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Following is a master list (in alphabetical order, by title) of all policies and procedures La Trobe Policy Library.  Jump to the relevant part of the alphabet by clicking an alphabetical character in the fast find index below. Each alphabetic grouping of documents is headed with the relevant letter of the alphabet, next to which you will find a "view summary descriptions" link. If you are not sure you have found the right document, click this link to view the summary descriptions. These may help you determine if the document is the one you are after.

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If you don't know the name of the document you are looking for, don't waste time browsing the list. The La Trobe Policy Library has a dedicated Search Engine. Use it to search for documents related to your area of interest. You can search by topic (management area), keywordspartial titles and even do full text searches.

New Enterprise Agreement Policy Updates

We are in the process of updating staff policies to reflect the new Enterprise Agreement which came into effect 8 January 2024. A phased approach to updating policies is underway. This means some policies are yet to be updated.

You can view the new EA here or lodge an Ask HR ticket if you have any questions

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  • La Trobe University Commercial Activities GuidelinesThe guidelines concerning Commercial Activities are made in accordance with Part 6 Division 6 of the La Trobe University Act 2009 and approved by the Minister. The guidelines provide a set of principles and outline the process for the development and conduct of commercial activities of the University, in order to maximise the benefits and to minimise the risks to the University of undertaking such activities.
  • Leave Entitlements PolicyThis policy and procedure outlines the University's commitment to providing staff with a variety of leave arrangements to balance work with rest, recreation and family responsibilities in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement.
  • Legal Advice PolicyThis policy outlines the role of Legal Services and the General Counsel in providing legal advice and related services to the University.
  • Library and Digital Learning Resources PolicyThis Policy outlines La Trobe University’s approach to the provision of library and digital learning resources