(1) This Procedure documents the requirements for managing ionising radiation sources throughout its life cycle from procurement, handling and use, storage, and end of life transit to finite disposal. The aim is to ensure compliant safety practices of the La Trobe University Community by: (2) This Procedure applies to: (3) This procedure forms part of the Health and Safety Policy suite which governs its application. (4) Managers and leaders, including supervisors are responsible for ensuring that: (5) The Health and Safety Team/Radiation Safety Officer are responsible for: (6) Direct Ionising Radiation Users are responsible for: (7) All (8) Contractors should refer to the Infrastructure and Operations contractor induction/guide which includes a section on handling dangerous and hazardous substances and other relevant documentation. At a minimum, control processes that are equivalent to the University’s processes for managing ionising radiation need to be in place. (9) Where a contractor is independent of the Infrastructure and Operations induction and management process, the host will ensure that the licencing requirements are sought, understood and strictly adhered to. Pre-qualification will need to occur to validate the contractors ionising radiation control processes. (10) As required by the Radiation Act 2005 and Radiation Regulations 2017, the University holds a company management licence for the possession, consignment and disposal of ionising radiation sources, including radioactive material and radiation apparatus. Radiation practices, equipment type and source quantities are also strictly managed. Additionally, staff and students undertaking specific radiation practices may require individual user licencing. (11) All proposed practices and changes to current practices will require licencing and variations to be sought and pre-approved by the Department of Health (VIC). Other jurisdictions will have different regulators with differing legislation and licencing conditions. Planning for radiation practises to occur in interstate and overseas jurisdictions will require early directional advice, including licencing from the Health and Safety team and/or Radiation Safety Officer. (12) The University is also required to report all holdings of unsealed nuclear sources (uranium, thorium) to the federal Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office (ASNO) therefore any changes to current holdings must be reported to the Health and Safety team immediately. (13) The Health and Safety team will be notified through the completion of the ionising radiation projects approval form before procurement commences. This notification will trigger licencing and compliance requirements which need to be completed ahead of consignment arrival. For internationally acquired sources, importation will not be permitted until pre-authorisation is provided by the Department of Health (Vic) - Radiation. (14) The Health and Safety team administer an overarching Radiation Management Plan. This is a regulatory requirement and captures an overview of the radiation practises that are occurring across the University and the plan is kept current. (15) All new radiation practices will be documented on the Radiation Management Plan before any activity commences. Information that is required will include detail about the proposed practice, the source/s used, personal protective and monitoring requirements, the training provided and the emergency procedures in place. Additionally, and in circumstances where Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) equipment is used for research purposes, an ethics approval will be sought and obtained. (16) Each radiation practise undertaken will additionally develop a detailed activity plan, incorporating documents such as a risk assessment, SDS and equipment or activity specific procedures (SOPs). The assembly of these supporting documents will be completed before any radiation practices commences, be readily available and be strictly followed. (17) Where changes to the radiation practice are required, the plan including the risk assessment will be reviewed and adjusted before the changed activity commences. In addition, the Health and Safety team and/or Radiation Safety Officer will be notified of the proposed changes before any changed practice commences. (18) When handling an ionising radiation source, the user will ensure that personal protective equipment such as shielding and Perspex screens are used and protocols strictly followed. (19) Where ionising radiation sources are transported, there are strict requirements on the containment, labelling, and methods of transport. Depending on the radiation source/device, these requirements will be stipulated on the University’s management licence conditions. (20) Ionising radiation waste will be transferred to and stored in the central Radiation Store at the Bundoora campus. At the regional campuses, ionising radiation waste will be stored locally, as directed by the technicians and/or Health and Safety team. (21) Unsealed ionising radiation sources with a short half-life (days to months) will remain in the storage area until their activity is less than the regularly prescribed limits and can be disposed of safely through regular waste streams. (22) Radioactive material with a longer half-life, large sealed sources and x-ray apparatus will require specialised disposal, which is to be determined by the Radiation Safety Officer with the Health and Safety team at the required time. (23) In circumstances where ionising radiation waste is mixed with other materials such as chemical or biological waste, the Health and Safety team and/or Radiation Safety Officer will determine the best mode of disposal. (24) In all instances the Health and Safety team must be notified when ionising radiation waste is identified so it can be moved to storage as soon as possible. (25) Staff and students that are handling and using ionising sources will complete an adequate level of training and be provided technical guidance to ensure tasks are performed safely. The training provided will be a mix of knowledge and instruction commensurate to the inherent hazards, associated risks and aligned with individual levels of knowledge and skill. (i.e. undergraduate students VS post-doctoral researchers) (26) The University provides specialised user training programs that are delivered by a third-party provider for: (27) Ionising radiation can potentially cause damage to biological tissue however exposure cannot be detected by the human senses. The biological effects of radiation exposure can be: (28) Radiation legislation as informed by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) stipulates a principle of radiation protection that will be adhered to. This principle states that persons and the environment should be protected from unnecessary exposure to radiation through the process of justification, optimisation and limitation. (29) Optimisation is achieved by keeping individual doses as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA principle). Regulatory dose limits apply in Victoria however it is important that dose constraints are also applied to: (30) When working with ionising radiation, the hazards will be managed to reduce exposure risk by strictly following the safe work procedures, using personal protective equipment, carefully monitoring the work environment, and monitoring levels of personal exposure. (31) Individual health monitoring will be undertaken if there is potential that an individual will exceed the dose constraint specified as a fraction of the member of the public whole body dose limit of 1 mSv. Alternatively, monitoring will be undertaken if it is a condition of license for a specific activity, or use of a specific apparatus. (32) Any staff member or student who is undertaking a radiation practice will report pregnancy immediately upon knowledge to their supervisor. A review of the radiation practice will be undertaken and an assessment made of how the work will proceed. (33) In the event of an emergency, University processes will be strictly adhered to. Leaders will also ensure that local emergency procedures are developed that take into account the properties of the ionising sources that are in use and the likely health effects, if exposure occurs. (34) For the purpose of this Procedure: (35) For the purpose of this policy and procedure: (36) Only include key terms which need to defined – for example terms which: (37) Refer to and link applicable definitions within the Policy Glossary wherever possible, particularly where key terms such as ‘student’ are used and which should be commonly applied across the University. (38) This Procedure is made under the La Trobe University Act 2009. (39) Associated information includes:Health and Safety Procedure - Ionising Radiation
Section 1 - Key Information
Top of Page
Policy Type and Approval Body
Administrative – Vice-Chancellor
Accountable Executive – Policy
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Manager – Policy
Senior Manager, Health and Safety
Review Date
6 March 2026
Section 2 - Purpose
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Key Decisions
Top of Page
Key Decisions
Administering an overarching Radiation Management Plan
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Responsibilities
Managers and Leaders (including supervisors)
Health and Safety Team / Radiation Safety Officer
Direct Ionising Radiation Users
Part B - All Staff and Students
Part C - Contractors
Part D - Licencing and Reporting
Part E - Source Life Cycle
Procuring Sources
Radiation Management Plan
Handling, Storage and Disposal
Part F - Training
Part G - Health Monitoring
Part H - Emergency Management
Section 7 - Definitions
Section 8 - Authority and Associated Information
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Health and Safety Team
Radiation Safety Officer