(1) The purpose of the Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is to provide members of the University with an understanding of the standards required of them in their dealings with their colleagues and the La Trobe University community. (2) The Code is a statement of the commitment to upholding the ethical, professional and legal standards the University uses as the basis for our day-to-day and long-term decisions and actions that support our vision, values, objectives and strategy. (3) The Code applies to all staff and associates performing work on behalf of the University such as contractors, agency staff, conjoints, volunteers, honoraries, Council members, visiting appointments, students representing the University and other personnel. (4) It covers all circumstances when performing work, duties or functions of the University, both during and outside work hours and includes work-related functions, travel, conferences, where the actions of a person reflect negatively on the University and any circumstances when an individual is representing the University. (5) Our Code of Conduct covers:Code of Conduct
Section 1 - Background and Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
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