(1) This Procedure details the process to be followed when acquiring goods and services for or on behalf of La Trobe University (University). (2) This Procedure applies to the purchase or lease of all goods and services from suppliers external to the University except as expressly excluded under the Procurement Policy or other University policies and procedures. (3) This Procedure forms part of the Procurement Policy suite which governs its application. (4) Purchasers must use the University’s approved and contracted vendors for identified products and services where such vendors are in place. The list of approved vendors can be found on the following AskFinance Knowledge Base Article KB0022726. (5) Depending on the value, purchasers may be required to obtain multiple quotes from different approved vendors. Refer to Procurement Thresholds Matrix for further information. (6) Where approved vendors are not identified, purchasers must follow the procurement process detailed in AskFinance-Knowledge Base Article KB0022433. (7) Local First – purchasers should consider buying from local suppliers and domestically to foster community growth, create job opportunities and contribute to the local economies in which we operate. (8) Purchasers must conduct due diligence on all proposed purchases of goods and/or services. Consideration must include risk of foreign interference, conflict of interest, sustainable sourcing, and comply with the procedures outlined in the Risk Management Policy. (9) Before engaging with a foreign individual or entity or undertaking research involving Critical Technologies, staff, students and other members of the University are expected to follow the procedure outlined in the Foreign Engagement Policy. (10) Adopt practices that support the circular economy of the product or service throughout the entire life cycle and support local businesses where possible. Considerations should include: (11) Goods purchased must be fit for purpose to ensure the safety of all employees, contractors and visitors and comply with all relevant health, safety and environmental laws, standards and best practices. Things to consider: (12) The risks associated with a purchase must also be appropriately managed and controlled before the purchase takes place. For example: (13) Suppliers must not be engaged to commence any services or to provide any goods without first being issued with a valid Purchase Order. Purchase Orders are required to be in place prior to a Scope of Work being performed, for invoices to be paid. Invoices issued by Contracted Suppliers must have a valid University Purchase Order reference number on their invoice or it will not be paid. (14) A purchase order must be raised through ASK Finance prior to purchasing the goods or services where the value of the procurement exceeds $5,000 (exclusive of GST). (15) Credit card purchases must be undertaken in accordance with the Corporate Credit Card policy. (16) See ASKFinance Knowledge Article: Types of Orders - Purchase Order, Framework Order and Asset Purchase Order. (17) Financial approval to procure goods and/or services must be provided in accordance with the Delegations and Authorisations Policy, the Contract Signing Instrument of Delegation. The appropriate Authorised Signatory should authorise the proposed procurement activity before it commences, and appropriate funds must be available within the budget. (18) The total expenditure over the lifecycle of a good or service must be taken into account when seeking financial approval from the Authorised Signatory. (19) Even if an Authorised Signatory has the appropriate delegation, they must not approve their own recommendation in relation to a procurement activity. In such cases, the purchaser must ensure that an Authorised Signatory with a higher level of delegation provides all necessary financial approvals in writing before the procurement activity commences. (20) Once a request for a Purchase Order is submitted via AskFinance the Authorised Signatory with appropriate delegation will approve the order via AskFinance. (21) All individuals involved in procurement activities must ensure they declare any potential conflicts of interest associated with the procurement and/or vendors as outlined in the Conflict of Interest Policy. (22) Procurement Thresholds Matrix - sets out the minimum requirements for purchases of goods and/or services based on the total authorised contract value. Refer to Procurement Thresholds Matrix for further information. (23) As noted in Procurement Thresholds Matrix, a Procurement Plan (Low Value Strategy) is required for all proposed purchases over $500K; and a Procurement Strategy is required for all proposed purchases over $1m. See AskFinance Knowledge Base Article KB0022433 . (24) Before any procurement activity can proceed, purchasers are responsible for ensuring that: (25) The purpose of PEG is to provide and obtain senior level engagement, visibility, and support for strategic procurement proposals where the full contract value exceeds $1,000,000. This is not a “Tender” threshold, but it does mandate the documentation of an appropriate high value procurement strategy. (26) Where the individual procurement forms part of a wider program of activities, as part of the establishment of the program, a procurement strategy should be developed by the business unit and agreed with Strategic Procurement. (27) Should a Procurement Strategy require tender RF(x) activity it must be administered using the University ETendering platform. Strategic Sourcing & Procurement will provide guidance after an evaluation of the requirement. (28) Strategic Sourcing & Procurement can be engaged by submitting an AskFinance general request and selecting the Strategic Procurement category option. (29) The University holds a pre-assessment certificate (Certificate number FJC-230818-2548) under the Fair Jobs Code. Please contact Strategic Procurement, ssp@latrobe.edu.au. (30) In cases of emergency works, as detailed in the Procurement Policy, where it is not practical to adhere to this procedure in advance of the Procurement occurring then, as soon as practical after the Emergency, the relevant Procurement documentation and processes must be completed and forwarded to Strategic Sourcing & Procurement by submitting an AskFinance general request and selecting the Strategic Procurement category option. (31) If endorsement is obtained from the requisite approvers/bodies and the procurement activity proceeds, the designated Authorised Signatory remains ultimately accountable for ensuring all internal approval steps have been undertaken as well as the ultimate decision to contract, in accordance with the University Contracts Policy. (32) There may be situations where it is in the University's interests to enter into direct negotiations with a single supplier (Sole Supplier). Accepted circumstances for sole supplier engagement include, but not limited to, the following: (33) Tangible and objective evidence supporting these conditions must be provided to Strategic Sourcing & Procurement for review. As the first step in justifying single sourcing, departments should consult the Single Sourcing Framework [to be linked] to ensure alignment with procurement principles and to evaluate the criteria met. Documentation should clearly outline the justification for selecting a sole supplier, including alignment with the specified criteria within the framework. Approval must be obtained before proceeding to contract discussions or raising purchase orders. (34) Formal approval to engage in direct negotiations must be sought in advance following the procurement process outlined in the Procurement Thresholds Matrix, and must be authorised by Strategic Sourcing & Procurement. (35) For proposed procurements valued above $1m (ex GST), direct negotiations must be supported by a comprehensive Procurement Strategy (High Value) and submitted to the Procurement Executive Group for endorsement. (36) Strategic Sourcing & Procurement will facilitate set aside arrangements under an approved procurement strategy (whether low or high value), to explore targeted opportunities for Social/Indigenous enterprises, allowing them a chance to showcase their value-for-money before a general market approach is pursued, as defined by the Procurement Thresholds Matrix. (37) Multiple Engagements – multiple engagements cannot be undertaken for a substantially similar Scope of Work with the same Supplier unless they meet the following criteria: (38) For the avoidance of doubt, it would be necessary to demonstrate that multiple Suppliers were given equal opportunity to quote/tender for the works and that open and effective competition was facilitated. (39) The engagement of Independent Contractors (also referred to as sole traders, contractors or consultants) must only occur when it is necessary to obtain specialist skills and expertise that do not form part of core services of the University. Core services of the University includes: - teaching, research, administration, and other classes of work similar to those performed by existing University staff. (40) Individuals who are engaged to provide core services of the University must be engaged as employees rather than independent contractors. (41) Where there is a legitimate need to engage an independent contractor, the Consulting/Contractors Service Request Form must be completed online by the business unit responsible for the engagement. (42) Procurement will review the request, approve where appropriate and provide relevant documentation for completion. (43) To ensure compliance with taxation and superannuation obligations, a classification check process is required prior to the engagement of independent contractors, to ensure that all parties are aware of their statutory obligations (44) Where Finance and Procurement determine that individuals (with or without an ABN) are providing core services, the University will automatically deem these workers to be employees and will be referred to HR. The requestor may be required to complete a brief questionnaire for assessment. (45) Where the assessment determines the independent contractor would be deemed an employee, this can impact PAYG, Payroll Tax, superannuation contributions, and other rights. In these circumstances, the University can only engage the Sole Trader contractor/consultant as an LTU Casual Staff member (through HR), or through an independent third-party agency, such as Robert Walters, etc. Additional financial liabilities including superannuation payments and taxes will need to be recovered from the original requisitioner’s cost centre. (46) Where the independent contractor has been determined to be an independent contractor/consultant, the University will complete the vendor onboarding process. (47) Exceptions to delivery of core services by independent contractor. If: (48) Software acquisitions are exclusively authorised through the University Information Services (IS) department. Please refer to IS Knowledge Base Article (KB0020353 - Site licensed software) for a comprehensive list of software accessible to all staff. (49) For new software that is not on the “Software with University Site-Wide Licences list”, submit an AskICT request for new software (refer to KB0020353 - Site licensed software) . IS will conduct a thorough review of your request, including due diligence checks with regard to Security and Privacy. IS will then contact you to discuss the outcome of your request. (50) Purchasers must ensure that they obtain endorsement of the proposed procurement strategy for any proposed purchase valued between $500k to $1million and in the following order: (51) Purchasers must ensure that they obtain endorsement of the proposed procurement strategy for proposed any proposed purchase valued above $1million and in the following order: (52) Procurement Activities with an anticipated value above $5M will require full business case and additional University Committee and Council approval requirements, as advised by Strategic Sourcing & Procurement. (53) All contracts must be facilitated in accordance with the requirements of the Contracts policy. (54) Scope of Work Compliance – it is the responsibility of the Authorised Signatory to ensure that there are appropriate contract management processes for the life of the contract, and they are ultimately accountable for ensuring that all Goods and/or Services are delivered, implemented, provided and/or received in accordance with the required contractual arrangements and obligations. (55) Variations – Any variations to the contracted Scope of Work should be immediately assessed by the business unit contract manager (in consultation with Strategic Sourcing & Procurement for financial, commercial and operational impact to the University. (56) Variations to an agreement with a Contracted Supplier must be agreed to in writing by the Authorised Signatory under the University Contract Signing Instrument of Delegations and the Supplier’s nominated representative in accordance with the provisions of the agreement and must include (as a minimum) the following information: (57) The addition of a new Scope of Work to an existing Contract is a Procurement activity and must be approved in accordance with the Procurement Policy, and this procedure. (58) Contract Review – regular reviews and meetings with Contracted Suppliers are to be implemented by the Authorised signatory or their nominated contract manager to ensure that contractual arrangements are being managed effectively and for the benefit of the University, as well as to ensure commercial and operational risks are being appropriately managed and any commercial and/or performance issues addressed. (59) Contract Extensions – if an extension clause is included in the Contracted Suppliers agreement, and the value of the initial Procurement activity(including the extension value) has been approved by the appropriate Authorised Signatory including that extension value, then the extension can be progressed in writing with the supplier and no additional procurement activity is required. If not, then any extension must be treated as a new procurement activity. A Contract extension must be executed in a manner consistent with the original Contract and the relevant Delegate for the Total Authorised Contract Value, including the original contract and any accumulated Contract extensions or variations. If in doubt, the relevant University staff should consult with Strategic Sourcing & Procurement. (60) For the purpose of this policy and procedure: (61) This Procedure is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009. (62) Associated information includes:Procurement Procedure
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy
Executive Director, Procurement Business Services
Review Date
10 December 2027
Section 2 - Purpose
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Approve purchases and contracts
As per the Financial Expenditure & Contract Signing Delegations
Endorsement of Procurement Strategies
As specified in Part C of this Procedure which includes Council approval for any procurement activities over $5m.
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Planning for Procurement
Contracted Vendors
Due Diligence
Foreign Engagement
Sustainable Sourcing
Health & Safety intranet and refer to the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures.Purchase Orders
Financial approvals and endorsements
Part B - Procurement Strategies and Sourcing Activity
Procurement Strategies
Programs of Work
This overarching strategy should be referenced in all related Procurement activities.Tender Administration
Fair Jobs Code
Emergency Works
Direct Negotiations (Sole Supplier)
Multiple Engagements
Independent Contractors
and responsibilities. Refer to AskFinance Knowledge Base Article KB0022771: Engaging a Contractor or Consultant for Services for further information and requirements for staff seeking to engage an independent contractor.
IS Asset Purchasing (including software)
Part C - Contract Approval and Procurement Strategy Endorsements
Low Value ($500k to $1M) Procurement Plan
High Value (above $1M) Procurement Strategy
Over $5million – Council approval required
Contract Management
Section 7 - Definitions
Top of Page
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information
Modern Slavery
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