy and procedures?
  3. Cultural fit – readiness to adapt to the attitudes, beliefs and values within the Team and La Trobe

(7) As per subclause 20.5 of the EA, clauses 67 (Misconduct and Serious Misconduct), 68 (Breaches of the Research Code) and 69 (Unsatisfactory Performance) of the EA, do not apply to staff members during their probation period. It is important, however, that appropriate probationary procedures are followed to ensure a fair and equitable process.

(8) All new Professional staff appointed to a continuing or fixed-term position will normally be required to serve a period of probation.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Period of Probation

(9) Professional staff appointed to a continuing position with the University are required to complete a six (6) month probation period, unless otherwise specified in their contract of employment.

(10) Professional staff appointed to a fixed-term position of 12 months or more with the University are required to complete a six (6) month probation period, unless otherwise specified in their contract of employment.

(11) Professional staff appointed to a fixed-term position of less than 12 months with the University are required to complete a three (3) month probation period, unless otherwise specified in their contract of employment.

(12) Probation will not usually apply to a second or subsequent fixed-term contract unless the duties of the new position are fundamentally different from the previous fixed-term appointment. Where a supervisor is considering requiring a second period of probation, the supervisor should contact HR Assist for advice before proceeding with that decision.

(13) In exceptional circumstances a Professional staff member’s probationary period may be extended. An example of this may include (but not be limited to) prolonged absences due to illness or another form of leave. Where a supervisor considers that an extension may be required, the supervisor is required to contact their P&C Business Partner for advice. Any extension must be approved by the Chief People Officer, People & Culture (or nominee) and communicated to the Professional staff member in writing prior to the expiry of the original probation period.

Part B - Responsibilities of the Supervisor During Probation

(14) The supervisor is responsible for:

  1. organising a meeting within the first two weeks of the staff member’s commencement in the role to discuss the position description, duties and responsibilities, and to ensure that clear probation goals (performance and behavioural) are set and documented in the staff member’s Probation Plan in Career Success;
  2. scheduling and conducting formal probationary review meetings throughout the probation period;
  3. facilitating and encouraging ongoing and regular discussions with the staff member regarding their performance, including:
    1. monitoring the general progress of the staff member’s performance towards goals;
    2. assessing the staff member’s behaviours, attitudes, cultural fit and alignment to values;
    3. providing feedback to the staff member;
    4. providing appropriate support, development, coaching and training to assist the staff member;
    5. maintaining a record of meetings, including documenting any agreements or outcomes; and
    6. in situations where they have concerns in relation to the staff member’s performance or behaviour, contacting their P&C Business Partner for advice.

(15) During the probation period, the supervisor will determine whether the staff member has the right skills, knowledge and attributes to have their employment confirmed. This decision will be made in accordance with clauses 21 to 31 of this Policy and the Probation clause 20 in the EA.

Part C - Responsibilities of the Staff Member During Probation

(16) The staff member is responsible for:

  1. working towards meeting the probationary goals set by their supervisor;
  2. participating actively in all probation discussions with their supervisor; and
    1. providing feedback to their supervisor in relation to performance matters, including:
    2. seeking further clarification of expectations as required; and
    3. advising their supervisor or any concerns in relation to the achievement of their goals should this arise during the probationary period.

Part D - Reviews During the Probation Period

(17) Formal probation review meetings will occur midway through the probation period with the final probation review to be conducted around four weeks before the end of the probation period.

(18) At each probation review meeting:

  1. the supervisor will assess the staff member’s progress towards achieving their probation goals and provide the staff member with feedback on their performance and behaviour;
  2. the supervisor and staff member will discuss the staff member’s development needs; and
  3. the staff member will have the opportunity to raise any areas of concern and discuss these with the supervisor.

(19) The supervisor will document the discussion and any agreed outcomes in the staff member’s Probation Plan in Career Success.

(20) Where a supervisor has any concerns in relation to the performance or behaviour of the staff member at any stage throughout the probationary period, the supervisor should immediately contact their P&C Business Partner for further advice and support.

Part E - Outcome of Probation – Confirmation of Employment

(21) Where the supervisor considers the staff member has met their probation goals, at least two weeks prior to the expiry of the probationary period, the supervisor and staff member must complete the Probation Plan in Career Success and the supervisor must submit their recommendation for confirmation of employment to the Head of the Area.

(22) If the Head of the Area approves the supervisor’s recommendation, the staff member will receive email confirmation of the successful completion of their probation period with the University at the end of the probation period.

Part F - Outcome of Probation – Termination of Employment

(23) A Professional staff member’s employment may be terminated by the University at any stage during the probation period for any reason, which may include (but not be limited to) not meeting performance expectations, behavioural concerns, and conduct not consistent with the Code of Conduct and Policies and Procedures.

(24) As per clause 20.4 of the La Trobe University Enterprise Agreement 2023, prior to making any decision to terminate a staff member’s employment in probation, the staff member shall be advised of, and given an opportunity to make a written response to any adverse comments/material about the staff member which the University intends to take into account in a decision to terminate the staff member’s employment upon or before the expiry of the probationary period.

(25) Where a supervisor has any concerns in relation to the performance or behaviour of the staff member at any stage throughout the probationary period, the supervisor should immediately contact their P&C Business Partner for further advice and support.

(26) Where a supervisor is considering making a recommendation to terminate the staff member’s employment upon or before the expiry of the probationary period, the supervisor (following advice from their P&C Business Partner), will:

  1. advise the staff member that they are considering making a recommendation to the Chief People Officer, People & Culture (or where the supervisor is the Chief People Officer, People & Culture, the Chief Operating Officer) that the staff member’s employment be terminated upon or before the expiry of the probation period;
  2. provide the staff member with adverse materials the supervisor intends to provide to the Chief People Officer, People & Culture/Chief Operating Officer;
  3. provide the staff member with an opportunity to provide a written response to the adverse material to the supervisor; and
  4. consider the response from the staff member before deciding whether to recommend terminating the staff member’s employment.

(27) Where a supervisor decides to recommend terminating the staff member’s employment upon or before the expiry of the probation period:

  1. the supervisor will (following advice from their HR Business Partner) write to the Chief People Officer, People & Culture (or where the supervisor is the Chief People Officer, People & Culture, the Chief Operating Officer) with their recommendation, and include a copy of the staff member’s response to the adverse materials (if any); and
  2. the Chief People Officer, People & Culture/Chief Operating Officer will consider the supervisor’s recommendation and the staff member’s response (if any) prior to determining whether to accept the recommendation.

(28) Prior to making the decision, the Chief People Officer, People & Culture/Chief Operating Officer may seek further clarification from the staff member or the supervisor on any information they provided, or seek additional information if they consider it necessary.

(29) In making a decision to terminate a staff member’s employment during the probationary period, the Chief People Officer, People & Culture/Chief Operating Officer will have regard to whether the procedures set out in the probation policy were followed.

(30) Where the Chief People Officer, People & Culture/Chief Operating Officer has determined that the termination of employment during the probationary period is warranted, the staff member will be provided with a letter confirming termination of their employment.

(31) Except in cases of serious misconduct, where a staff member’s employment is terminated at any stage during the probation period, the staff member will be provided with two weeks’ notice unless a greater period of notice is specified in their contract of employment. At the discretion of the Chief People Officer, People & Culture, a payment in lieu of this notice may be made to the staff member. In cases of serious misconduct, the staff member’s employment may be terminated without notice.

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Section 7 - Definitions

(32) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Misconduct: means conduct that is not serious misconduct but is nevertheless unsatisfactory and also includes a Research Code Breach.
  2. Probation Period: is a period of time in which La Trobe places the staff member on ‘trial’ to assess if the staff member is suitable for the role and University. The Probation Period is outlined in the staff member’s contract of employment.
  3. Serious Misconduct means:
    1. serious misbehaviour of a kind that constitutes a serious impediment to the staff member, or the staff member’s colleagues, carrying out their duties, or to students completing part or all of their course of studies, including but not limited to:
      1. breaches of the University’s Code of Conduct;
      2. serious or repeated bullying, abuse or sexual harassment of another staff member, student or member of the public in connection with work; or
      3. causing a serious risk to the safety of staff, students or visitors to the University;
    2. serious dereliction of the duties required of the staff member in their position;
    3. conviction by a court for an offence that constitutes a serious impediment of the kind referred to in this definition;
    4. theft or fraud;
    5. willful refusal to carry out lawful and reasonable instruction that is consistent with the staff member’s contract of employment; a serious Breach of the Research Code; and/or
    6. persistent misconduct or willful and repeated incidents of misconduct.
  4. Supervisor: means the direct line manager of the staff member as recorded in MyHR and as varied from time to time.
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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(33) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.

(34) Associated information includes:

  1. Career Success and Probation intranet