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Recruitment Procedure - Position Nomenclature

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This procedure is being updated to reflect the new Enterprise Agreement and may currently contain out of date information. If you have any questions, please lodge an Ask HR ticket.

Section 1 - Background and Purpose

(1) These Procedures provide a framework to ensure that position titles used within the University are consistent, and that all positions are appropriately titled, taking into account the functions and responsibilities of each role.

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Section 2 - Scope

(2) These Procedures are applicable to the classification of all positions within the University.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(3) Refer to the Recruitment Policy.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Principles Applying to Nomenclature

(4) A job title for a position is determined after the position has been evaluated and located within La Trobe’s job level/grade structure.

(5) The process of determining job titles is an integral component of the evaluation and classification of positions. 

(6) Titles will:

  1. identify the position in a way which is accurate, clear and recognisable;
  2. indicate the function and main purpose of the position;
  3. be simple and free of technical jargon;
  4. indicate the relative level of the position within the University’s organisation structure and the level of strategic accountability held by the position;
  5. be applied consistently across the University to ensure equity and assist in the uniform use of titles be gender neutral;
  6. appear consistently on all documentation for the position.

(7) Specialist position titles for particular professional groups (e.g. Executive Director, Library and University Librarian, Chief Information Officer, Chief Financial Officer) should be discussed with the Manager, Recruitment.

Application of the Principles

(8) For all new executive, senior management, professional and administrative positions: 

  1. Once the classification process has determined the job grade based on Mercer Work Value Points for the Executive and Senior Management group (ESCM) and job descriptors in the Collective Agreement (Classification) for HEO positions, using the summary in Section 3 of these procedures, agree with the Manager of that position the title to be applied consistent with these principles;
  2. all current job titles that are inconsistent with these principles will not be changed whilst the current incumbent is in the role, with the following exceptions:
    1. due to promotion, retirement or resignation of the current incumbent there is a change in the incumbent in the role;
    2. there is a change in the role due to a change in structure (including Administrative Change Program changes) and a revised position description is required to be evaluated, even if the current incumbent retains the revised role;
    3. when current positions are formally reviewed and re-evaluated;
    4. positions evaluated and classified within the ESMC Level 1, that are currently titled “Manager” should, on the approval of the proposed Nomenclature Principles and Processes, be retitled “Senior Manager”;
    5. incumbents were appointed and notified that the position title was to be reviewed. 

Responsibility of Varying the Principles

(9) In exceptional circumstances, there may be a need to exercise flexibility with regard to the relationship between reporting lines and position functions. 

(10) Where there is a requirement to vary or make exception to this principle, approval is required from the following:

Position Grade Approver
HEO 1 to HEO 10 inclusive Manager, Recruitment
ESMC1 to ESMC 3 inclusive Executive Director, Human Resources

(11) Where variations or exceptions are required for changing reporting lines and position functions, the Executive Director, Human Resources will provide advice to the Vice-Chancellor for consideration and final approval.

Summary of Nomenclature to be applied

Evaluated Job Level/Grade Position Title Position Reporting Relationship or level of Responsibility
Mercer Work Value Points
811 – 1150
PVC or Provost
Executive Director
Specialist Professional Title
Positions reporting to the VC, DVC or Head of a Portfolio
Mercer Work Value Points
591 – 810
Divisional Director/Director
*Specialist Professional Title
Positions reporting to an Executive Director, DVC or PVC, with responsibility for management of a key functional area within a Division/School
Mercer Work Value Points
450 ‐ 590
Deputy Director 
(only if the position is nominated second in charge and reports to a Director)
*Specialist Professional Title
Includes positions reporting to an Executive Director, DVC, PVC or Divisional Director/Director, with responsibility for management of a specialised function or unit within a Division/School
HEO 9 – 10 Senior Manager (HEO10)
(if staff report to the position)
Senior Advisor 
(if no direct reports)
**Specialist Professional Title
Positions with managerial responsibilities for a unit/area, or stand‐alone positions, including professional roles without direct line management responsibilities (eg, Accountant, Solicitor)
HEO 7 – 8 Senior Co‐ordinator 
(if staff report to position)
(if no direct reports)
**Specialist Professional Title
Positions with management/ supervisory and team leadership roles, or standalone positions / specialist roles
HEO 5 – 6 Co‐ordinator or Supervisor 
(if staff report to position)
Senior Officer 
(if no direct reports) 
**Specialist Professional Title
Co‐ordinator/supervisory role (supervisory positions start at Level 5)
HEO 4 Officer Administrative/technical support roles
HEO 1 – 3 Assistant Manual or general administrative roles
* Specialist Professional Title (ESMC 1, 2 & 3) is a title applied by exception and with approval of the Executive Director, Human Resources.
** Specialist Professional Title (HEO10 to 5) is a title applied by exception and with approval of Human Resources.
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Section 5 - Definitions

(12) For the purpose of this Procedure:

  1. Nomenclature: is the naming convention/rules for job positions within the University.