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New Enterprise Agreement Policy Updates
We are in the process of updating staff policies to reflect the new Enterprise Agreement which came into effect 8 January 2024. A phased approach to updating policies is underway. This means some policies are yet to be updated.
You can view the new EA here or lodge an Ask HR ticket if you have any questions
- Child Safety and Wellbeing PolicyThis Policy and Procedure outlines the University's commitment to the protection and wellbeing of children in accordance with the Child Safe Standards.
- Child Safety Code of ConductThe Child Safety Code of Conduct outlines the child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of children.
- Code of ConductThis is the Code of Conduct.
- Commemorative Plaques PolicyThis policy and procedure outlines the process to establish a commemorative plaque in honour of former staff members, alumni or friends of La Trobe.
- Company Directors and Officers PolicyThis policy deals with the nomination, remuneration and indemnification of individuals as company directors and officers on behalf of the University.
- Complex Conduct Assessment and Management PolicyThis policy outlines the process for assessing and managing complex student conduct and potential behavioral threats.
- Compliance Management PolicyThis policy and procedure outlines the University's commitment to promote and facilitate excellence in governance and continuing improvement in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
- Confirmation of Identity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Staff PolicyThis policy sets out the evidentiary requirements that a staff member must provide to confirm that they are an Indigenous Australian person. Confirmation of Identity is undertaken for accessing specific Indigenous Australian programs, services, entitlements and/or applying for identified positions.
- Conflict of Interest PolicyThis Policy and its procedures outline the principles applying to actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest and also the process for declaring an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest.
- Conflict of Interest Procedure - Staff Authored TextsThis Procedure is intended to support academic staff and Colleges in decision-making where a perceived or actual conflict of interest in the use of staff-authored texts may reasonably be anticipated.
- Conscientous Objections PolicyThis policy and procedure is an expression of the University's intention to value the diversity of the ethics, culture and religions of the members of its community and recognises that some students may have conscientious beliefs that conflict with University requirements.
- Contracts PolicyThis Policy sets out the principles applicable to all contracting at La Trobe University.
- Corporate Credit Card PolicyThis policy and procedure outlines the issuing and use of a University Corporate Credit Card.
- Course and Subject Management PolicyThis Policy provides a framework for the approval, monitoring and improvement of the University's courses, including their component parts - subjects, majors, minors.
- Course and Subject Management Procedure - ApprovalsThis Procedure sets out the key requirements for the approval of courses and subjects.
- Course and Subject Management Procedure - Monitoring and ReviewThis Procedure outlines the monitoring and review activities undertaken by the University to assure and maintain the academic quality of its subjects and courses.
- Course Design Guidelines - Subject RulesThis policy and procedure establishes provisions for required an banned combinations of subjects and for subjects with quotas.
- Course Design PolicyThis policy provides the overarching principles by which the University’s Undergraduate and Postgraduate coursework programs are designed and delivered.
- Course Design Procedure - Graduate CapabilitiesThis procedure outlines the graduate capabilities which are integrated into courses.
- Course Design Procedure - Teaching Staff QualificationsThis Policy provides the framework by which the University assesses the comparability of professional experience with academic qualifications for teaching staff, where the incumbent or applicant does not possess the usual minimum qualification as defined in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015.
- Course Design Standards - Subject Minimum Online RequirementsThis is the Course Design Guidelines - Subject Minimum Online Requirements.
- Critical Incident and Business Continuity Management PolicyThis policy and procedure details the framework for the critical incident response and disruption management planning and process requirements for the University.