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Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Student Charter

Section 1 - Key Information

Policy Type and Approval Body Academic – Academic Board
Accountable Executive – Policy Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Responsible Manager – Policy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and Employability)
Review Date 5 December 2027
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Section 2 - Purpose

(1) La Trobe Universty’s Student Charter outlines the rights and responsibilities of students while enrolled at La Trobe University.

(2) This Student Charter embodies the core values that we hold as a community and the partnership that exists between all students, short course participants, and the University.

(3) The Student Charter is published in accordance with the University’s obligations under the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act, the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and the Higher Education Provider Amendment (Support for Students Policy) Guidelines 2023.

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This Charter applies to:

  1. all enrolled students, including students enrolled in La Trobe courses through third-party teaching partners;
  2. short course participants (for ease of reference participants are also referred to as ‘students’ in this Charter);
  3. all staff employed by La Trobe, unpaid members of the University such as Emeritus and Adjunct appointments, and staff employed by third-party teaching partners to teach students employed in La Trobe courses.

(5) The specific rights and responsibilities of enrolled students can be found in the following documents: 

  1. for students in award coursework courses and subjects see the Enrolment Procedure;
  2. for students enrolled in graduate research courses see the Graduate Research Candidature Policy and the Graduate Research Support Policy.
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Section 4 - The Charter

(6) The Student Charter ensures that the rights and responsibilities of students and La Trobe are acknowledged and respected. The Student Charter is consistent with all relevant policies of La Trobe as found in the Policy Library.

Part A - Our Principles

(7) The University is committed to:

  1. acknowledging and honouring the significance of Indigenous Australians, and their culture and importance to La Trobe;
  2. acknowledging, respecting and celebrating La Trobe’s diverse student body and the way in which this enriches the wider La Trobe community;
  3. building a respectful, safe, inclusive and secure environment where every student can achieve their highest potential;
  4. being innovative, caring, accountable and connected in all of our learning,teaching, research and provision of services to students;
  5. partnering with students to consult on and develop the Student Charter and other student-facing frameworks and policies that represent the diversity of the La Trobe student population;
  6. aspiring to provide an outstanding student experience that is conducive to scholarly activity and supportive of individual learning goals;
  7. being known for, and always striving to make a positive difference to the lives of our students.

Part B - Student Rights

(8) You have a right to:

  1. accurate, timely and accessible information in relation to your course of study, enrolment, policies, services and processes;
  2. an educational environment that actively develops and enriches your learning;
  3. courses that are academically rigorous and up-to-date, with high quality teaching and supervision;
  4. prompt and helpful feedback on your academic performance (see the Assessment Policy and the Academic Progression Review Policy);
  5. effective, safe, inclusive and accessible physical and/or online learning environments that facilitate engagement with your lecturers, your subject content and other students;
  6. access to equitable review and appeal processes in line with University policies and procedures (see the Appeals Policy);
  7. accurate and timely responses to your inquiries and concerns;
  8. expect that privacy and confidentiality concerning your personal information are observed (see Privacy Policy);
  9. reasonable access to academic and non-academic support services that are responsive to your needs and support you to achieve success in your studies (see Student Support Policy), including independent advice and advocacy;
  10. learn in a safe and supportive environment:
    1. where you are treated with respect by fellow students, staff, the broader University community and its partners;
    2. that is free from unacceptable behaviour, including discrimination, harassment, bullying, vilification, victimisation and violence;
  11. raise issues, concerns or complaints without fear of victimisation and be provided with the necessary support, processes and guidance;
  12. access an internal complaints process that is free, based on procedural fairness and ensures confidentiality, transparency, accessibility and efficiency (see Student Complaints Management Policy);
  13. choose to be represented by an independent and democratically elected student organisation that is formed by and for the students of La Trobe University;
  14. expect that your student organisation acts in the best interests of its members;
  15. assemble and engage in protests on University grounds in a safe and peaceful manner;
  16. freedom of lawful speech and academic freedom (see Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy), while recognising views are to be shared respectfully, without discrimination or harm to others.

Part C - Student Responsibilities

(9) You are responsible for:

  1. engaging in your academic studies with honesty and integrity (see Student Academic Misconduct Policy);
  2. taking an active role and responsibility for your learning by participating in class activities, placement rounds, completing assignments on time and acting on feedback from lecturers;
  3. engaging through the proper channels of communication with the University, as outlined in the Enrolment Procedure, including activating and monitoring your La Trobe student email account throughout the duration of your enrolment until after graduation, in addition to ensuring that your contact details are up-to-date;
  4. meeting your commitments to other students including contributions to group work;
  5. pursuing your career goals through enquiry and action;
  6. making the most of the opportunities and services provided by the University;
  7. contributing positively to La Trobe’s culture by being connected, innovative, accountable and caring;
  8. taking responsibility for acquainting yourself with and complying with all University policies, procedures and guidelines;
  9. providing fair, honest and constructive feedback about your course and your student experience at La Trobe;
  10. behaving in a respectful manner at all times towards fellow students, staff and members of the broader University community and its partners;
  11. valuing diversity and everyone’s right to make a respectful contribution;
  12. engaging in positive behaviours and using language which does not cause offence, physical/ emotional injury or intimidation to another person;
  13. taking an active role in contributing to an environment that is safe and free from discrimination, harassment, vilification and victimisation;
  14. behaving professionally when representing La Trobe on student placements, on overseas programs, in student leadership roles, volunteering, and at sporting or other University-sponsored events;
  15. using University property and resources safely, in a way which will not endanger others or cause unnecessary damage or reputational risk;
  16. protecting and respecting the right to safe and peaceful protest;
  17. reporting unacceptable behaviour or concerns to ensure a safe community for everyone at La Trobe.
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Section 5 -  Authority and Assocated Information

(10) This Charter is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009.

(11) Associated information includes:

  1. Student Behaviours Policy
  2. Student Complaints Management Policy
  3. Student Conduct Management Policy
  4. Student Academic Misconduct Policy
  5. Enrolment Policy
  6. Appeals Policy
  7. Student Support Policy
  8. Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom Policy
  9. Assessment Policy 
  10. Academic Progression Review Policy
  11. Safer Community
  12. Graduate Research Progress Policy
  13. Graduate Research Supervision Policy