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New Enterprise Agreement Policy Updates
We are in the process of updating staff policies to reflect the new Enterprise Agreement which came into effect 8 January 2024. A phased approach to updating policies is underway. This means some policies are yet to be updated.
You can view the new EA here or lodge an Ask HR ticket if you have any questions
- Secondment ProcedureThis procedure governs the arrangements for secondments within the University and also between the University and other institutions or organisations.
- Selection Committee PolicyThis policy outlines the requirements, roles and responsibilities of staff nominated to Selection Committees of the University.
- Sexual Harm Prevention and Response PolicyThis Policy and Procedure informs the University's response to reports of sexual assault perpetrated by or against students and staff.
- Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Procedure - DFAT Funded Programs and ActivitiesThis Procedure outlines the University's commitment to minimising harm and managing the risk of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and the compliance obligations prescribed by DFAT.
- Short Courses PolicyThis Policy provides a framework for the the development, approval and management of short courses offered by the University, in accordance with the University’s strategy and external requirements such as the Higher Education Standards Framework (2021) and the National Microcredentials Framework (NMF).
- Space Allocation and Use PolicyThis policy and procedure outlines the principles and requirements for the management of space planning.
- SPAM PolicyThis policy outlines the permissions and prohibitions of sending unsolicited commercial electronic messages under the SPAM Act 2003.
- Student Academic Misconduct PolicyThis policy and procedure puts into effect the Academic Integrity Statute 2015. The policy and procedure also reflects the University's intent to promote academic integrity among staff and students and to detect and manage academic misconduct.
- Student Behaviours PolicyThis policy specifically covers related unacceptable behaviours such as discrimination, harassment, bullying, violence, vilification and victimisation which may occur in person or via remote, digital or cyber means.
- Student CharterThis Charter outlines student rights and responsibilities and recognises that higher education is a partnership between the University and its students, based upon principles of cooperation and development.
- Student Communications PolicyThis policy and procedure sets out the conditions under which the University community will communicate with students.
- Student Complaints Management PolicyThis policy and procedure explains the complaint management system of the University for students.
- Student Conduct Management PolicyThis Policy outlines the process by which student behavior issues will be managed by the University.
- Student Fee PolicyThis policy outlines the arrangements for the setting , review, payment and refund of fees and charges levied on students for their enrolment in courses and subjects at La Trobe University.
- Student Fee Procedure - International Students RefundThis procedure outlines the arrangements for the refund of fees and charges on international students for their acceptances and enrolments in courses and subjects at La Trobe University.
- Student Fee Procedure - Remission of DebtThis policy and procedure establishes the framework within which the University receives, reviews and responds to applications for remission of debt for domestci Commonwealth Supported students and upfront fee -paying students including international students.
- Student Mobility Grant PolicyThis policy outlines the basis on which La Trobe University students may receive University funding for international mobility programs.
- Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) PolicyThis policy and procedure outlines the government provisions to help the University to fund student amenities and services not of an academic nature.
- Student Support PolicyThis Policy provides an overarching framework for the governance and provision of academic and non-academic support services for students at La Trobe University.
- Student Transition Experience PolicyThis policy contributes to improving the overall engagement, retention, satisfaction, learning and success of first-year students.
- Student Transition Experience Procedure - Coursework StudentsThis document outlines the University's commitment to supporting the effective transition into higher education for all students.