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Health and Safety Procedure - Plant, Machinery and Equipment

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Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy Senior Manager, Health and Safety
Review Date 12 March 2027
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) This procedure establishes the required steps for University staff to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety Policy when managing plant, machinery, and equipment. It is essential to identify and control hazards and risks throughout the entire equipment life cycle; from procurement and operation and end-of-life disposal; ensuring safety and adherence to regulatory requirements at every stage.

(2) The procedure provides clear guidance for the University to manage plant, machinery and equipment in accordance with:

  1. The Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004;
  2. Plant, machinery and equipment guidance material WorkSafe Victoria;
  3. Relevant Australian Standards governing the safety, design, operation and maintenance of plant, machinery and equipment.
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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to:

  1. all staff and members of the University Community (including students, contractors and associates).
  2. all University campuses and research areas that are managed and operated by La Trobe University.
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Section 4 - Key Decisions

Key Decisions  Role
Authority to procure or dispose of plant, machinery and equipment Nominated financial expenditure and contract delegate or their nominee (value dependent)
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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(4) This Procedure forms part of the Health and Safety Policy suite which governs its application.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Authority to Procure or Dispose

(5) Staff who procure and/or dispose of plant, machinery or equipment will be aware of and will fulfill their health & safety responsibilities as well as financial, legal and insurance obligations.

Part B - Responsibilities

Managers and Leaders are responsible for:

(6) Ensuring a system of management is in place that covers the requirements set out in this procedure and within their area of scope.

(7) Ensuring compliance with safe work requirements including local training, preventative maintenance and record keeping.

All users are responsible for:

(8) Completing local training and instruction before using any plant, machinery or equipment.

(9) Following safe operating procedures and complying fully to any personal protective equipment requirements.

(10) Applying lock out tag out(LOTO) process and immediately reporting any defects or problems with the plant, machinery or equipment.

(11) Reviewing safe work instruction after any modifications and maintaining training and information currency.

The Health and Safety Team are responsible for:

(12) providing advice on hazard management and related health and safety information; and

(13) supporting incident response, investigation and sharing the lessons learned across the organisation.

Part C - Plant, Machinery and Equipment management

Procurement considerations

(14) Procurement decisions will be supported by a pre-purchase risk assessment that is informed by manufacturing specifications of the plant, machinery or equipment under consideration that is in alignment with relevant Australian Standards and in accordance with the Health and Safety Procedure - Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control.

(15) This risk assessment will identify and support the development of necessary risk controls for the safe placement and operation of the plant, machinery or equipment. It will include information on the expected end-of-life timeline and disposal requirements. This information will also be provided for finance planning and budgetary purposes.

(16) Additionally, the procurement of plant, machinery or complex equipment may require regulatory and insurance considerations. These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, contacting Health and Safety (H&S), Legal Services and Risk, Audit and Insurance Office.

Safe operations

(17) Plant, machinery or equipment will have the following information available to enable safe operation:

  1. manufacturer specifications and instructions;
  2. operational risk assessment, reviewed every 5 years;
  3. safe operating procedure(SOP) or equivalent;
  4. required Personal Protective Equipment(PPE);
  5. emergency procedures for the safe shut down of plant;
  6. lock out tag out(LOTO) process for all defective machinery or equipment.


(18) Specific training on the use of plant, machinery and equipment will be provided to all users prior to use by the local managing area. This training may include formal instruction and practical competency demonstration. Records of training will be kept locally, and training renewed or refreshed every two years or as identified through the risk assessment.

Preventative Maintenance

(19) All plant, machinery and equipment will have a scheduled preventative maintenance plan that aligns with the manufacturer instructions and is undertaken by suitably qualified personnel. All maintenance records will be maintained in a register, available for review and kept locally in accordance with the University Records Management Policy.

Design changes or modifications

(20) Any changes that alter or affect the original design of the plant, machinery or equipment will undergo a risk assessment. Safe operation instructions including emergency procedures, PPE and LOTO process will be reviewed and updated to incorporate any modifications. All changes to the original plant, machinery or equipment will be carried out by qualified personnel. Engineering modification records will be maintained locally in accordance with the University Records Management Policy.

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Section 7 - Definitions

(21) The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations (VIC) define plant as:

  1. equipment that lifts or moves people or materials, including objects and substances such as empty receptacles, bins landfill rubbish, metals and soil;
  2. various types of machinery and equipment including pressure equipment, tractors, earthmoving machinery,
    lasers, scaffolds, temporary access equipment, explosive-powered tools, turbines and amusement structures, and
  3. machinery that processes material by way of a mechanical action that:
    1. cuts, drills, punches or grinds the material;
    2. presses, forms, hammers, joins or moulds the material;
    3. combines, mixes, sorts, packages, assembles, knits or weaves the material.
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Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information

(22) This Policy is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.