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Naming of Buildings and Assets Policy

This is the current version of this document. You can provide feedback on this policy to the document author - refer to the Status and Details on the document's navigation bar.

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) The objective of this Policy is to outline the framework that governs the naming rights of the University’s buildings, assets and facilities, in recognition of a significant contribution made to the University by an individual or organisation.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This Policy applies to all:

  1. Schools, campuses, divisions and organisational units of the University.

(3) The Policy excludes the naming rights relating to:

  1. programs of service or recreation, lectureships, special lecture series, fellowships, library collections, film series, naming of research programs, annual or one-off events (social or academic), scholarships of awards managed by the University, which is covered in the Recognition of Significant Service and Contributions Policy.
  2. specifying faculties, departments, divisions, centres, units, schools and institutes of the University, however designated as this falls under the Instrument of Delegation for the Vice-Chancellor and Committees.
  3. commemorative plaques, which is covered in the Commemorative Plaques Policy.
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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(4) The University may grant naming rights of buildings and assets to publicly acknowledge an individual or organisation in recognition of any of the following criteria:

  1. a significant contribution, both financial and/or non-financial to the University
  2. provision of significant or distinguished service to the University or to society
  3. high standards of personal integrity have been demonstrated
  4. provision of exceptional support in the development or enhancement of the University
  5. contributed to important achievements in the development and promotion of the University

(5) Naming rights of a building or asset must:

  1. advance the mission of the University
  2. be consistent with the core values of the University
  3. further the capacity of the University to meet its objectives
  4. enhance the growth and reputation of the University
  5. be made with due consideration of the diversity of the University community

(6) The University is responsible for all decisions pertaining to the naming rights of university property, facilities and assets. Naming rights may be granted in relation to:

  1. naming of a University building (new or existing) or substantial part of a building (wings, floors, segments);
  2. naming of an internal building space (new or existing) i.e lecture theatre, meeting room, section of the library, laboratory, reception area;
  3. naming of an outside space, feature or structure i.e street, road, walkway, bench, courtyard, lawn, gardens, trees;
  4. naming of a facility i.e gymnasium, playing field, recreational space.
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Section 4 - Procedures

Part A - Nomination Process

(7) A nomination for a naming rights proposal will only be considered if it is made from within the University community.

(8) Any member of the University community can make a nomination for a naming rights proposal if it is supported by a member of the Senior Executive Group and consent has been obtained from the individual (or their next of kin) or the organisation being recognised.

(9) Naming right proposals and any supporting documentation must be submitted to the Executive Director, Asset Transformation, outlining the significant contribution or service that the individual or organisation has made to the University in the first instance.

Financial contributions

(10) Where the University receives significant financial contributions, including those from benefactors or philanthropists, naming rights may be granted commensurate with the contribution made.

(11) The level of benefaction must be agreed in writing by the University and the donor.

(12) La Trobe Advancement is responsible for the co-ordination, assignment and management of donations, donors and prospective donors to the University as per the Donor Rights Policy and the Named Gift Policy.

(13) The Senior Director, Alumni and Advancement must be consulted, prior to the proposal being presented to the Executive Director, Asset Transformation, if a naming rights proposal is from a benefactor or philanthropic contribution.

(14) Documentation detailing the nature and value of the financial contribution will be submitted to the La Trobe University Foundation Committee for noting after approval is granted by Council.

Part B - Approval Process

(15) The Executive Director, Asset Transformation will review and consider a naming rights proposal and then refer the proposal onto the Chief Operating Officer with a recommendation for endorsement.

(16) The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for making recommendations about a naming rights proposal to the Infrastructure and Estates Planning Committee (IEPC), a sub-committee of Council for their endorsement. If endorsed, the Infrastructure and Estates Planning Committee (IEPC) will refer the proposal to Council for approval.

(17) Naming rights are not made in perpetuity for any type of contribution made to the University.

(18) Council is responsible for determining the duration of the naming rights which can be either:

  1. for a minimum of 5 years; or
  2. for a fixed period that does not exceed a period of 30 years.

(19) After approval is granted by Council, Infrastructure and Operations (I&O) will facilitate the required resources for the name to be adopted and included on University maps and other platforms.

(20) A Naming Rights Register is maintained by Infrastructure and Operations.

Part C - Amending, Withdrawing or Revoking Naming Rights

(21) The University reserves the right to amend, withdraw or revoke naming rights in the following circumstances:

  1. where the reputation of the University may be compromised
  2. at the request of the individual, or their family if the individual is deceased
  3. at the request of the organisation
  4. where the building or asset is demolished, destroyed, refurbished or replaced
  5. where there is a change in occupancy and the former name is no longer applicable
  6. the duration of the agreement has been reached
  7. for any other reason at the discretion of Council

(22) Any amendments, withdrawals or revoking of naming rights need to be endorsed by the Infrastructure and Estates Planning Committee (IEPC) and then approved by Council. IEPC will receive these requests from the Chief Operating Officer after support has been obtained from the Executive Director, Asset Transformation.

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Section 5 - Definitions

(23) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Asset: refers to land, buildings or equipment owned by the University.
  2. Building: a permanent structure erected on the land or site of La Trobe University.
  3. Facility: refers to a precinct or area, building, equipment or service provided for a particular purpose or activity.